Lion's Roar
Pride Elementary February 13, 2025
February 5 - Quarter 2 Report Cards may be accessed via ParentVUE
February 13 - Parent Conference Night
February 14 - Florida State Fair Day - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
February 17-21 - KINDNESS WEEK (see flyer below)
February 19 - Bicycle Helmet Giveaway (see flyer below)
February 21 - FINAL FOUR MYON READING CHALLENGE BEGINS (see flyer below)
February 22 - PTA Color Run - Race Begins at 10:00 a.m. (see flyer below)
February 25 - Spring Portraits (Uniforms Optional)
February 26 - Ready for Kindergarten parent meeting for incoming K students- 8:30 a.m.
February 28 - PBIS Yard Games
March 7 - Mother/Son Dodge Ball Tournament (see flyer below)
March 17-20 - Spring Break (No School)
THE HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY SCHOOLS UPDATED STUDENT CALENDAR IS ATTACHED BELOW (with changes due to school closures for Hurricanes Helene and Milton).
Message from our Principal & Assistant Principal
Dear Pride Elementary Families,
February is a SWEET month at Pride Elementary! Our Daddy/Daughter Dance last Friday was a wonderful event enjoyed by all, and our students had so much fun exchanging valentines this week. Now, we are excited to kick off Kindness Week next week! Please take a moment to review our Kindness Week flyer and encourage your child to participate. Our goal is for every student to be "someone who makes everyone feel like a somebody!"
We also want to remind families about the importance of internet safety. Please visit the HCPS website to review important information regarding safe social media and internet use. Keeping the lines of communication open and staying informed about your child's online interactions is essential. You can find valuable resources, safety tips, and key information in the Online Safety section of the website:
🔗 Internet Safety / Overview (hillsboroughschools.org)
Thank you for your continued support of your children, their teachers, and our entire school community. We appreciate all that you do!
With gratitude,
Mrs. English, Principal
Mrs. Moncrief, Assistant Principal
PLEASE JOIN US ON Wednesday, FEBRUARY 26th at 8:30 a.m.
Parents of children entering kindergarten in August (must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025) are invited to attend this informational meeting and tour our school! For more information on enrolling your child and school readiness visit the link below.
Early Childhood Programs and Kindergarten / Kindergarten (hillsboroughschools.org)
- For the safety of students and families, please DO NOT use cell phones in the car line!
- When picking up in the carline, please have your QR pick-up code ready to be scanned and keep your numbered car tag hanging on your rear-view mirror until your child is in your car. Please stay in the center of the drop off/pick up lane near the cafeteria, far to the left of the yellow line and AWAY from the orange safety cones. DO NOT PULL AWAY FROM THE CURB UNTIL THE SAFETY PATROL HAS CLOSED THE DOOR AND STEPPED AWAY FROM THE VEHICLE and do not pull around cars in the line that are still loading.
- Review safe walker/pedestrian and bike rider laws/rules/procedures with your children.
- Bike riders are required to wear helmets.
- Follow all traffic laws/rules and drive cautiously through school zones and in the neighborhood.
- Please do not drop students off in surrounding streets or park/drop students off in surrounding neighborhoods such as Stone Creek Townhomes.
- HOST students should not be picked up until 2:30 or later (after car line pickup is finished).
- You may reference our Quick Reference Guide for Parents (included in first day folders and on our website) for important information including detailed drop off and pick up procedures. Quick Reference Guide for Parents 2024.2025.pdf (hillsboroughschools.org)
Our Of Field Teachers Notification
Please click on the attachment below to see a list of our teachers who are working on additional certifications and currently teaching subjects out of field.
Philanthropic BOOK DRIVE
HELMET GIVEAWAY- Students must preregister and a parent must be present!
SEND NO MONEY TODAY! A proof or portrait package will be sent home from the school with information on how to order. (Allow 3-4 weeks).
PICTURE DAY ATTIRE Choose colors that compliment your child. Solid colors and small patterns work best. Avoid clothing with large images and logos. (Students are not required to wear uniforms for Spring picture day. )
Mindset of the Month
Attitude of Gratitude
Focusing Students on the Positive
The Attitude of Gratitude Mindset teaches us the importance of seeking the positives from every experience and being thankful for all that we have. Through this mindset, we learn that we can use the positives or the negatives of our lives as the foundation on which to build. Choose the positives, and we are on our way toward extraordinary success; choose the negatives, and we embark on path toward disappointment, resentment, and suffering. In these lessons, we guide students to focus on all the things they have, leaving no time to be distracted by what they don’t.
Click on the link below to read about how parents can encourage this mindset.
Our 3rd grade students created Iris Scott inspired dogs in art class by adding paint splashes like she does!
Ms. McKernan's first graders fixed broken hearts by matching numbers to their picture forms.
Please visit Givebacks to order spirit shirts, purchase yearbooks, purchase birthday marquee messages, make donations, and join our PTA.
We need volunteers to help in the cafeteria during lunch on a daily basis between 10:00 and 1:30. Ideally, we would like to have recurring volunteers, but any time you can help would be greatly appreciated! The role involves monitoring student behavior, assisting students with opening food items, escorting students to the bathroom or health clinic, helping with spills, etc.. Parents must have an approved volunteer application on file in order to volunteer. Please click on the link below to sign up!
Pride Elementary: Lunchroom Support Volunteers (signupgenius.com)
Every Day Matters!
Every day matters when it comes to attendance! There is a strong link between regular attendance and academic success. Research indicates that missing 10% of the school year, which is 2 days a month, negatively affects a student’s academic performance. Compared to students who are chronically absent, students who attend school regularly have greater success in all grade levels. Elementary school students who regularly attend class are 1.7 times more likely to achieve grade-level scores in English Language Arts and 2 times more likely to achieve grade-level scores in Math. Chronic absenteeism (10% or more of school days) leads to students struggling to read proficiently. Please note that absences for vacations and family visits are considered unexcused absences. Whenever possible, please try to schedule these activities for when school is not in session. Teachers are happy to provide students with suggestions for making up missed assignments but cannot replicate all of the learning that takes place in the classroom.
About Us
Email: Pride.Elementary@hcps.net
Website: hillsboroughschools.org/pride
Location: 10310 Lion's Den Drive, Tampa, FL, USA
Phone: 813-558-5400
Facebook: facebook.com/PrideElem