Carl L. Dixson Primary School
September 2024 Newsletter
We welcomed our district’s youngest learners and their families to Dixson on September 3rd!
Parents/Guardians met with staff and visited classrooms at our Back to School Night on September 17th.
We welcomed the families of our English Language Learners and explained programming and placement at our ENL Parent's Night on September 17th.
Parents and guardians were invited to Bring Your Child to School Day on September 19th!
Start with Hello week began on September 23rd! In how many different ways can you say "hello"?
Kindergarten Updates
We learned the following topics in the month of September:
Phonics: We completed several different activities using our names. We learned the names of the writing lines (skyline - plane line - grass line - worm line), and explored letters Bb, Tt, Dd. We identified and named letters, sounds and objects with that beginning sound. We learned how to write the letters using the Fundations form. We've learned the words: I, see, a, like, my.
ELA: We learned how to make an All Star paper using crayons, pencils, scissors and glue. We have been listening to Read Alouds and used our All Star skills to draw and label a detailed picture.
Math: We have been exploring math in our world by counting, sorting and making patterns. We will begin to focus on counting and identifying numbers 1-5.
Social Studies: We spent the month reviewing school expectations and routines. We also learned about different ways to say hello using our bodies, different languages and variations in our own language during “Say Hello Week”.
Science: We began the year talking about what a scientist is and the tools they use. We explored different tools in and out of the classroom.
1st Grade Updates
ELA: First Graders have been actively engaged in classroom read alouds and discussions. They are building stamina as independent readers and writers. Students have been reading and writing words with different word families, such as: at, am, and, ed, en and et. During writing, first graders have become cartographers as they have been drawing and labeling maps of their homes, classrooms, and neighborhoods.
Math: All first graders have had a chance to share, explore, and practice their math super powers. Students discussed how they see math in their everyday world and how they think about math. We have now begun noticing number patterns to 120.
Science: In October, our first grade scientists will have a lot of time to observe and investigate shadows. We will discuss how shadows change shape and location depending on the position of the light source.
Social Studies: Students are learning all about who is who in the Dixson School Community and how they are important members of our classroom community as well as their roles and responsibilities.Special Classes
Art with Ms. Sanft
- Students are learning about the routines in the Art room.
- We are working on projects that are rich in vocabulary, observation, sequence of steps, and decision making!
- Kindergarten students have been learning about shapes and putting that knowledge to use while we create our Fall apple pictures.
- 1st graders are looking at, and drawing, leaves with veins. They are creating a mixed media leaf project.
It is a pleasure to see them so excited about making Art!!
STREAM with Mrs. Hopper
Welcome to a new school year! Students are learning the routines and expectations of the STREAM classroom. Students are practicing important learner characteristics, such as teamwork, growth mindset, sharing, and turn-taking that will help us as the year progresses. Students are exploring many different materials to discover how they work and what they can build with them. Each class period presents a fun and engaging new hands-on activity for students to learn through investigation, observation, and imagination!
Music with Mr. Funke
Physical Education with Mr. Tiernan
Welcome back! Students have been highly engaged and active in physical education. Our current unit is Training Camp. Students are learning a variety of different motor skills through participation in our Training Camp games including skipping, jumping, hopping, galloping, and running. Our next Fitness Friday is on October 25th. Parents are invited to participate! The theme is Autumn Relays!
Fitness Friday
From the Academic Intervention Service Team
Nurse Notes
Please contact Nurse Carlee if your child is going to be absent.
Provide the REASON (“... is absent due to”)
Phone: 914-592-1063
Email ccharles@eufsd.org
Immunizations and annual physicals are required by law. Please provide updated information to the school nurse
Vision and hearing screening test will be done on all students in the upcoming months
If your child needs to take medication during school hours, please contact the school nurse
48 hours notice must be given to the classroom teacher prior to any food being brought into the classroom
We are an Allergy Aware School, NOT an Allergen Free school
Students should not share food
Please try to avoid sending peanut and tree nut foods/snacks to school
Do not send birthday party snacks which may contain nuts. The nurse must approve all food that is being shared with students. If you have any questions about a snack, please contact the Nurse.
Students go outside during recess daily as long as the temperature is above 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Please send your child with safe shoes for play (no open toe or open back shoes please). Also, provide clothing that properly accompanies the weather outside.
Important Safety and Security Reminders
To ensure the safety of all our students, we have the following policies in place:
Send a note in your child’s folder
Send a message through TalkingPoints to the SCHOOL ADMIN account named Carl L. Dixson Primary School
For early pickups, please ensure your child is picked up no later than:
2:35 PM on Mondays
3:00 PM on Tuesdays through Fridays
The afternoon is a busy time as we transition students for dismissal, so we kindly ask that you plan accordingly. These procedures are in place to make sure all students are safe.
- Please do NOT hold the door open for others looking to enter the building, including other parents/guardians. Each person must ring the bell and be approved by the main office staff prior to entering the building.
All visitors must present an identification card in order to obtain a visitor's pass.
Students arriving late or leaving early must be signed in/out from the Main Office.
Remember to bring your identification card when picking up your child.
Please do not park or walk through the staff parking lot as it is an active lot.
The playground is strictly for school use until after dismissal.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
October 3 - Schools Closed
October 4 - Schools Closed
October 9 - Fire Safety Presentation
October 11 - Silly Sock Day
October 11 - Early Dismissal Drill (Dismissal at 3:05)
October 14 - Schools Closed
October 16 - Board of Education Meeting
October 18 - Picture Day
October 21 - Start of Kindness Week
October 23 - Anti Bully Day
October 23 - ApplePalooza
October 25 - Fitness Friday
October 31 - Halloween Parade/Fall Festivities
Contact Us
Samone Grixti
Helen Pacheco
School Secretary
Carlee Charles
District Website: https://www.eufsd.org/
School Website: https://www.eufsd.org/Domain/10