September 2024 Newsletter
Donald H. Eichhorn Middle School
Important Dates
Please note the following important dates in September and early October:
- Monday, September 2: Labor Day holiday - no school
- Wednesday, September 4 @ 6:30 PM: 7th/8th Grade Back to School Night
- Friday, September 20 (7 PM - 9 PM): Student Council Dance/Fun Night
- Tuesday, October 7 - Friday, October 11: Book Fair at DHEMS
Welcome Back to School!
The DHEMS team is excited to welcome our students back! Our first few days back have come with many mixed emotions, but our students are doing great. In classrooms, teachers and students engaged in activities to get to know one another. Key routines were introduced and practiced. There were plenty of smiles as everyone got acquainted throughout DHEMS!
Our students were also introduced to our positive behavior support program, where they learned about school-wide expectations for various settings such as classrooms, the cafeteria, the bus, and hallways. They now understand how to be Respectful, Accountable, Prepared, and Safe (RAPS) in all areas of our school. To celebrate their hard work, we wrapped up the week with a fun-filled event. Students and staff participated in some lively games that were a bit wild! A big thank you to everyone who took part!
Mr. Haussener, Mrs. Havill, Mrs. Smith's 6th grade ELA classes received a tour of the library from Mrs. Pauling.
Mrs. Walter's 7th grade social studies classes enjoyed an ice-breaker using Skittles.
Mr. Morgan's Dragon TV crew has been working hard and had their first morning news shows this week!
The 7th grade class was pumped up and cheering their classmates on!
Tough competition in the "Cookie Face" event this year!
Activity Fee Reminder
Annual Student Updates
Attendance Procedures
Canvas Parent Access
Children's Health Insurance Program
Please see the attached flyer for information on CHIP.
Dance/Fun Night Information
Our first DHEMS Dance/Fun Night will be held on Friday, September 20 from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM. There is a $3 entrance fee, and students may also bring money for snacks and drinks. Parents, please help us promote a safe and enjoyable environment by reviewing the following information with your child:
- Students should arrive no earlier than 6:55 PM, and be picked up promptly at 9:00 PM. Please arrange with your child where you will be picking them up. This helps avoid confusion and helps our chaperones to get home at a decent time!
- Students must remain inside for the entirety of the dance. Students are not permitted to leave the dance early.
- Our cell phone policy is in effect during the dance. Students' cell phones should be turned off and are not permitted to be used during the dance.
- Students should not bring backpacks or bags to the dance.
Tentative dates for our future dances are as follows:
- Friday, December 6
- February dance hosted by PSA (date to be announced)
- Friday, April 11
Ensemble Information
Our students were given the opportunity to sign up for our three ensembles - band, chorus, and orchestra - last week. As a reminder, ensembles are graded courses at the middle school. Students may add or drop ensembles until the end of the third cycle (Tuesday, September 17). After this, the next add/drop period will not be until the end of the second marking period. If your child wants to join or drop their ensemble, please email our school counselors or have the student speak to the counselors. Students will not be permitted to add or drop after September 17. For more information on ensembles, please refer to the DHEMS student handbook.
Medication Reminder
If your child has a severe allergy requiring the use of an antihistamine and/or epipen, has asthma and needs to use an inhaler at school, or needs to take a prescribed medication during the school day, please contact Mrs. Smouse at smouse_h@dragon.k12.pa.us with any questions/concerns and to get the paperwork and medications turned in. All prescribed medications need to be brought in original containers by a parent/guardian. Students cannot bring medications to school.
New Faces at DHEMS
- Kaileigh Duttry: Office Clerical Aide
- Kate Hess: Food Service
- Mary Jo Heyman: Certified Instructional Aide
- Miya Lucero: Personal Care Aide
- Anna Neuhard: ELA Teacher
- Briana Olszewski: Autistic Support Teacher
- Elise Snyder: Gifted Education Teacher
DHEMS is participating in the Weis4School program, where you can earn money for DHEMS simply by linking your club card to the middle school. Please click here and follow the steps to link your club card to DHEMS. Please note: we are listed as D H Eichhorn Middle School (we will not show up if you search Donald...). You can also type 87592 and DHEMS will show up as an option. Thank you for your support!
Previous Newsletters
Click here to access previous newsletters:
Donald H. Eichhorn Middle School
Website: dhems.lasd.us
Location: 2057 Washington Avenue, Lewisburg, PA, USA
Phone: 570-522-3213
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DonaldEichhornMS/