Gamma Eta Chapter Newsletter
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Epsilon State || Southeast District
Volume 24 Number 5, January 26, 2018
DELTA KAPPA GAMMA promotes professional and personal growth
of women educators and excellence in education.
Barbara Verdin || Editor ||
From the President: F. Margret Atkinson
Reasons for us to celebrate:
We are continuing to lead, both in DKG and in our professional endeavors.
-Aimee' has continued to lead her students with potential grants
-Mary Jane and Renee have worked so hard to plan Epsilon state's convention
Continued two-pronged vision:
1. Shifting our technological paradigm:
Using Flipgrid can continue to connect us. We just need to make sure we are all talking!
2. Building membership by working towards a balance of commitment to engaging community building:
With this new year upon us, we need to ensure that we have a vision for giving back to our community and then follow through with that vision.
Thank you for going on this journey with me as we continue to grow and seek excellence in education.
As always, I appreciate dialogue and welcome a conversation, so don't hesitate to email me at
With much love,
One of our chapter's goals this year is to continue to have professional, informative, and interesting programs with special emphasis on the DKG Seven Purposes.
Please read them prior to each meeting and be prepared for a fun time studying our purposes. And don't forget, they can also be found on our website!
To unite women educators of the world in a genuine spiritual fellowship.
To honor women who have given or who evidence a potential for distinctive service in any field of education.
To advance the professional interest and position of women in education.
To initiate, endorse, and support desirable legislation or other suitable endeavors in the interests of education and of women educators.
To endow scholarships to aid outstanding women educators in pursuing graduate study and to grant fellowships to non-member women educators.
To stimulate the personal and professional growth of members and to encourage their participation in appropriate programs of action.
To inform the members of current economic, social, political, and education issues so that they may participate effectively in a world society.
Epsilon State Officers
Kathye Blackburn-President || Sandra Pruitt-1st Vice President
Gwen Traylor-2nd Vice President || Mitzi Quinn-Recording Secretary
Susan Crooks-Parliamentary Advisor || Linda Ruth Jackson-Treasurer
Wanda Lemoine-Deltion Editor || Lori Myers-Executive Secretary
Kudos to Joyce Landry, Southeast District Director. She is so professional in her leadership role.
First Vice President: Debbie Usie
Greetings, Gamma Eta Sisters!
Get ready for the 2018 Epsilon State Convention to be held in Baton Rouge
March 16-18! Save the date, and put it on your calendar ASAP. If you have not already done so. But first, come Hear Mary Jane Clark and Renee Siccone at our February meeting as this year's convention Co-Chair bring us all up-to-speed on the plans they have been working on for months. We are so proud of their efforts and kn ow they will need our help to serve as their "worker bees" to ensure that all runs smoothly.
Add Tuesday, February 20 (that's 2018!) to your calendars as well when we meet at Walk-On's Bistreaux in Towne Center from 5:30-8:00 p.m. Renee will also bring legislative updates to keep us well-informed on the latest education news from the capitol.
See you soon!
If you have any questions, you can contact me at
Second Vice President: Linda Landry
New members bring new ideas and excitement. Just as important is current members being active members. We are a Gold Key Chapter because of the hard work and dedication of many of our members. In order to remain on top it is imperative that all members play a role to help us continue being a successful chapter.
Contact me at
Treasurer: Laura Grubb
I enjoy serving you as treasurer, and I can always be reached at lmgrubb14@gmail.comI
I cannot wait to update you on our budget at our February meeting.
Laura Grubb
(225) 978-2312
Secretary: Katie Ferguson
Thank you to the members who emailed me with recent health and well-being updates on members. It is a great help to me.
Peace & Blessings,
Katie Ferguson, Secretary
Editor's Edicts: Barbara Verdin
I have started reading the book New Ways to Engage Parents by Patricia Edwards I must confess it is slow reading, and her writing style is different. The review will be forthcoming in a future newsletter.
Please keep sharing your ideas and thoughts. Putting them in action also contributes to our success as a chapter.
I can always be reached at
You need to be an active member. Apply now.
Parliamentary Possibilities-Barbara
Parliamentary Definitions:
1. Putting the question-Putting a motion to a vote.
2. Ad Hoc-Latin meaning "for this purpose only." Usually associated with committees.
3. Refer-To send a motion to a committee.
4. Viva Voce-Latin which means "with the living voice. Refers to a vote taken by voice.