November 2024

Monday, November 13th is World Kindness Day! We work hard to promote kindness every day at Siple. We will recognize World Kindness Day by dressing in our Davison colors, maroon and gold, to promote unity and kindness in our school.
Parents often ask me how they can help teach their children about kindness. My favorite recommendation is for parents to model it in words and action. Your children are learning from everything you say and do. They watch you interact with others. They listen to you speak to and about others. If you were to replay your conversations and watch them would you see kindness, compassion and empathy? Then that's what your children are seeing and learning from you. They are sponges and soak up everything they are exposed to. Thank you for being incredible role models. When we all choose kindness, we help make our school, community, and the world a better, kinder place for everyone!
As we move toward Thanksgiving, I want to express my gratitude to all Siple families. I appreciate your partnership and support. It is my honor to work with you and I want to thank you for partnering with the Siple staff to make this year successful for each and every Siple STAR!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Christy Flowers, Principal
Honoring Veterans Day
The veterans and additional presenters do an outstanding job. We are excited to have these outstanding guest presenters coming to visit our 4th graders on Tuesday, November 12th in honor of Veteran's Day.
Watch DOGS Kick-Off Event
Words Matter
In honor of World Kindness Day, we invite parents to help us by talking with your child about using only kind words to other people and to never make threats. You are your child's first and most important teacher and we appreciate your partnership.
Thank You for Supporting the Siple PTO
1st Place Individual: Braislynn Tallman
2nd Place Individual: Jack Kelly
3rd Place Individual: Maverick Collard
Top Class: Mrs. Bradburn's kindergarten class
Each month classroom teachers will nominate one student from their class to be entered into the grade level drawing for the STAR of the MONTH for that grade. Each grade level STAR of the Month will receive a certificate, medal, and their photo will be on display in the hallway during that month.
We are pleased to recognize students for consistently demonstrating excellent behavior. Thank you for sharing your outstanding children with us. I am please to announce our STARs of the Month for October are:
Kindergarten: Carter Green, Asha Hiliker, Serenity Barrett, and Scarlett Deneen
1st grade: Grant Buhl, Logan Shurtz, and Caleb Weckesser
2nd grade: Jack Kelly, Ansen Schultz, D'Myhia Jones, and Everleigh Perillo
3rd grade: Kinsley Andrews and Adyson Fenner
4th grade: Elayna Rider, Gabriella Buhl, and Gavyn Cook
Congratulations to these outstanding young learners!
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program at Siple
I am pleased to share that Siple Elementary was selected to participate in a grant funded Fresh Fruit and Vegetable snack program. Two times a week our amazing kitchen staff prepares fresh fruit or vegtables for the students to enjoy as an afternoon snack. I am sharing a letter below to parents from our Food Services Director, Jennifer Lutze, regarding the program.
World Kindness Day 2024
World Kindness Day is a global day that promotes the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself, and to the world. The purpose of this day, celebrated on November 13th of each year, is to help everyone understand that compassion for others is what binds us all together. This understanding has the power to bridge the gap between nations.
Ideas and Simple Ways to be Kind
Being kind doesn’t need to look or be extravagant. Sometimes the simplest things make the most significant difference! Here are a few simple ideas and ways to be helpful on World Kindness Day in the workplace, at school, with your loved ones, or even while out running errands. Look for opportunities while you go through your day to infuse kindness into someone’s day. It’ll change their day and yours for the better!
Smile when you walk by others
Write positive messages on post-it notes and leave them for people to find
Call a relative you haven’t spoken to in a while
Tidy up around your house
Pick up trash you see on the ground outside and throw it in a garbage can
Hold the door open for someone
Chat with a stranger and ask them about their day
Pay for a stranger’s coffee or meal
Compliment someone
Send a positive or encouraging text to five people in your contacts
Surprise someone with flowers
Tell a family member or friend you love them
Write a note on the receipt at a restaurant for your server
Offer to help with someone’s errands
Give a surprise gift to someone you care about
Send a kind card or note to a friend
Surprise co-workers with home-baked cookies or treats
Spend less time on your phone and more time with people you care about
Organize a workplace giving campaign
Offer a classmate help with homework
Talk to someone new
Practice gratitude
Give someone a hug
Get creative and make your list of kind acts for World Kindness Day!
Mrs. Liley, Counselor
During Intersession, PTO officers Shiela Colley, Kari Klingensmith, and Andrea Johnston were busy improving our playground track. They used stencils to add games and activities for students to use during recess. It took several days, but the results are amazing! Thank you ladies! You can see the results in the video below.
The best way to stay informed is to connect with the PTO on their Facebook page. They are listed as Siple Elementary PTO. Our next meeting is Tuesday, November 12th at 4:00 p.m. in the Media Center. If you are able to join us please enter through the Media Center entrance, door #8. We hope to see you there!
Attention Military Families
This information is voluntary, but could be a great resource for your family.
Please contact Runisha Conway at Siple Elementary to register your family at 810-591-5104.
We Are Hiring
We are interested in hiring additional Playground Monitors and Title I paraprofessionals at Siple Elementary. Playground Monitors work 10:30 - 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday when school is in session. Playground Monitors have an excellent opportunity to be a positive influence in the lives of children. If you are interested in applying to be a Playground Monitor you can apply online at www.gecs-inc.org. Please call the office at 810-591-5104 to let the office staff know you have completed an application.
Title I Paraprofessionals work with students to provide additional support to increase student achievement. Paraprofessionals are required to have some college credit or pass a test to be eligible for employment. If you are interested in becoming a paraprofessional you can apply online at through Applitrack. Also, please be aware that part of the hiring process for both positions is a complete background check and fingerprinting. If you have any questions please feel welcome to call us.
November 4: No School-Teacher Work Day
November 5: Election Day
November 6: Report Cards emailed home
November 11: Veteran's Day
November 12: 4th Grade Assembly: Veteran's Flag Presentation
PTO Mtg.: 4:00 p.m. Media Center
November 13: Early Release Day: Dismissal 1:30 p.m.
World Kindness Day
Wear Siple Shirts or Maroon and Gold to show your school spirit!
November 14: Dads and Kids Pizza Night (see information above)
November 22: Popcorn Friday
November 28: No School: Happy Thanksgiving!
November 29: No School: Happy Shopping!
Siple Elementary
9286 E. Coldwater Road
Davison, MI 48423
Christy Flowers, Principal
Office Phone: 810-591-5104
Office Fax: 810-591-5102
Attendance: 810-591-5100