JMMS Updates
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
As we approach our first day of school on August 20th, please be sure to also check our website for information and new announcements as well. We are excited to get back to work with our awesome students!
6th Grade/New Student Orientation is coming up on August 14th. This fun event is actually a scavenger hunt that helps students new to JMMS learn about the building. Families with last names A-L should come between 6:00pm and 7:00pm. Families with last names M-Z should come between 7:00pm and 8:00pm.
Mark Your Calendars!
7th and 8th Grade Open House will take place on Wednesday August 21, 2024 from 6-8pm. Please park on the west side of the building and enter through door 5W. Families of students with last names beginning with A-L should come between 6-7pm. Families of students with last names beginning M-Z should come between 7-8pm.
Students will receive their ID badges on the first day of school, and they must be worn throughout the day, every day. Thank you for your help reinforcing this practice from home!
Cell phones are not to be used throughout the day at school. Please help ensure a positive environment by having a conversation with your child about not using their cell phone during the school day. Thank you for your help with this!
Also, please be sure to charge up the Chromebook on August 19th in preparation for the first day of school on the 20th.
Important Student Drop-Off Information
Parents who are dropping students off at JMMS, please make note of the traffic pattern at the middle school.
- Families coming from the West side of the school on Mudbrook will enter through the Sauder elementary parking lot. Cars will progress through the loop, pull up as far as you can in the drop off zone, drop off from the right side of the vehicle only onto the sidewalk, and then exit out of the Sauder entrance using a right-hand turn only.
- Families coming from the East side of the school from Wales will enter through the entrance by the bus garage. Cars will progress through the loop, drop off from the right side of the vehicle only onto the sidewalk, and then exit out of the parking lot using a left hand turn only.
Students may be dropped off at JMMS starting at 7:15am. Students will enter through either Door 5W or Door 21E and progress to the Gold Gym. Students eating breakfast may go to the cafeteria during that time.
As always, if anyone has questions or concerns, please reach out to us via email or phone.
Home Access Center and Schedules
Schedules for JMMS will go live on Home Access Center on August 12th at approximately 4pm. If you have difficulty accessing, please let us know.
6th grade families, you will be able to access your child's schedule through the parent login to Home Access Center. If you have any difficulties obtaining your child's schedule, no worries! We'll have a schedule for you at our orientation/scavenger hunt on August 14th. Your child will also receive a schedule in their first period class on August 20th.
Lockers, Book Bags, and Changing for PE
Students are permitted to utilize full size book bags throughout the school day. Please keep in mind that book bags should be a reasonable size as students will only need their chromebooks, paper, pencils, etc. Students will not need oversized back packs.
Students will be issued lockers for the hallway but not in Physical Education classes. Instruments will be kept in Band Storage as usual. Students will have access to their hallway lockers before and after school to stow coats, hats, gloves, etc.
Students will not have to change clothes for PE classes. Students should plan accordingly when planning outfits for PE days.
New medication forms for prescription medication for the 24-25 school year are located on the Jackson Local Schools website under “Forms”. All medication that will be given at school MUST have a new prescription form completed by your child’s physician at the beginning of each school year.
If your child has a health plan for a medical condition, please call Nurse Wendy to discuss any changes to their medical plan. We also will need new documentation from your child's physician at the beginning of the school year.
Below is a link attached to access to a blank care plan and/or medication administration forms that need to be signed by you and your child's physician if medication will be taken at school next year.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding medication pick up or medication for next school year, please contact the school at 330-830-8034
Immunization Requirements for Students Entering 7th Grade
Ohio State Law (ORC 3313.671) requires all children to be properly immunized against childhood diseases for them to attend school. Children ages 11-18 are required to have the Tdap and Meningitis vaccines.
If your child has received the required vaccinations, and you have not submitted the vaccine record, please do so at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year. If your child has not received the required vaccines, please call your child’s physician or the local Health Department to schedule.
Please send a copy of your child’s updated vaccine record with the required vaccines at the start of the 2024-2025 school year. For your convenience you may send an electronic copy to the school nurse at
The Jackson Local School District has a page on the District's Website where information related to student enrichment opportunities (academics, arts, athletics) can be found. The website can be found by clicking on the link button below.
The materials provided herein are solely for informational purposes and do not constitute an endorsement by the Jackson Local School District of any individuals or organizations involved nor of the messages conveyed within these materials. Absent a specific and express statement to the contrary, please be advised that the activities promoted by these materials do not have an affiliation with, nor are they sponsored or endorsed by, the Jackson Local School District.
Parents And Teachers Together (PATT)
P.A.T.T represents Parents and Teachers Together! One of our goals as the Parent Group is to create fun activities for the students, while showing our support to the teachers and staff. Various events throughout the school year are put on by the P.A.T.T. Another goal that we have is to raise funds for J.M.M.S, to allow for upgrades around the school!
Did you know that JMMS is a Purple Star school?
Purple Star Schools is a program that supports military-connected children as they relocate to new schools due to a parent’s change in duty station.
Military children move every two to three years. The Purple Star School program is designed to help schools respond to the educational and social-emotional challenges military-connected children face during their transition to a new school and keep them on track to be college, workforce, and life-ready. Military-connected refers to children of service members on active duty, and in the National Guard and Reserves.
Any military family is eligible regardless of rank.
Veteran's children & families are eligible 12 mos. past date of separation.
Any branch and component is welcome.
Gold Star Families are eligible.
Principal at Jackson Memorial Middle School