The Patriot Press
Volume 10: November 11, 2024
CCA motto: To share the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, preparing hearts and minds to impact the world for Him.
CCA Guiding Principles: We teach 1) Christian Principles and Character, through 2) Christ Centered Academic Excellence, while promoting 3) American Patriotism.
Patriot Press Information
Welcome to the Patriot Press Newsletter. This weekly publication is created by the CCA High School Publication class; it will contain vital information for you as you navigate the 2024-25 CCA school year. If you would like something published in the newsletter, please email and we will add it. Newsletters will go out every Monday.
If you have photos of field trips, club events, or class activities, please share those pictures with us so we can include them in this year's yearbook. Publication students are pictured left to right is: Jacob, Brooklyn, Maggie, Sophia, Lilly, Carissa, Kynlee, Allie & Miyah.
On this Day in History: November 11
In 1918, the Allies and Germany signed an armistice in Compiegne, France, ending World War l
In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson declared the first Armistice Day
In 1974, Leonardo DiCaprio was born --Kynlee
Parent Reminders
Parent Reminders for the Week:
November 11th
- Veterans Day Breakfast 7:30-8:30am
- Veterans Day Program 9-10am
- 9am Health Screenings for 1st, 3rd & 5th grades
- Upper School Student Led Bible Study 7:30-7:55am for all 7-12th graders
November 21
- Auction Meeting from 6:30-7:30PM in the CCA Cafeteria. (First Meeting)
- 2nd Grade to Fantastic Caverns, 8:15am-2:15pm
- No School; Thanksgiving Break!
November Character Trait of the month is Peace
The Character Trait that CCA students and staff are focusing on in November is Peace. We interviewed 3 students and asked them, “what does peace mean to you?” Kaylee said, ”Staying calm when the situation around you isn't.” Tyson said, ”Being still and calm.” Emma said, “Whenever you are going through a hard time, God will calm you with His presence around you.”
John 16:33 says, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” The Lord always supplies us His peace that passes all understanding. When you are stressed or overwhelmed, turn to the Lord’s peace and truth. --Brooklyn
Devotion Corner
Peace Devotion
Parents, Grandparents, and Staff, we thought you might enjoy this devotion from “The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association,” called: “The Ultimate Peace,” which is based on Bible verse: John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, may peace I give unto you.”
Click on this link to read through it --Jacob
Senior Spotlight
This month's senior spotlight is Timothy. He is the son of Jeremiah and Galilee Neal and he has two sisters and two brothers. Timothy's favorite memory of CCA so far is “witnessing a horse on a dry erase board get decapitated by wavy scissors.” His favorite snack and drink are Lays potato chips and Sprite. He does not know what his future plans will be after high school. His favorite Bible verse is Luke 22:42. His favorite song is Charlie’s inferno. In his free time he listens to audio books. He has three dogs, Fjord, Midnight, and CC. He also has three cats, Evie, Hippie, and Victor. His favorite sport to play is ping pong. This is his second year at CCA, and he likes all the opportunities that CCA offers. --Miyah
Class Spotlight:
On Wednesday, November 6th, Maggie observed the high school Publications class. Students were working on writing articles for the Patriot Press newsletter for the week. Weekly, each student is assigned a different part of the Patriot Press to complete. Brooklyn was in charge of character trait this week, so she interviewed three students to ask them about peace, our monthly character trait.
Since school pictures have been taken, students are working on uploading pictures into the yearbook. The volleyball and soccer seasons have also ended, so Publication students are beginning to work on the sports pages in the yearbook. Did you know there will be two yearbooks this year, a K4-6th grade yearbook and a 7th-12th yearbook? More details will be coming about that in the new year. --Maggie
Spanish I & II Field Trip
On Monday, November 4th, Mrs. Ramirez took the high school Spanish classes to Kansas City to learn more about Spanish culture. First, students rode around on a trolley and learned about the history of Kansas City. Then, students went to a Spain restaurant, called La Bodega, and tried cuisine that was new to most and students were not used to it. After the restaurant, students traveled to the Nelson Atkin Museum of the Arts to see the Dia De Los Muertos room, which is the day of the dead that takes place in Mexico. The day of the dead is celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, and it is a day to remember your loved ones that have passed away, you can also remember animals that have also died. Each student was able to write a note to loved ones and throw it in the altar that was made for them. --Carissa
Survey Says:
We surveyed students this week to find out if they would rather watch a volleyball game or a basketball game? Basketball game came in with 48 votes, while volleyball received 27. Hooray basketball! Fun fact: Did you know that James Naismith was a Canadian-American physical education, physician, Christian chaplain, and sports coach, best known as the inventor of basketball? According to, he wrote the original basketball rule book and founded the University of Kansas basketball program in 1898. –Sophia
Happy Birthday Students & CCA Staff
Happy upcoming birthday to these CCA students & Staff: Morgan in K5 on the 13th and Ezra in 5th grade on the 15th. –Lilly
Operation Christmas Child Project
We mentioned Operation Christmas Child a couple of weeks ago in the Chapel section of the Patriot Press. More information about Operation Christmas Child is available on website
CCA is collecting shoeboxes; our goal this year is to fill 90 boxes, and we still have around 40 boxes left to fill. Shoeboxes can be filled with personal care items: toothbrushes, socks, sunglasses, jewelry, watches, flashlights with batteries; toys: cars, jump ropes, yo-yos, dolls, stuffed animals; school supplies: pens, pencils, crayons, markers, notebooks, coloring books, solar calculators; and wow items: shoes, soccer ball with pump, ChapStick, etc.
All filled boxes are due back in two weeks (by Nov. 15). Please take a moment to pray about how you can contribute to spreading the gospel through this meaningful project.
Juniors visit the Creation College Expo in Kentucky
CCA Juniors traveled to the Creation College Expo in Kentucky last week. They departed CCA at 8:00AM Wednesday morning, November 6th, and drove to Williamstown, KY. Students got to explore a bridge and walked around the town before going to their hotel. On Thursday, students visited the Ark Encounter’s Creaton College Expo, which is a unique opportunity for high school students to meet one-on-one with representatives from Christian institutions across the country who hold to biblical authority and a literal Genesis.
Students walked around and talked to representatives at the booths that were in attendance. On Friday, students listened to several speakers and went to the creation museum, as-well-as a petting zoo. The group departed Kentucky on Saturday, November 9th, and drove to Casey, IL, home of huge things. Students got to view the world’s largest rocking chair, big pencil, world’s largest key, world’s largest mailbox, world’s largest pitchfork, world’s largest wind chime, a big cactus and big rocking horse, amongst other things. They also visited a candy store. Students learned about the many problems of our country, and how now more than the past it is so important to be bold in your faith by telling others about the Lord. –Lilly
Sports Calendar
November 11
Soccer Awards for 5-12th grades Coed JH & Varsity Boys at 7pm in the CCA gym.
Senior Fundraising
Our 2025 CCA Seniors are raising money for their senior trip which is partly a mission trip and partly a fun trip. They will be going to southeast Georgia to work in a food pantry, and Christian camp for foster children.
- This year, our seniors also have an opportunity to go on CCA's very first out of country mission trip to Belize. Money raised will first go towards the Senior trip to Georgia/Florida but we have hope that if enough money is raised it will cover some of the cost to their Belize trip.
- CCA Seniors also sell homemade cookies every Thursday morning! Students love this! Just $1
- The Class of 2025 is raising money for their senior trip. They would like to have a BIG YARD SALE! This will be at the Clinton First Baptist Church DOWNTOWN LOCATION 209 E. Jefferson Street. Friday, November 15th from 2-7pm and Saturday November 16th from 8am-5pm.
We would love to have your help. Do you have yard sale items you would like to get rid of? Just drop them off at the FBC of Clinton Downtown Location Thursday (11/14) afternoon 3-7pm or Friday (11/15) 2-7pm or Saturday (11/16) morning. Any leftover items will be sold at a different time or donated to the Clinton Samaritan Center. Come shop Friday afternoon or Saturday 8-5. Give a Free Will Donation for the items you take.
Thank you so so much for all the love, prayers and support!
Club Information
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- Nov. 18th...FCA Huddle for CCA/CHS/Homeschool 9th-12th students from 8-9pm at Coach Adam's home in Clinton
- Nov. 22...High School FCA at CCA from 8:30-9am
- The next meeting will on November 22nd from 3:15-4:15pm in the CCA Cafeteria
If you have any questions or are interested in joining 4-H, please contact Rosalyn Wisniewski @ 660-525-2346. --Allie
FBLA is the largest business Career and Technical Student organization in the world. Each year FBLA helps members prepare for careers in business and business-related fields through leadership development, academic competitions and educational programs. All high school students have the opportunity to participate in FBLA. CCA advisor is Tara Dull.
FBLA stands for Future Business Leaders of America. CCA high school students will have the opportunity to compete at the district competition in February at UCM. Each person that competes can only compete in 3 events. Two different types of events are available: Objective Assessments or tests and presentation. Each competitor can only compete in two presentation events. We then talked about how to fundraise for FBLA and we elected officers. The President is Hannah, Vice President is Colten, Chaplain is Logan, Co- Chaplain is Parker, Treasurer is Clara, and Secretary is Kennedy.
- There was a come and go meeting on November 5th so members could register for competition.
Student Council is offered at CCA for 5th & 6th grades, Junior High and High School students. High School members are: Clara, Audrey, Kennedy, Colten, Hannah, Maggie, Emma, Carissa, Brooklyn & Allie. Junior High members are: Brynn, Kalynn, Kaitlyn, Micah, Caroline, Mayme & Carson.
High School students are in talks about Winter Formal. The 5th & 6th grade group will swim at the Benson Center on Monday, November 18th from 5-6pm. Check the CCA calendar for details.
CCA's performing arts club is sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Neal. It was first started in the 2023-24 school year and was a big hit among CCA students! Practices are on Mondays, from 3:15-4:30pm in the CCA Art Room. This club is open to any CCA student who would like to join. There is no cost.
This past Monday, members went over their lines in the Christmas program script. Did you know the Christmas program is Thursday, December 19th at 6pm in the CCA gym? Mark your calendars now! Students have been working hard on blacklight hand animations for the upcoming performance, and they can't wait for you to see the show. –Kynlee
In the Community
Ways to Connect with CCA
Location: 271 West Division Road, Clinton, MO, USA
Phone: 660-890-2111
Twitter: @theCCApatriots