Week of 9/9-9/13
Upcoming Events
Math homework packet will be sent home on Monday. Please have your child do at least 2-3 questions per day. The packet is due on Friday, 9/13.
Daily Grades
- Mental Math DG on Monday, 9/9
- Personal Pronouns DG on Friday, 9/13
Digital Learning Day
Digital Learning Day will be on Friday, 9/20. Please let me know if your child needs a Chromebook for home and I will make sure to send their school Chromebook home on Thursday, 9/19. There is no charger for me to send the computer with. So if you have a USB C charger at home, that will be great. Please return the Chromebook on Monday, 9/23. We use the Chromebook daily in class.
AKS Clubs
Forms for AKS clubs will be sent through Parent Square. Clubs have limited spots, so they will go to whoever signs up first.
Monday: Day 4 - Music
Tuesday: Day 5 - Literacy
Wednesday: Day 6 - Spanish
Thursday: Day 7 - Health
Friday: Day 1 - PE (wear sneakers)
Our Learning
I can build up my reading stamina.
I can use what I have learned in phonics to spell unknown words.
I can focus on a topic and strengthen my writing as needed by revising.
Skill → I can identify and use personal pronouns in my writing. I can replace a noun with the appropriate pronoun so it makes sense.
I can apply part-part-whole strategies, properties of operations, and place value understanding to solve real-life mathematical problems involving addition and subtraction within 100
I can add and subtract fluently within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
I can use addition & subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step mathematical problems (involving all problem types) by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown numbers to represent the problem.
Social Studies
I can identify opportunity cost due to scarcity.
I can explain how using money is easier than bartering.
I can identify ways goods and services are allocated.