Washington MS September '23 Update
It's a Great Day to be a Junior Husky!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Your children are awesome! I can sense such immense potential and as a staff we are learning how to actualize that potential. Please do help us in this journey by communicating with teachers the wisdom and knowledge you have regarding how your child best learns and those things dear to them.
As an instructional leader, I am collaborating with our staff to make our school climate one that is inviting, inclusive, and embraces differences. Your child spends more time at school than they do at home! My philosophy is that school must be academic, social and an outlet to develop non-academic skills and talents.
For the 2023-24 school year, we were authorized to make a change that allowed us to cover a second music teacher with a concentration in Band. This will likely be an option next school year. For this reason, I am transparently informing that unless there is a change in our school budget, next year, we will be in the same place. Presently, we are investigating how needed funds and donations can be utilized within our district guidelines.
Please know that we endeavor to be mindful of the diverse beliefs, religions and ideologies represented in our school. If you have questions, or concerns, please feel free to contact me. You may communicate in your language if other than English. I will find someone to interpret.
Evie Taylor, Principal
Washington Middle School
Laptop Distribution
All students will be getting a laptop, charger, and sleeve. There is a fine for lost laptops and chargers, so please take care of them and keep track of them.
Student tech support is available Tuesdays and Thursdays before school, during lunch, and after school. If you have a laptop or charger fine from last year, contact your grade level administrator:
- 6th grade – Ms. Lewis (halewis@seattleschools.org)
- 7th grade – Mr. Manriquez (admanriquez@seattleschools.org)
- 8th grade A-L – Ms. Lewis
- 8th grade M-Z – Mr. Manriquez
For more information about care, safety, and fines, please see the Student Devices section of the SPS website.
Important Notice: Student Pick-Up Changes After 3:30 PM for Safety
Please do not pick up students after 3:30 in the bus zone for safety reasons. We have already had an incident. Please pick up students in the parking lot near the gymnasium.
Sept. 28th
Curriculum Night (5:30 – 7:30 PM)
Please come! This is an opportunity to tour our school, meet teachers, learn about classes, and inform us of skills and talents you would like to share with our school.
Oct. 2nd
Oct. 13th
In-Service Day - No School for Students
Nov. 6th
Nov. 20th – 23rd
Student-Led Conferences
Nov. 23rd & 24th
Thanksgiving Holiday
How to Arrange Early Dismissals
Please notify the Attendance Office if your student is going to be out sick or if your student needs an early dismissal for an appointment or any other reason.
IMPORTANT - Students who are not feeling well at school must be checked out through the Nurse Office. Students should not call home for pickup from their personal phones.
Email - washingtonms.attendance@seattleschools.org or Phone - 206-252-2604.
Flu Shot Clinics Coming Soon
The Seattle Visiting Nurse Association will be holding flu shot clinics throughout the district. There will be regional clinics open to all in the community. You do not have to be a student of staff of a particular school to make an appointment. Dates for 2023-24 school year are coming soon. Check here for more information.
Stephanie Nash
School Nurse
P: 206-252-2607
Fax: 206-743-3183
Welcome back to all of our returning students + families and welcome to the new Jr. Husky families.
We are ready and excited for this school year!
Current and Upcoming Activities in the Counseling Office:
- This week we are busy working on schedule request changes.
- We will be visiting 6th grade classrooms to introduce ourselves and the supports we provide.
- Next week we will be administering a short well-being questionnaire that helps us learn how we can best support our students throughout the school year. If you would like to opt your student out, feel free to email blpan@seattleschools.org or aemckinney@seattleschools.org .
Reminder: We have an all gender bathroom in the counseling office that every student is welcome to use.
Washington Wellness Center
Did you know that Washington Middle School has a wellness center, convenient for your child’s medical care? The Wellness Center is open during the school year and available to all students. It provides students with health care and mental health counseling, regardless of a student’s insurance or ability to pay.
School-based health centers play a big part in the health, academic success, and graduation rates of students. These clinics send an important message to students that getting care is normal and healthy.
Students in schools with these centers can be seen for standard preventive care — sports physicals, immunizations, asthma management, acne and eczema, women’s health care, treatment of common illnesses, and routine medical concerns such as headaches and cramps—in addition to mental health services.
Sign-up for Sports Physicals at the Washington Wellness Center
The following sports will begin in September – Ultimate Frisbee and Girls Soccer. Is your child interested in participating in fall sports? Sports are a wonderful way to help your child develop physical skills, get exercise, make friends, have fun, learn teamwork, learn to play fair, and improve self-esteem.
Did you know sports physicals can done at the Washington Wellness Center for registered students for free. Sports physicals are valid for 24 consecutive months.
Students can get great care at the Wellness Center. To access services, parents/guardian(s) need to complete a registration packet. Stop by the Wellness Center to get a registration packet or register online.
Click here to access the Wellness Center Registration online consent forms:
Please call 206-326-3037 if you have any questions and/or to schedule an appointment for your child.
UPDATED: There are no athletics this week. We will inform families at a later date.
We are excited for Fall Season Sports: ⚽ Girls Soccer ⚽ and 🥏 Ultimate Frisbee 🥏
Please schedule an appointment with the WMS Nurse's Office or your physician as soon as possible for sports eligibility.
Duration of Fall Season – TBD through November 4th
Practices begins: TBD
Practice Location: Upper Judkins Park
First Game: TBD – athletes and families will be provided with the season schedule.
Fall Season Coaching Staff:
- Athletic Director - Isabell Boyd (isboyd@seattleschools.org)
- Head Girls Soccer - Coach Kronstad
- Head Ultimate Frisbee - Coach Xtehn
- Assistant Ultimate Frisbee Coach - David Ignacio
Sports packets can be picked up at the main office or you can register online:
If you are interested in volunteering in the library by shelving books, making copies, laminating, tidying, or leading lunchtime activities, please reach out to Emily Harris (WMS Librarian) at echarris@seattleschools.org and check out the SPS Volunteer page to fill out/update your volunteer application.
Donors Choose
The library was fortunate to get many projects funded by donations through Donors Choose over the summer. So far, we have received:
- Cleaning supplies
- Color printer
- Chess boards and timers
- Books and project supplies for Hispanic Heritage Month (9/15 - 10/15)
- Books supporting Indigenous People’s Day (10/9)
- Lots of manga
We have opportunities to donate all the time! Check out our Donors Choose to see our current projects. Consider sharing the link with friends and family on social media to support your students’ school.
Book Fines
Remember to check School Pay to see if you have any fines for books from last year (or before). We would prefer to have the books returned, but if they are definitely lost you can pay your fines using School Pay as well. Instead of paying the fine, you also have the option to find a replacement copy in good condition and bring it in to have the fine forgiven.
If you can’t pay your fine, contact your grade level administrator for options:
- 6th grade – Ms. Lewis (halewis@seattleschools.org)
- 7th grade – Mr. Manriquez (admanriquez@seattleschools.org)
- 8th grade A-L – Ms. Lewis
- 8th grade M-Z – Mr. Manriquez
Washington Middle School
Email: eataylor@seattleschools.org
Website: washingtonms.seattleschools.org
Location: 2101 South Jackson Street, Seattle, WA, USA
Phone: 206-252-2600
and volunteering opportunities with the WMS Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA).
(Note: SPS is not responsible for the content of this page.)