Tuscany Heights Elementary
168th Lighthouse School in the Nation, Building Leaders
Our Mission Statement
We, THE Tigers, will be inspired to LEAD, HONOR, and EXCEL today!
Message from Administration
Well, it happened! Friday, Mrs. Campos and I had the pleasure of getting slimed by the top class and top student from each grade level. you can see the pictures below. We are so incredibly grateful for all of the pledges to support our school. We have enjoyed making this a memorable event for our students. Thank you to all of our families for your support and to our PTA parents that helped us pull off this event.
As we approach the end of April, we want to let families know that the stage will be decorated for the Kindergarten May Performance. We will move all parent lunches to the picnic tables outside and/or science lab room 103. Thank you for understanding.
Enjoy your three day weekend!
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, April 3rd- PTA Lunch and Learn "Maker Space" @ 11:30am THE Library;
Eat for a Cause 4pm-8pm, Chipotle, 50% comes back to the school
Friday, April 6th- Autism Awareness Month- Wear BLUE
Monday, April 9th- Kinder Round Up for all incoming Kindergartners 9:15pm
Friday, April 13th- Wear PURPLE for Military Child Month
Sunday, April 15th- Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) Deadline to enter hours
Tuesday, April 17th- Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon 10am, More Info to come
Friday, April 27th- Battle of Flowers Holiday for Staff & Students
Monday, April 30th- Friday, May 4th- Spring Book Fair
Tuesday, May 1st- PTA General Meeting & Kinder Musical Performance 6:30pm
May 7th- May11th - Staff Appreciation Week
Wednesday, May 23rd-THE PTA Presents...Author Math Sandback K-5
Thursday, May 24th- WatchDOG Breakfast 7:15am; 5th Grade's End of Year Party @ Gold's Gym
Monday, May 28th- Memorial Day Holiday for Staff & Students
Upcoming CLOSED CAMPUS Dates for STAAR Testing- Closed All Day
Tuesday, April 10th - 5th Grade Math STAAR & 4th Grade Writing STAAR
Wednesday, April 11th- 5th Grade Reading STAAR
Monday, May 14th- 3rd & 4th Grade Math STAAR, 5th Grade Math Re-test
Tuesday, May 15th- 3rd & 4th Grade Reading STAAR, 5th Grade Reading Re-test
Wednesday, May 16th- 5th Grade Science STAAR
April 3rd Lunch & Learn: MAKERSPACE
We would love to have you join us for this event. We are looking forward to sharing our Makerspace ideas and challenges with the group. In lieu of Academic Motor Lab next year, we are hoping to put STEAM (Makerspace) into our specials rotation. Right now, the motor lab classes are trying out a few Makerspace challenges, and students have had opportunities to experience it in the library. However, we want more of these fun hands-on tasks for our students. Grab your neighbor and come check it out!!!
Library News
BrainPOP Access
Since we have a paid subscription to BrainPOP, our families can automatically access BP at home. Please use the link below so that as parents, you, have the opportunity to sign up to receive timely tips on how to use BrainPOP's movies, tools, quizzes, and other resources to extend learning at home and reinforce what their child is learning at Tuscany. Your child's teacher can share the username and password to help get you started!
What's Happening In Music?
PTA News
PTA General Meeting – April 3rd @ 11:30am
Join us for a presentation with Mrs. Johnson on Makerspace. Learn how the maker creates something out of nothing and explores their own interests. This dynamic program will be replacing motor lab next year.
Our 2017-18 slate of PTA Officers to be elected at this meeting and are as follows:
President: Kelly Evans
1st VP: Mandy Howland
2nd VP, Ways and Means: Kelly Fitzmaurice
3rd VP, Programs: Shoni Power
4th VP, Volunteers: Susan Getter
5th VP, Communications: Erin Underwood
Treasurer: Tina Guerrero
Secretary: Alana Harris
One THE officers are in place, that means many committee chair spots need to be filled to keep our PTA as productive and effective as it has been. Email President@tuscanyheightspta.org to find out how you can get involved!
More info is available on the PTA website.
NEISD Used Book Sale- The Used Book Sale will be held April 6-8 at the Blossom Athletic Center gym. It’s a great way to stock your shelves with your favorite books. Our school receives a portion of the sales so please consider supporting the sale and our school! If you would like to volunteer at the sale, please sign up @ http://signup.com/go/aPprkYm
Presidential Volunteer Service Award: It’s never too early to start logging your volunteer hours into the PVSA website: www.presidentialserviceawards.gov Hours must be turned in by April 15th.
Parents, each student in your household needs a separate email address and password to begin logging hours. When creating your student's account, please enter Tuscany Heights' Record of Service Key: QMT-49670
Full instructions are located on the PTA website. For questions please contact Kelly Cardenas at: communityservice@tuscanyheightspta.org
For more info, please visit: www.tuscanyheightspta.org/presidential-volunteer-service-award.html
Kinder Roundup – April 9th @ 9am
Join us for Kinder Roundup on April 9th at 9am in the library. Parents will have an opportunity to meet our administration and Kinder teachers, learn about the registration process, and see just what Kinder will look like for their new Tigers this fall. Spread the word! We can't wait to meet you!
Warmer weather = Overflowing Lost and Found
Parents, as the weather warms up we find lots of sweaters and jackets around the school with no name on them – they end up in lost and found and it is OVERflowing! Help us out by checking closets and then sending your students on a mission to find what is lost and bring it home! ALL items will be donated to the NEISD Clothes Closet at the end of the semester.
5th grade students – 5th grade spirit is popping up all over campus. Don’t forget to show off your 5th grade spirit shirt on WILD Wednesday!
Plug in with PTA and Back the Future!
THE PTA Website www.tuscanyheightspta.org
Run for the Heights Website www.runfortheheights.tuscanyheightspta.org
Tuscany Heights Volunteers Link http://www.signup.com/group/35885320036