Colton Hills School Bulletin
5 March 2025

High Performance Learning School
Introduction by Mrs K Fox, Assistant Headteacher
Welcome to the first newsletter for March 2025! How lovely it is to start to see the elements of spring with lighter mornings. This term has a lot of exciting events and opportunities for students to take part in. This week is World Book Day, next week is Pi Day and later in the term, the English department will launch our interhouse public speaking activity. To keep up to date with opportunities and interhouse competitions, please check out our social media channels.
Next week, our Year 11 students will complete their final set of mock exams. This will allow students and staff to identify clear gaps in knowledge and support them before the real exams. We have asked all Year 11s to complete an exam survey which is on their Year 11 Teams channel. We appreciate it may be a stressful time and would like to support students in the best way possible. Please continue to support them at home with their revision in the last stretch before the real exams and we would like to wish them luck next week.
Over the course of this half term, we also have Year 5 taster sessions available, so please bring along younger siblings or let friends and families know. These are free and you can sign up via our website or on the link below.
Finally we would like wish all our Muslim families happy “Ramadan Mubarak”.
Colton Hills Feature in Express and Star
Read the full article online via this link:
Sixth Form Destinations
Congratulations to our #6thform students who have recently received university offers from the following universities around the UK:
- University of Birmingham
- University of Nottingham
- University of Manchester
- University of Edinburgh
- University of Exeter
- University of Bristol
- University of York
- University of Leeds
- Durham University
The Birch Thompson Memorial Fund 45th Annual Charity Dance
This wonderful fundraiser event is back for its 45th year and we would like for as many people to join us at this event on 14 November. It will be nice to see the familiar faces who support this fantastic cause yearly as well as new faces who would like to find out more about how they can help our Gelliwig Residential in Wales.
The Gelliwig house in Wales plays an important role in offering our students as well as the community subsidized rates for residential stays and holidays. All funds raised will go towards the upkeep and improvement of the premises. For more information or to purchase your tickets, please email Gelliwig@coltonhills.co.uk. Any donations will be gratefully received by the charity. If you wish to support the charity and make a donation, please click on the link below.
Sixth Former awarded swim teaching qualification
Congratulations to Aidan, in Sixth Form for achieving his swim teaching award during the Feb half-term holidays. Aidan was put through his paces in both theory and practical swim sessions over 5 days. Aidan is now a qualified swim teacher and we wish him all the best in his new teaching role. Well done!
Rewards Day featuring Joel Foster
NEW Wall art installed at Colton Hills
We are excited to reveal the new wall art installations that were put up during the February half-term holidays. Besides the zone wall art for SEN, Science and Maths, we also had a commemorative 50 years wall display mounted, pride of place outside our school theatre. The colourful designs have really transformed and livened up the otherwise plain corridors.
Latest Interhouse Scoreboard
Booking now open for Year 5 Taster Sessions
Do you have any siblings or relatives currently in Year 5? Bookings for our Year 5 Taster Sessions in March are now OPEN! Our taster sessions give students a sneak peek into the exciting journey ahead—new subjects, new friends, and endless opportunities! Limited spaces available.
NEW! Spring 2 Homework Topics
Our NEW Spring 2 Homework Topics have now been uploaded to the school website. Parents and carers will be able to view the topics and home work allocated to their child. Please click on the respective year groups for your child.
Important dates for the diary
Wolverhampton Children’s Safeguarding Contact Details
If you suspect or believe a child is suffering or is likely to suffer Significant Harm, including any form of mistreatment or abuse, you should report your concerns on the following numbers:
Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm,
Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm on 01902 555392
Outside of the above hours for emergencies on 01902 552999
If the child or young person is at immediate risk of serious harm dial 999