FPS Early Childhood
September/October 2024
Take Note of These Dates
Monday October 7 Picture Day @ Agassiz Early Childhood
Thursday October 10- Early Release Day Best In Class Pre-K will be dismissing at 1:00 pm; there will be no afternoon ECSE session
Friday October 11 No School
Monday October 14 No School
What We're Learning!
September 30-October 4: Leaves & Apples/Letter E/Triangle/Red
October 7-10: Leaves & Apples/Review Letters, Shapes and Colors
October 15-18: Fall/Pumpkins/H/Triangle/red
October 21-25: Pumpkins/T/Rectangle/Orange
October 28- November 1: Pumpkins/I/Rectangle/Orange
Parent Guidance Mental Health Series
Please go to https://parentguidance.org/mhsindex to see a full calendar of events and to register for sessions. FPS' focus this month is 'Helping Your Child Succeed" which is October 2nd at either 6:00 pm or 8:00 pm. Other topics this month include but are not limited to "How To Motivate Your Child", 'Social Media: Protecting Your Child' and 'Building Your Child's Self Confidence'. There will also be a session for "Ask a Therapist Live" on October 23rd at 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm.
We hope you find these sessions helpful for you as a parent.
Important Reminders
📋 Required Documents: The following documents are required by Fargo Public Schools. Please hand them in asap if you haven't already done so.
- student birth certificate
- student immunization records
- proof of address
- parent ID
📱 Text Our New Attendance Line: If your child will not be at school, please utilize our new attendance line by texting 701-446-8003. 🚍 If your child rides the bus, please also call Valley Bus at 701-235-5912 to cancel transportation for the day your child will be absent.
Community Friends
FPS Is continuing with our Community Friends Program this year. We are placing two community friends ( typically developing peers) in each of our afternoon Early Childhood Special Education classrooms. The community friends serve as role models and language models for our preschoolers with special needs. In return the community friends receive a high quality half day preschool experience at no cost and simultaneously learn empathy and acceptance. We had great success with our program last year and are excited to be able to continue it. In order to qualify as a community friend, child must be 4 years old by July 31, 2024 and they must pass a developmental screening. In addition, parents must provide transportation to an from school each day. The program runs four days a week ( Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) from 12:10-2:40.
If you have siblings, relatives, friends or neighbors who might make a good community friend please have their parents call our Early Childhood office at 701-446-3100.
Principal's Corner
Early Childhood is off to a great start this year. Our classrooms are busy with children learning new routines and it is clear that so many of our students are feeling safe and comfortable to be at school. They are already learning new skills and are excited to continue to learning. It is wonderful to see the relationships that are forming between the children and teachers, support staff and other students. As we enter fall, which is my favorite time of the year, I love to take a moment to pause and reflect of the uniqueness of the first month of school and then smile at both the accomplishments of that month and the anticipation of what is to come. Happy Fall everyone!
Jane Greminger, Administrative Assistant
Agassiz Site: 1305 9th Ave South, Fargo ND 58103
Longfellow Site: 20 29th Ave North, Fargo ND 58102
Phone: 701-446-3100
Fax: 701-446-3199
Attendance Text line: 701-446-8003