Online Learning Academy - PPS
February 2023 Newsletter
Message from the Principal
Dear OLA Families,
Gratitude is at the top of my list right now… for all of you and the OLA staff. The last month and a half has underscored what an amazing community of families and students OLA has. I want to express my deep gratitude to all families who have shown how much you care about the work that the OLA staff has done in the past 15 months. We have received flyers, emails, calls, texts that share your stories with us. We have seen and heard you in meetings. Your words have struck a chord with each of us. We set out to make a difference and based on your feedback, the OLA team has been able to meet that goal.
I am very proud of our team here at OLA who is dealing with the impact of the closure news. All staff members have continued to center their daily actions and interactions around your kids. And the kids are still staying focused as well. As we wrap up another term in OLA, so many students are hitting their stride. They are showing up to class. They are setting those crucial daily and weekly goals. They are improving their use of Office Hours for one on one support with teachers. They are making up credits with our Study Buddy supports and OMG classes. They are finding ways to connect during class meetings and Seminar. And they are figuring this all out with the tremendous support from you, their Learning Coaches, and the OLA staff.
As we look forward to a spring break and the last months of the 2022-23 school year, please know that the OLA team is here for you and your students. Reach out if you have any questions, ideas or concerns.
And again, thank you for your support and dedication to the OLA community. You make an incredible difference.
Mrs. H
Diane Berthoin-Hernández
Principal, OLA and VS
P.S. A quick reminder for all Learning Coaches: The Weekly Check-ins are submitted on Fridays. Please use this link.
OLA Family Facebook Group and Email
OLA Website
College and Career Readiness - Character Trait of the Month: Perseverance
Moulton Falls, WA by Nina Holzapfel - OLA Student
March Days
March 27-31 - Spring Break - NO School
Coming Up:
April 7 - End of Third Term
April 10 - Grading/Planning day for teachers - NO school for students
Counseling Corner
High School Information:
Progress Towards Graduation The district will be sending out letters to all families in the coming weeks that will provide information on your student's on-track status and progress towards graduation. I strongly encourage families and students to set up a meeting with me so we can talk through the letter and come up with a plan for moving forward as needed. For juniors, this would also be a great time to meet with me to discuss any post-secondary plans. :) Here is a link to my appointment calendar: I will have extended evening hours on Wednesday, March 22nd and Thursday, March 23rd. If you would like to check on your student's status on your own, ParentVue is an excellent resource. To review your student's status, go to Parentvue, and click on "Course History". You can toggle the "Detail" button and more information will be provided. You can also click on "Unofficial Transcript" and after about a minute, click again. The transcript will pop up. Note: Parentvue does not show classes that are in progress. This may skew things a little. Reach out to me for more information or if you have any questions.
Greetings OLA Families! A reminder for our ELEMENTARY parents that the Focus Option Lottery window will be closing next week Friday, March 17th. Here is the slideshow that was shared with you last month:
Please reach out to me or the OLA Transition Team contact person that you have been speaking with if you have questions.
I hope you all enjoyed your snow days and are looking forward to Spring🌸🌹!!
March Character Trait: Perseverance
“A bend in the road is not the end of the road… unless you fail to make the turn.”
– Helen Keller
Community Resources for OLA/PPS Families
LGBTQ Community Supports
Hello OLA Families, PPS has launched its new LGBTQ supports page on their website:
Typography by OLA Student Nawaal.
中文 | Chinese: 503-916-3585 Español | Spanish: 503-916-3582 Tiếng Việt | Vietnamese: 503-916-3584
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