The Weekly Roar
July 25, 2024

January 10, 2025
Hello River Bend Families!
Well, I think you've heard from me enough this week so I will keep it brief.
Last Friday, our teachers participated in professional development on Reading. We looked specifically at the 5 Pillars of Literacy. I am well aware of "teacher jargon" and how some of it can be very confusing. I know I get frustrated understanding my nurse friends because they use words and talk about things and I have no clue. Since many of you may have overheard or watched your child learning at home today, I thought I would share some information with you in a section below. I hope it is helpful.
We hope you can join our PTO meeting on Monday night. It will not begin until 7:00 and we have a special presenter joining us. I wish I would have resources like this when I my kids were young. I will be the first to admit that I definitely did NOT always knock the whole parenting thing out of the park! I had my fair share of struggles. You can read more about that below.
Stay safe this weekend and we are looking forward to being back in school on Monday. Remember that next week is another short week that also includes a half day which means 1:00 dismissal.
Each child as my own,
5 Pillars of Literacy
Phonemic Awareness: This is the ability to articulate, notice, and manipulate individual sounds (phonemes) in words. rhyming, blending, segmenting
Phonics: This is the ability to match sounds (phonemes) in our spoken language to the letters that represent them (graphemes). decoding words, reading words with long vowel patterns, comparing common syllable types
Fluency: This is the ability to read texts quickly, accurately, and with appropriate expression. reading accurately, rate of reading, intonation
Comprehension: This is the ability to understand the literal and inferential meaning of text. summarizing, drawing inferences, asking questions
Vocabulary: Applying knowledge about words and their meanings to better understand words and texts and to expand the possibilities for expressing their ideas. building background knowledge, using context clues or other words in the sentence to determine word meaning
Student Wellness Presenter at Monday Night's PTO Meeting
We are pleased to have Mr. Brian Kuhn from Mental Health America of Eastern Missouri speak with all families in attendance about how to support their children with self-regulation. He will also share information about the 5th grade student wellness program coming to River Bend in February.
Next Week
Monday, January 13th
D Day
PTO Meeting- 7:00 PM
Tuesday, January 14th
E Day
5th Grade to JA BizTown
Wednesday, January 15th
A Day
Board of Education Meeting- 7:00 PM
Thursday, January 16th
B Day
Career Exploration Day
Half Day- 1:00 Dismissal
End of Semester
Friday, January 17th
No School for Students
Records Day for Teachers
Incoming Kindergarteners... also known as Tiny Tigers Information
Please see this Parkway Kindergarten Guide resource that was created for families. It has everything you need to know including:
- Kindergarten registration information
- link to register to Wonderful World of Kindergarten
- link to Visit Your Elementary School
- information on kindergarten screenings
- information on Jumpstart to Kindergarten
- Adventure Club
- an interactive guide on skills, books and kindergarten readiness activities
Upcoming Dates
- 20th- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day/No School
- 23rd- Progress Reports available in IC for parents/guardians
- 29th- Early Release Day (2:00 PM Dismissal)
- 30th- 2nd Grade Music Performance @ 6:30 PM
- 31st- Abilities Awareness Day
- 5th- State of the District @ 5:30 PM
River Bend Family Survey
We are so excited to kick off our 100% survey!! This survey will help us gauge the current climate and culture of River Bend and help shape our character education for the future. We want to hear from every voice. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.
River Bend PTO
River Bend Core Values & Mission
To ensure each student a safe and rigorous learning environment where they feel a sense of belonging, and can grow and lead with a global lens of kindness, responsibility, integrity, and empathy.