Monday Kick-Off
Horn Frog Nation
May 20, 2024
Dear Family,
I hope you enjoyed your weekend. This is our last week with our students. We have several things to get done. Our awards ceremony is Tuesday at 1:30pm. I will get the last of the awards to Mrs. Blair to finish Monday.
Your rooms need to be packed and ready to go by COB Tuesday May 28. Take down your posters and bulletin boards in your room. I will say it again, please minimize!!! The closet in room I can hold any extra supplies you still have (Paper towels, pencils, crayons, etc.). Take home your personal items!!! We only have so much room in the Conex. I have not been out there to see how much room is left if any at all.
All computer carts and electronics will be stored in the library over the summer. PLEASE leave shelf space open for BCYC in your room.
Please review the TO DO's below, make sure you have them all done. I will check in with you Friday to see where you are at,
To Do's:
- All EOY assessments should be done, if not complete them today.
- Upload all grades from Canvas to Frontline May 22
- Complete survey before our meeting
- Comprehensive Needs Assessment Survey (Meeting May 23
- Update 504 Tracker May 24
- Sign your summative evaluation May 24
- Update MTSS/RTI Tracker, Please update the tracker with final progress. Do we need to continue support for any of your students? May 24
- Inventory of text books. Please use spreadsheet to enter your inventory of books by May 24.
- Grade verification May 24
- All teachers download their full gradebook from Canvas for each class, save and name the file “2023-24 Teacher Subject Gradebook” and upload in shared file NCS Gradebooks 23-24 by May 24
- Update your School supply lists due to Principal by May 24
Congratulations !
310 School Story posts
9 Class Story Posts
163 Messages
1143 Positive Points
Shout out to Silvia Garcia who sent 92 messages and Lewin Pierce who awarded 853 points!
"The duties of a teacher are neither few nor small, but they elevate the mind and give energy to the character, Dorothea Dix".
With gratitude,
Dr. Wendy Gamble
Essential Five
Vision-Mission-Essential Five
We will maximize the time that we do have with our students and focus on the Essential Five.
2. Post aligned learning targets everyday for all content areas. Refer to target through out the lesson.
3. Ensure the learning activities are aligned to the rigor of the standard.
4. Prioritize small group instruction over whole group instruction.
5. Adhere to the master schedule.
2022-2023 Academic Goals
Student Achievement
Where we are
STAAR Reading 22-23: 45% of students approached 28% Meet 16% Mastered
STAAR Math 22-23: 38% approached 19% Meet 7% Mastered
STAAR Science 22-23: 14=3% approached 7% Meet 3% Mastered
Where we are going
Grades 3 - 8: 75% of Nolan Creek students will meet the approaches performance level, 50% will reach the meets performance level and 25% will reach the masters performance level in all subjects as measured by the STAAR.
Grades K -2: 55% Above 35% At 5% Below 5% Well Below as measured by mClass.
BOY Measure
mClass K-2: 27% Well Below, 19% Below, 35% At Grade level, 19% Above Grade Level
Math IXL 23 - 24: 15% Far Below, 20% Below, 59% At Grade level, 7% Above
ELAR IXL 23-24: 14% Far Below, 20% Below, 39% At Grade Level, 28% Above
Math Interim: 37% DNM; 15% App; 21% Meet; 27% Master
RLA Interim: 24% DNM; 23% App; 14% Meet; 40% Master
MOY Measure
mClass K-2: 14.3% Well Below, 14.3% Below, 32.6% At Grade level, 38.8% Above Grade level
Math IXL:19% Far Below, 16% Below, 54% At Grade level, 11% Above
ELAR IXL: 18% Far Below, 14% Below, 37% At Grade level, 31% Above
Math Interim: 39% DNM, 11% App, 21% Meet, 29% Master
RLA Interim: 16.25% DNM, 13.75% App, 20% Meet, 50% Master
Science Interim: 43% DNM, 24% App, 33% Master
EOY Measure
mClass K-2: 4% Well Below, 14% Below, 31% At Grade level, 51% Above Grade level
Math IXL:18% Far Below, 19% Below, 49% At Grade level, 13% Above, 1% Not pinpointed
E:LAR IXL: 7% Far Below, 13% Below, 37% At Grade level, 31% Above, 12% Not pinpointed
Save the Date
21 EOY Awards Assembly 1:30pm
22 Last Day of School- Early Release 12:55pm
23 Staff Development
24 Staff Development
27 Memorial Day -No Staff Development
28 Staff Development
Staff Birtdays
The following Horn Frog(s) are celebrating a birthday this summer:
Wendy Gamble June 14
Silvia Garcia July 26
We hope you enjoy your special day!
Previous Newsletters
April 23 https://www.smore.com/r0puf
August 18 https://www.smore.com/kr1ev
September 5 https://www.smore.com/pjc5q
September 11 https://www.smore.com/h3q17
September 25 https://www.smore.com/0rd3j
October 2 https://www.smore.com/crd74
October 9 https://www.smore.com/rbvx8
October 16 https://www.smore.com/jqwa2
October 23 https://www.smore.com/qrsbz
October 30 https://www.smore.com/pq635
November 6 https://www.smore.com/xe1rj
November 13 https://www.smore.com/y9mvk
November 27 https://www.smore.com/6mhpsx
December 4 https://www.smore.com/qapws
December 12 https://www.smore.com/gnjf7
January 8 https://www.smore.com/27mbqf
January 15 https://www.smore.com/0m6e3
January 22 https://www.smore.com/n9acf
January 29 https://www.smore.com/15r6f
February 5 https://www.smore.com/ehm3w
February 12 https://www.smore.com/5puf6
February 19 https://www.smore.com/xta46q
February 26 https://www.smore.com/xta46q
March 4 https://www.smore.com/n/nv3kz
March 18 https://www.smore.com/n/vguzn
March 25 https://www.smore.com/n/4kq7c
April 1 https://www.smore.com/n/pkhq2
April 8 https://www.smore.com/n/7ysb4
April 15 https://www.smore.com/n/63fjp
April 22 https://www.smore.com/n/zyev5
April 29 https://secure.smore.com/n/v82hs
May 6 https://secure.smore.com/n/vbgda
May 13
Principal Wendy Gamble
Email: wendy.gamble@orendaeducation.org
Website: https://www.nolancreekschool.org/
Location: 505 E Ave C Belton TX. 76513
Work Phone: 254-939-4491
Cell Phone: 254-833-1205