July 2024
VFE Falcon Family Newsletter
Principal's Message
Dear Falcon Families,
We hope that your summer break is off to a fantastic start! We are looking forward to summer adventures too. Ms. Kelly is settling into her office and looking forward to summer adventures with her family. Mr. Uhler is looking forward to attending a math conference next week before heading to Croatia with his family.
As we set off on some time away from school, we want you to know how much we appreciate the care and support you've given the Blue Crew this year. We are grateful to serve such an amazing community. We also want to give you a quick update. Please see the items below about school supplies, Back to School Night, summer meals, and much more. Also, check out our Facebook page for updates including the introduction of new members of the Blue Crew throughout July and August.
We encourage you to create playful summer learning experiences for your kids. Get them outside, let them explore, play as much as possible this summer, and continue to read with them each night. We look forward to seeing you in late August.
Enjoy your summer!
Adam Uhler, Principal & Angela Kelly, Assistant Principal
The VFE office is closed and will reopen 8/19. If you need immediate assistance, please call out district office at 253-891-4700.
Falcon Fablers Summer Writing Club
Over 30 Falcon Fablers off to a great start in the Summer Writing Club. The beginning group is working on character development with Mrs. Wehr while the advanced group is polishing their personal narrative with Mrs. Jung this morning. We're already hooked by some of their drafts and can't wait to read the published work!
Free Summer Events Calendar
If you are looking for fun and FREE things to do this summer, here is a calendar of events!
Back to School Grab & Go Events
Families of Sumner-Bonney Lake students in need may pick up backpacks, school supplies, and other resources at the following Back-to-School Grab & Go Events in August:
Thursday, August 15
Noon to 2 pm
Daffodil Valley Elementary
1509 Valley Ave., Sumner
Tuesday, August 20
Noon to 2 pm
Liberty Ridge Elementary
12202 209th Ave Ct E., Bonney Lake
Thursday, August 22
3 to 6 pm
Sumner-Bonney Lake Family Resource Center
1508 Willow St., Sumner
Learn more at sumnersd.org/BTSFairs.
Free Summer Lunch Program
The District is offering free hot lunch for all children 18 years and younger throughout the summer at Daffodil Valley Elementary. The lunches must be enjoyed inside the school building.
- June 24 - Aug. 15, Monday through Thursday*
- 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- Daffodil Valley Elementary (1509 Valley Ave., in Sumner)
*No meal service July 4 due to the Independence Day Holiday.
Sun Bucks Program
SUN Bucks (Summer EBT) is a new federal program that will provide qualified students with $120 to purchase groceries while school is out this summer.
The district has already notified families of students who automatically qualify for the program. Families should make sure we have their current address on file in order to receive the SUN Bucks EBT cards, which we anticipate will be mailed in June.
If your child is not currently eligible for meal benefits but your family may qualify, now is the time to apply through SBLSD. Applications will be accepted through Aug. 31. Two ways to apply:
Electronically through Skyward Family Access (preferred method)
Printable paper application (Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian); return to your child’s school or scan and email it to child_nutrition@sumnersd.org
For questions regarding SUN Bucks, please call the Child Nutrition office at (253) 891-6450.
Summer Reading Program
Looking for activities this summer? Participate in the Pierce County Library System’s Summer Reading program through August and look forward to a summer of discovery and connection! Read or listen to books, attend free events, and enjoy everything that the library has to offer for all ages, including elementary, middle school, and high school students and their families. Learn more: https://mypcls.org/lear.../books-movies-more/summer-reading/
Welcome Class of 2037! It's time to register for Kindergarten!
We still have Kindergarten spots available! Please help spread the word!
Registration for the 24-25 school year is OPEN! Please visit SBLSD Enrollment and follow the steps to access online enrollment through family access.
Preschool Program
One of the core values in the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District is a commitment to early learning and development. Registration for Preschool is now open through emailing Pam_Stoner@sumnersd.org with days, times and school of choice. Please also include your child's address, first and last name and birth date. If you are able to secure a spot, a registration form will be sent to you over email, registration forms completed online cannot be used to register for Part Day Preschool.
SAVE THE DATE: Back to School Night 8/28
School District Information
While schools will be closed during the summer, all other District offices will be open with some operating on a modified schedule. All buildings are closed for Juneteenth (June 19), Independence Day (July 4) and Labor Day (Sept. 2).
Central Office and Family Resource Center
June 20-21: 7:30 am - 4 pm, Monday-Friday
June 24-Aug. 2: 7:30 am-4 pm, Monday-Thursday (closed Fridays)
Aug. 5: Regular hours resumes, 7:30 am-4 pm, Monday-Friday
June 24-Aug. 30: 7 am-3:30 pm, Monday-Friday
Sept. 3: Regular schedule resumes, 7:30 am-4 pm, Monday-Friday
Child Nutrition
June 24-Aug. 23: 7 am-3:30 pm, Monday-Thursday; 7 am-1:30 pm, Fridays
Aug. 26: Regular hours resume, 7 am-3:30 pm, Monday-Friday
Maintenance & Operations
Regular hours: 7:30 am-4 pm, Monday-Friday
Athletics & Facilities Scheduling
June 24-Aug. 2: 7 am-3:30 pm, Monday-Friday
Aug. 5: Regular hours resume, 7:30 am-4 pm, Monday-Friday
Immunizations for 24-25 School Year
Summer is here, but the 2024-25 school year is just around the corner. We encourage you to make your immunization appointments now so that your student meets requirements prior to the first day of school attendance.
Families can access immunization records through MyIR Mobile. Please note that the website for this online database has transitioned from MyIR.net to MyIRMobile.com, meaning parents and guardians may need to re-register.
Families wishing to obtain a certificate of exemption for any school required immunization must also provide this document prior to the first day of attendance. Find an immunization Q&A at sumnersd.org/immunizations.
Being at school, on time, every day is critical for students' success. Our teachers have planned engaging and important work for the school days and it is important for your child's social-emotional, and academic success that they are here as much as possible.
Our goal is 95% daily attendance. That means students missing 9 of less days in the year. Studies show that this leads to greater student success later in life.
Child Nutrition
We are encouraging all families to apply for free/reduced lunch. Please use the link below to apply. If you would prefer a paper copy, please call the office at 253-891-4700.
Free/Reduced Lunch Application
If you have questions regarding school lunches or student lunch accounts, please visit the child nutrition webpage on our district website or call 253-891-6450.
Families and Student Support
Student and Family Assistance
If your family needs support anytime throughout the year, please email our school counselor at kaitlyn_johnson@sumnersd.org There are resources to support families in their time of need.
Power Packs for Students
The Market provides weekend food bags called Power Packs. If you are interested in more information about the Power Packs, please email our counselor at Kaitlyn_johnson@sumnersd.org or Cindy Orcutt at cindy@bonneylakefoodbank.org.
Key Dates
We appreciate the advance planning families do to prepare for the upcoming school year. Here’s a list of key dates for 2024-25. Please stay tuned for the more detailed calendar mailing in early August.
We hope you enjoy your summer and see you back in September for the first day of school:
Sept. 3 (grades 1-12)
Sept. 6 (kindergarten)
VFE Key Dates
Please check our website for updates.
Victor Falls Elementary
Email: VFE@sumnersd.org
Website: sumnersd.org/vfe
Location: 11401 188th Ave Ct E, Bonney Lake, WA, USA
Phone: (253) 891-4700
Twitter: @VictorFallsEle1
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