Hawk News
Hays Middle School Newsletter

September 14, 2024
Thank you to PTO for funding and hosting an outstanding Hawk Bash on Friday evening! So many Hawks attended and had a fun time with friends. Special thanks to the many parent volunteers who made the event possible, and especially to our teachers who were great sports in the dunk tank!
Hays Announcements
Academic UIL
Academic UIL Season is here! We are VERY excited about our students having the opportunity to participate in the University Interscholastic League (UIL) A+ Academics Competition.
Click THIS LINK for more information and to sign up for teams! This form MUST be completed in order for students to compete! Questions after reading through the information? Please reach out to Mrs. Hines (rphines@prosper-isd.net).
Campus Improvement Plan
Each school year, schools create a Campus Improvement Plan in order to ensure continued growth and achievement for students and staff. We are seeking 3-5 parents/community members to attend a brief meeting after school on September 26th as we review campus priorities for the year. If you are interested in serving as a parent or community representative at this meeting, please email Mrs. Brittain.
Game Time!
Volleyball and Football seasons have begun, and we are excited to cheer on our Hawks! Reminders about students who come to spectate:
- Students who attend games to spectate should go home between the end of the school day and the start of the game. The school does not provide supervision for students in the interim. Backpacks need to be left at home.
- Students should have rides ready to pick up at the conclusion of the games. Please communicate with your child to ensure you have a plan for pick-up.
- Our Hays REAL Hawk expectations apply to behavior at games and events.
- Game tickets for all PISD games can be purchased here.
- Support our Hawk Athletes through Booster Club membership! Visit hayshawks.membershiptoolkit.com.
Safety Reminders
Drivers, please be mindful of the students who are walking or riding bikes to Hays from across Hillcrest. We encourage all walkers and bike riders to cross at Aragon, where our crossing guard is stationed. We appreciate everyone's help and patience in getting students to and from school safely and efficiently.
***Additionally, the south parking lot behind the gyms is for buses only. Please do not use this lot for carpool drop off. This creates extra traffic and makes it difficult for the buses to enter/exit and adhere to route times.
District Announcements
Spelling Bee
Parents and Guardians,
It is time to sign up for the Scripp's National Spelling Bee. The 2024-2025 Prosper ISD Spelling Bee will take place in several levels. As set by our Regional organization, the minimum grade level for participation is 3rd grade.
At the first level, campuses with more than 20 students interested in competing will host a written test for all interested participants. The top 20 students from those tests will compete in the Campus Spelling Bee held in November in a traditional Spelling Bee oral format. The Champion from each campus will advance to the District Spelling Bee on December 12 at the Prosper ISD Community Room.
The top 3 students from Prosper ISD will advance to the Collin County Spelling Bee held on February 6, 2025 in Prosper ISD at the Walnut Grove High School Auditorium. The top 3-6 students at the Collin County Bee will advance to the Dallas Regional Bee on March 8, 2025 at the WFAA studio. From there winners will advance to the National Bee.
If your child is a Prosper ISD student in grades 3 - 8 and you want them to participate, click the link below to sign them up to compete. The deadline to register is September 30, 2024. After signing up, instructions will be emailed to you regarding how to get the study words. The campus meet will be in October so the sooner you register, the quicker your student will be able to start studying. By completing this form, you are giving your permission for your child to participate in the Prosper ISD Scripp's National Spelling Bee preliminary contests and for your child to represent Prosper ISD in the contest should your student advance. Additionally, by completing this form, you acknowledge that your child's name and image may be used by Prosper ISD and the Scripp's National Spelling Bee organization when acknowledging winners and grant permission for that use.
NAHS Arts & Crafts Fair
- Dec 7th from 9am-2pm INDOORS at Walnut Grove High School.
Helpful Links
Prosper ISD App
While we will continue to post current events on our Facebook and Twitter pages, you will be able to find the same content utilizing the Live Feed feature on our website (https://www.prosper-isd.net/hays) as well as via the Prosper ISD App! In addition to the feed, there are several other features on the app that we hope you will enjoy using as you stay connected with HMS and Prosper ISD!
*Click here for instructions on how to find and use the feed.
Previously Announced
Hays Middle School
14441 Hillcrest Road
Frisco, TX