The Eagle's Nest
September 6, 2024

Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, February 17
- No School - President's Day
Wednesday, February 19
- Late Start - 8:50 AM
Wednesday, February 26
- Late Start - 8:50 AM
Thursday, February 27
- End of 2nd Trimester
Friday, February 28
- Institute Day - No School
Institute Day ~ Friday, February 28 ~ No School
Black History Month
Check out these Black History Read Alouds!
Monthly Student Attendance Contest
February Attendance Incentive
Each Friday, students who have perfect attendance and no tardies for the week are given a ticket to enter a drawing. Three tickets for grades k, 1 and 2 and three tickets for grades 3, 4 and 5 will be drawn on the last school day of the month.
This month each student who wins will receive a great prize!
Good luck, students!!
January Class Attendance Winners ~ Mrs. White's Kindergarten
January Individual Student Winners
Library Reading Contest Winners
Mrs. Vucovich held a reading contest and students had the opportunity to win theater tickets to see the Dogman movie. Congratulations to our winners!
100th Day of School ~ February 4th
Mrs. Fletcher's Social Work Corner
Mrs. Fletcher’s Focus
Throughout the months of February students will be talking about personal safety and Erin’s Law.
Best Parenting Skill #6
Use Appreciation
Positive parenting is very important. Instead of always telling your children what NOT to do, try to tell them what TO do. Also, remember to give praise for good works! You can also reward them for their good deeds; rewards will encourage your children to repeat the good behavior!
District 104 Inclement Weather Policy
****Please remember that medication is NOT allowed at school without a doctor’s order. This includes ALL over the counter medications like cough drops, nasal sprays, eye drops, etc. *****
I’m sending out a big Thank you to all those who participated in Wear Red day last Friday!!
Continue to learn more about your heart and keeping it heathy by clicking the links below
Cold and Flu season is in full swing. Help stop the spread of germs by washing your hands frequently, covering your cough and staying home when you are sick.
There has been an increase in cases of the flu this season at school and across the state. Please read below for more information and recommendations from the American Academy of pediatrics regarding the flu.
February Breakfast
February Lunch
Please help your child to be responsible for their device!
Fees are:
- Device Sleeve/cover - $10
- Charger - $25
- Touch Screen - $115
- Chromebook Device Replacement Cost - $250/new device; $200/2 years old; $150/3 years old; $100/4 years old (new devices are provided to 1st and 5th grades every year
District 104 App
Having problems with your child's device? Call or email the District Technology Department
Walsh Elementary School
Email: chsmith@sd104.us
Website: https://www.sd104.us/
Location: 5640 South 75th Avenue, Summit, IL, USA
Phone: 708-458-7165
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/summitschooldistrict104/