Star News
September 2024
Greetings Simpson Superstars,
The school year is off to a wonderful start! I am very excited to be starting another school year with you as the very proud principal of Simpson Elementary School! The students, teachers, and support staff work very hard to make sure we make an IMPACT on your child's education every day! Parents, thank you for all you do to support our work. It is truly a team effort!
It was great to see so many of you during our Curriculum Night. I look forward to seeing you at our PTA Spirit Night “Picnic in the Park” at the Town Center on Thursday, September 26th (5 pm-7 pm). Thank you to our PTA for sponsoring this event. We appreciate the support our wonderful PTA provides. It makes a difference! If you have not already done so, I strongly encourage you to join our PTA. They do so much to support our sweet school. Have a great September, and as always, don’t hesitate to let me know if I can be of assistance.
Proud to be your principal,
Dr. Taffeta Connery
Administrative Team
Principal- Dr. Taffeta Connery
Assistant Principal- Ms. Brandy Bosak, Grades 1st, 3rd, & 5th
Assistant Principal- Ms. Jeanette Johnson, Grades K, 2nd, & 4th
Assistant Principal- Ms. Stephanie Wells, Special Needs & Connections
Sheri Terry
Nicole Faulstich
Dates at a Glance:
September Calendar Dates
September 5th: Bike Safety Training 4-5 Grades in car rider area- GASP will pick-up near PreK
September 6th: PBIS Pep Rally 2-3 PM for students only (Please wear school colors, navy blue and white)
September 10th: All Pro Dads at 7 AM
September 15th-October 15th: Hispanic Heritage Month
September 20th: Digital Learning Day #1
September 25th: Fall Intruder Alert Drill
September 26th: Fall Picture Day
September 26th: PTA Picnic in the Park at the Town Center 5-7 PM
October 3rd: PTA Walk to School Day
October 10th-14th: Fall Break
October 21st-25th: Book Fair
October 23rd-24th: Early Release/Parent-Teacher Conferences
School Hours
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30 AM - 4:15 PM
- All visitors must check in at the welcome desk and please be prepared to provide some form of identification upon request.
Students should arrive between 8:20 AM- 8:50 AM
Morning announcements and tardy bell rings at 8:50 AM
Dismissal bell rings at 3:20 PM
- If you are checking out your child early from school, please do so on or before 2:45 PM. This leaves our bus lanes open for bus arrivals. Also, please remember that a picture ID is required for all student check-outs. Thank you!
Hispanic Heritage Month-September 15th-October 15th
We are looking forward to celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM) at Simpson Elementary School. Throughout this month our students will learn lessons during class and connections about Spanish contributions to our society. Our teachers will explore activities with students recognizing Spanish trailblazers, traditions, music, art, literature, and much, much more! Also, please feel free to come out and enjoy on Saturday, September 14th from 2-6 PM a Hispanic Month Celebration at Summerour Middle School (see flyer for details)!
School Council
Interested in being an active participant in your child's school? We are excited to have you join our school council for the 24-25 SY. In case you were wondering, what is the purpose of a school council? It is intended to help local boards of education by bringing parents and the community together with teachers and school administrators to create a better understanding of and mutual respect for concerns and shared ideas for school improvement.
School councils are in place to support and build strong school-community partnerships. If you desire to become a member and have an interest in joining, please contact Ms. Traci Douglas at to RSVP no later than Friday, September 20th. Please see the dates/times below for details.
Meeting Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year:
Meetings will begin at 7:30 AM and will be held in the Professional Learning Lab on site. Light refreshments will be available.
- September 27, 2024
- November 22, 2024
- January 31, 2025
March 28, 2025
Save-the-Date: Fall Picture Day will be held on Thursday, September 26th. Let's dress to impress!
PurposeFull People
Meet Our Superstar Counselors!
How Can You Support PBIS at Home?
We encourage you to reinforce our PBIS norms at home. By doing so, you will be encouraging your child's social and academic growth.
Use the PBIS norms (respectful, responsible, ready, safe, and kind) at home.
Use the chart above outlining appropriate behaviors in different settings/locations at home. For example, what does respect look like in the kitchen?
Post your chart somewhere where your child can easily reference it during teachable moments.
Collaborate with your child on how you will give regular positive recognition and incentives for appropriate behavior.
PBIS Grade Level Buying Days
We are SO excited for the GRAND OPENING of the PBIS Store on Monday, September 9th for students to redeem their Starbucks. Please see below for your child's grade level buying day.
Monday: 5th
Tuesday: 4th
Wednesday: 2nd and 3rd
Thursday: 1st
Friday: PreK and K
We look forward to sharing more information with your child during our 1st ever PBIS Pep Rally on September 6th. Stay tuned for pictures!
Simpson is excited to offer an opportunity for parents with children ages birth to five!
We are so blessed to have one of our veteran, retired, and former Simpson Kindergarten Teachers, Ms. Sharon Terry! Once again she will be our Play2Learn instructor during the 24-25 SY. Therefore, please help us spread the good news to all of your family and friends, who may have children in this age range to call the school for additional information. Want to learn more about how to be your child's best teacher through PLAY? Simpson Elementary is offering the GCPS from Birth-To-FIVE Program for you and your child!
Come have some fun at Little Learners Academy
Little Learners Academy for children birth through five years old will meet on the third Tuesday of each month from 5-6pm. Come join the fun of learning!
September 17th
October 15th
November 19th
December 17th
January 21st
February 18th
March 18th
April 15th
I Scream You Scream We All Scream for Ice Cream
Students will have the opportunity to purchase ice cream from a variety of selections during lunch. Ice cream is $1.00 and will be sold Monday/Wednesday/Friday for all grade levels. Class Parties for ice cream sales are also available. Please email your child’s homeroom teacher for details.
School Safety Updates
Please save the date for our 1st of 2, Fall Intruder Alert Drills, which will be held on Wednesday, September 25th. School resource officers (SRO's) will be a part of this exercise drill to ensure that all safety measures are followed. Therefore, parents please feel free to discuss this drill ahead of time with your child(ren). Let them know that safety drills like fire, tornado, and intruder alert drills are needed to ensure that we keep all of our school stakeholders safe. I thank you in advance for your support, flexibility, and cooperation in keeping our school stakeholders safe.
Simpson Safe School Plans
GCPS will continue to follow guidelines as it relate to safety & security by visitors producing identification when inside the vestibule to check out students (as well as during visiting lunch hours). Also, lunch visitation will begin immediately after Labor Day. Teachers will utilize this time to put PBIS expectations in place for cafeteria-positive behavior.
In addition, we will continue to follow safety guidelines to minimize the risk of infection and/or spread of COVID-19. Therefore, if anyone in your household becomes sick and has tested positive for COVID-19, please contact our school nurse, Amy Norris, and/or your homeroom teacher immediately.
Simpson Elementary is in the top 10 for GA Elementary Schools
According to US News Report for 2024, Simpson Elementary School is ranked #6 as one of the BEST Elementary Schools in the State of Georgia. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation, and how well they prepare their students for high school. Simpson is ranked as:
#1 in Gwinnett County Public Schools
- #6 in the State of Georgia
Learn more about Simpson Elementary School here - See an overview of the school, get student population data, enrollment information, test scores and more.
Please click here to join the PTA for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Did you know that becoming a PTA member does not require you to volunteer?
Your memberships have an enormous impact! Simpson PTA sponsors and coordinates over 30 programs each school year.
Visit our website and join our PTA Facebook page to stay connected!
PTA Calendar Dates
September 5 | 4th + 5th Grade Bike Safety Class
September 10 | All Pro Dads, 7 AM
September 12 | 5th Grade T-Shirt Design Contest Ends (5th Grade only) - click for submission form
September 19 | Reflections Entry Deadline, 8:50 AM in the cafeteria
September 26 | Fall Picture Day - Sign Up to Volunteer!
September 26 | Picnic in the Park, 5-8 PM - Spirit Night - Fire&Stone, Knuckies + Playa Bowls
September 27 | Childhood Cancer Awareness Fundraiser
Month of September | Volunteer in the Media Center!
Yearbooks + 5th Grade Baby Ads are for Sale | Click to learn more
Membership + Donations Update
As of August 25th :
We have 280 PTA Members, and have received $1,600 in direct donations
Thank you for your gracious support!
'24-'25 Reflections Deadline : September 19 by 8:50 AM
Click here for more Reflections information
Submission deadline is September 19th by 8:50 AM in the cafeteria.
National PTA's Reflections Program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts.
This 50+ year old program helps students explore their own feelings and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence, and develop a love of learning.
The theme for the '24-'25 program year is
Accepting Imperfection
Students will submit their completed, original works of art
in one or all of the available Arts categories :
- Dance Choreography - Film Production - Literature
- Music Composition - Photography - Visual Arts
'24-'25 Yearbooks Are For Sale!
Yearbook | 5th Grade Baby Ads
Reserve space for your baby by November 15, 2024
Submit your baby ad content by January 1, 2025
'24-'25 Business Partners
Support from the businesses in our local community is critical in the PTA's success in providing enriching (and fun!) experiences and programs to our Superstar students and staff.
To learn more about partnering with our PTA, please visit our website and/or
contact our Business Partners Chair, Heather Reich,