Caldwell School District Update
From Superintendent Dr. N. Shalene French
January 17, 2025
As the new year begins, we welcome back a new legislative session. The most important topic for our state legislators is in regards to public education. We know that public schools are a microcosm of our community, our state, and our nation. The Idaho Constitution directs our state leaders to "establish a system of free schools" (Idaho Constitution, Article IX, Section 1):
Why are public schools essential? Because...
We Believe
- Every student deserves a well-rounded curriculum that will nurture their imagination and freedom to learn.
- All children - no matter their race/color, background, income, zip code, ability - should have the freedom to pursue their dreams.
- Our future depends on every child from every corner of Idaho receiving a great education where they live and play.
- It is imperative that our students are prepared for the future and know how to work together to be responsible members of our communities.
- Our students deserve to have an education that instills a love of learning and prepares them for their future. (Idaho School Boards Association https://www.idsba.org/)
Public Schools Work!
The Caldwell School District will continue to advocate for ALL of our children.
There will be no school for all students on Monday, January 20, 2025, for the Martin Luther King Holiday. In addition, there will be no school for all students on Monday, January 27, and Tuesday, January 28, 2025, to allow for staff professional development.
Kindergarten teachers will be attending a special training that day:
Understanding Challenging Behaviors Through the Lens of Self-Regulation
Boys & Girls Club of Canyon County:
Boys & Girls Club will be closed January 20.
Boys & Girls Club will be providing services for January 27 & 28, and February 12.
Please call 208-461-7203 to get your child registered.
Boys & Girls Club is located at 1200 Grant St. in Caldwell.
Board Strategic Pillars: Ensuring Quality Instruction
Reading Corps Tutors
These dedicated tutors have been working closely with students in our elementary schools, providing personalized support to help them strengthen their reading abilities. Currently, six tutors are working with students at Lewis & Clark, Wilson, Washington, Sacajawea, and Van Buren Elementary Schools. Through one-on-one sessions and small group activities, they have been able to focus on improving reading comprehension, fluency, and confidence in our young learners.
We have already seen great progress, and students hard work alongside our Reading Corps tutors is truly making a difference. To date, Reading Corps tutors have worked with over 180 students in 6,200 sessions. Tutors are gathering winter benchmark data and new tutors are in training.
We look forward to continuing this valuable partnership and seeing even more growth in the months ahead.
Board Strategic Pillar: Community Engagement
Eighth grade students at Syringa Middle School participated in a telescopic event this past week.
Through the Telescopes for Teachers program at Boise State University, Mrs. Styles, Ms. Kerwin, and Dr. Ferro were able to bring in the amazing "Carolyn" telescope (named after the legendary American astronomer Carolyn Shoemaker).
Students had the opportunity to explore sunspots on the sun through the telescope and learned to operate the telescope using the Unistellar app! A special shoutout to the advanced science students who were trained as docents—they guided their peers in observing the sunspots and captured some incredible photos!
Syringa Middle School will also be hosting a Star Night on Monday, February 3, 2025, where the telescope, along with the docents, will be available for students and families to explore the night sky together.
This is just one of the many ways we’re bringing science to life for our students!
Board Strategic Pillars: Ensuring Quality Instruction
We want to inform you that the Caldwell School District Office has moved to a new location. We are now located at the former Lincoln Elementary School, 1200 Grant St. in Caldwell.
Our business hours are 7:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday - Friday during the school year.
We look forward to continuing to serve you from our new location.
Board Strategic Pillar: Community Engagement
Idaho English Learners will be participating in the ACCESS assessment between January 29, 2025, and March 7, 2025. English Learners take the ACCESS assessment each year to determine their level of English language proficiency and growth. *Check with your school building to see when your child will be testing.
An ACCESS for ELLs Information for Families handout can be found on the District website in English, Chinese, Arabic, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese which provides more information about the assessment including its purpose, what scores will be provided, and how the scores will be used.
Board Strategic Pillar: Ensuring Quality Instruction
The Idaho Attorney General’s Office is again working with the National Child Identification Program to provide free, at-home ID kits and safety materials to Idaho families. Parents and guardians of Idaho kindergarteners keep the completed identification kits at home, to be provided only in the event that law enforcement needs to later locate a missing child.
The use of the kit is 100 percent voluntary, and a child’s information is never stored centrally. It
stays secure in the hands of parents and guardians. The kit consists of an inkless applicator, a
coated fingerprint and identification card, a DNA collection area and a space to provide medical
and dental records.
Schools will receive their kits via either USPS or FedEx in the coming days. Once the kits are
received, schools are free to distribute them to all kindergarten students in their district.
According to the FBI, of the roughly 840,000 people reported missing in the U.S. each year,
children make up 85 to 90 percent of that total number. The National Child Identification
Program offers parents valuable peace of mind while safeguarding children, families, and
Board Strategic Pillar: Stewarding Valued Resources
Peak Season Passports for 5th and 6th Graders from Ski Idaho
Parents looking for a way to keep kids engaged and healthy this winter now have the opportunity to hit the slopes with help from Ski Idaho. The Ski Idaho 5th and 6th grade Peak Season Passport gives kids three free days of skiing or boarding at 17 locations across Idaho. To apply, parents can submit an application from the Ski Idaho registration page with a one-time $29 processing fee. Ski Idaho will then email parents the passport for immediate use. Parents can print the passport or use their smartphone to supply it at the hill of their choice.
*Please note that participating ski hills reserve the right to limit passport use for ski racers, on race days, and on any scheduled blackout dates that may apply. Check with your ski hill for full details.
Click here to learn more about the program, participating hills and more, or register directly for your passport at the button below.
Board Strategic Pillar: Community Engagement
- Student must have experienced homelessness during the 2024-25 school year
- Student must have been identified as experiencing homelessness (McKinney-Vento eligible) by the LEA or charter in ISEE data reporting
- Student must provide proof of acceptance and/or enrollment into a college or university for the 2025 summer/fall semester or term
Application packet must include the following:
- A completed application
- A personal essay (1,000-1,500 words) about the impact of experiencing homelessness and the desire to attend college
- A minimum of one letter of recommendation from a teacher, counselor or adult who can speak to the applicant’s educational qualifications and life experiences
- Proof of acceptance into a college or university (e.g. college acceptance letter, class schedule or housing confirmation letter)
The deadline to apply is Sunday, April 20. Download the program flyer here or access the application at the button below:
Board Strategic Pillar: Inspiring Student Growth & Achievement
PowerSchool Cybersecurity Update
Earlier this month, PowerSchool informed our leadership team that they experienced a worldwide cybersecurity incident involving unauthorized access to certain PowerSchool SIS customer data. Unfortunately, they have confirmed that the information belongs to some of our Caldwell School District families and educators.
PowerSchool informed us that the compromised data primarily includes parent and student contact information with data elements such as name and address information. Across their customer base, they have determined that for a portion of individuals, some personally identifiable information (PII), such as medical information, was impacted.
Protecting our students' and staff privacy is something we take seriously. With PowerSchool’s help, more information and resources (including credit monitoring or identity protection services if applicable) will be provided to you as it becomes available.
Board Strategic Pillar: Safe & Supportive Schools
Jr. Yotes Basketball LEAGUE
Join the new Caldwell Recreation and College of Idaho Jr. Yotes Basketball League! The dynamic season will be packed with 5 thrilling games and 2 dedicated practices per week, designed to hone skills and foster teamwork. Open to all skill levels, this league promises a blend of competitive play and developmental coaching in a supportive community environment. Boys and girls will play in separate leagues and all participants will receive a Jr. Yotes basketball jersey to keep.
Youth COED Volleyball League
This league is designed to teach kids the fundamentals and proper techniques of volleyball. The goal is to help provide a path of learning before they reach the junior high level. This league will offer 5 games to be held on Saturdays, and practices will be held twice a week in the evenings. Games will be played at a Caldwell School. Participants will receive a game t-shirt to keep. Click HERE for more information.
Parent Corner
Parent Corner provides parent resources provided by Idaho Public Education! This page offers helpful links and content for the parents and guardians of students in Idaho public schools. Click HERE for more information.
Board Strategic Pillar: Community Engagement
Thank you for choosing the Caldwell School District for your child's education
The Caldwell School District offers great school choices for families living inside or outside of the Caldwell School District boundaries. The District is committed to providing high-quality education opportunities for all students and fostering strong relationships between parents and teachers.
We recognize that some assigned school attendance areas may not meet the needs of families in our district, and some families live outside of our district boundaries and want to choose our schools for their children.
The application will open the week of 1/13/2025 and is due by 2/1/2025 for the 25-26 school year.
Board Strategic Pillar: Community Engagement
Below are a few dates for upcoming community events happening in the City of Caldwell.
Connection is the Cure
On Thursday, January 29, 2025, Connection is the Cure is hosting The Power in Your Story Mental Health Event. Elizabeth Smart will be headlining the event along with the National Parks Band. The event will be held at the Ford Idaho Center in Nampa at 6:00 pm.
Free Meals for Kids
The Caldwell YMCA will be providing snacks to all children in the facility under the age of 18. Snacks must be eaten on site.
MYAC Gala Event
The Caldwell Mayor's Youth Advisory Council is hosting their biggest fundraiser of the year on Friday, February 28, 2025, from 6-10 pm at the College of Idaho's newly renovated Simplot Dining Hall banquet room. If you would like to merely give a donation you can do so by dropping it off at City Hall or using this link below: https://myacgala.maxgiving.bid/about-us
Board Strategic Pillar: Community Engagement
Caldwell School District cares about the health and safety of students and families in our communities. Each school has a full-time nurse or health aide and counselor on staff. We also offer a wide variety of health screenings and services throughout each school year. Click the button below to view the list of services.
Board Strategic Pillars: Safe & Supportive Schools
Strategic Plan
The Caldwell School District strategic planning framework is comprised of six areas of focus: Safe & Supportive Schools, Community Engagement, Inspiring Student Growth & Achievement, Stewarding Valued Resources, Empowering College & Career Readiness, and Ensuring Quality Instruction.
Destination Education
Mission Statement:
Nurturing growth, eliminating obstacles, strengthening the community.
Superintendent Dr. N. Shalene French
Committed to Caldwell School District's mission, vision, and values to ensure equity and access for all students.
Email: nfrench@caldwellschools.org
Website: www.caldwellschools.org
Location: 1200 Grant St, Caldwell, ID, USA
Phone: (208) 455-3300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/caldwellschools.org/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/caldwellschooldistrict/