Literacy Across Content Areas:
"Teaching Content IS Teaching Reading"
"Literacy is not just the ability to read and write, but rather an individual’s capacity to put those skills to work in thinking critically, in problem solving, and in shaping the course of his or her own life..."
Many content area teachers feel pressure to add literacy instruction to their content. However, literacy instruction can be used as the primary vehicle for teaching content.
Literacy in Social Studies
- "Math, science, history, and English teachers tend to get nervous when people start talking about literacy instruction in the content areas. "But I don't know anything about teaching reading!" goes the usual reply. "I don't know how to help kids sound out words or read more fluently." They're right...Content area teachers should be able to focus on the kinds of reading and writing that go on in their disciplines...."
Strategies for Teaching Literacy Standards:
- "I can use context and time period to understand meaning of words and phrases within a text.
- "I can use important details and context to summarize the text."
- "I can cite statements and quotations directly from the text to demonstrate, explain, or defend my viewpoint on what the text says."
- "I can analyze and evaluate similar and contrasting views between texts."
Literacy Strategies That Bring Meaning to Content
Take a few moments to consider the cartoon. Notice the small details. Write two-three connections that you can make about this picture based on what we've been discussing in class.
- "I can use context and time period to understand meaning of words and phrases within a text.
- "I can use important details and context to summarize the text."
The "Great Eight" & Making Connections
The Declaration of Independence
- Read this chunk of text silently. As your read highlight (or circle) eight words or phrases that you think are the MOST IMPORTANT to the overall meaning of the text.
- Be prepared to explain WHY.
- Turn the paper over so that you cannot see the text.
- With a partner, write a summary of the text you read connecting the words and phrases you chose along with your own thoughts and understanding of the text. (You may refer back to the text if you need to.)
The "Great Eight" & Making Connections
The Communist Manifesto
- Read this chunk of text silently. As your read highlight (or circle) eight words or phrases that you think are the MOST IMPORTANT to the overall meaning of the text.
- Be prepared to explain WHY.
- Turn the paper over so that you cannot see the text.
- With a partner, write a summary of the text you read connecting the words and phrases you chose along with your own thoughts and understanding of the text. (You may refer back to the text if you need to.)
- "I can cite statements and quotations directly from the text to demonstrate, explain, or defend my viewpoint on what the text says."
- "I can analyze and evaluate similar and contrasting views between texts."
Central Idea/ Thesis & Sentence Framing
Using any of the sententence frames below, cite evidence from the text to write a thesis:
Sentence frame #1
The author,____________ says/ uses to demonstrate ________________.
Sentence frame #2
The author,____________ says/ uses to convince the reader that ______________
Sentence frame #3
The author,____________ says/ uses to expose _______________.
Comparing/ Contrasting
- With your partner, create a T-Chart (or Venn Diagram) of the similarities between texts. Write any major differences at the bottom of the chart (unless you create a Venn...)
- With your partner, use either of the sentence frames below to cite evidence from the text to compare/ contrast the texts...Be prepared to DEFEND your conclusion:
Sentence frame #1
__________________ and ____________________ are similar because ______________________ is saying _____________________, just as ____________________ expresses a similar idea by saying __________________.
Sentence frame #2
__________________ and ____________________ express conflicting viewpoints because ______________________ is saying _____________________, while on the other hand ____________________ expresses a contrasting idea by saying __________________.