Gertie Belle Rogers Elementary
February 2025
A Note from the Principal's Office
Hello, February!
As we step into the heart of winter, February offers us a wonderful opportunity to keep the momentum going and embrace the bright energy we’ve built so far this year. This month may be the shortest, but it’s packed with opportunities for growth, connection, and positivity!
In January, we took time to review the Energy Bus rules and created meaningful visions for the year ahead. It was inspiring to see students and families reflecting, setting goals, and embracing a fresh start with enthusiasm. Thank you for helping us build such a positive foundation!
This month, our focus shifts to Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy. Together, we’ll discover how staying optimistic and uplifting others can make every day brighter. We’ll explore ways to bring joy and encouragement to our school, homes, and communities.
Here are some ways to fuel positive energy:
- Start a daily gratitude practice where each family member shares something they’re thankful for.
- Create “positivity notes” to leave around the house with uplifting messages for one another.
- Brainstorm ways to brighten someone else’s day—small acts of kindness can make a big difference!
- Use the included "February Kindness Calendar" to spark kind acts at home and at school.
- Participate in the GBR Kindness Week from Feb. 17 - 22.
Thank you for your continued support and for bringing positivity to our community. Let’s make February a month filled with kindness, joy, and encouragement as we fuel our rides with positive energy!
Warm Regards,
Mrs. Pierson
February Kindness Calendar
Dates to Remember!
Monday, February 3, 2025 - PTA Meeting in the Commons at 6:15 PM
Saturday, February 8, 2025 - MSD Caring Closet Pop-Up
Thursday, February 13, 2025 - Valentine's Day Parties (look for communication from your child's teacher) 🥰💘
Friday, February 14, 2025 - No School
Monday, February 17, 2025 - No School/President's Day
Saturday, March 8, 2025 - MSD Caring Closet Pop-Up
Thursday, March 13, 2025 - No School/Spring Break
Friday, March 14, 2025 - No School/Spring Break
Monday, March 17, 2025 - No School/Teacher In-Service Day
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 - Kindergarten Jumpstart
Thursday, March 27, 2025 - Kindergarten Jumpstart
Feb. 17 - 22 - Dress Up Week!
From the Attendance Liaison
GBR Teacher & Classified Staff of the Year
Congratulations, Mrs. Way and Mrs. McEntee (known as Miss Kate to many)!
GBR is better because you are here. We are proud of you!
Thank you, Junior Achievement!
We are grateful for the Junior Achievement volunteers who have been visiting our classrooms again this school year! By combining JA programming with their own personal and professional experiences, JA volunteers teach students about careers, money management, entrepreneurship, and ethics. They help students connect what they learn in school with the skills needed for success in both their personal and professional lives.
Junior Achievement (JA) gives students hope for a brighter future. This school year, nearly 2,000 JA volunteers are committed to teaching JA programs, empowering over 56,000 South Dakota students to pursue their dreams.
Please join us in thanking the volunteers and teachers listed below for their involvement in JA during the 2024-25 school year. If you're interested in sharing your knowledge and business experience with local students, or would like to sponsor a student for $25, please contact the JA office at (605) 336-7318 or jasd@ja.org.
Kindergarten Jumpstart
The Mitchell School District 2025-2026 Kindergarten Jumpstart sessions have been scheduled. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 25, 2025, and Thursday, March 27, 2025. Please refer to the included flyer for details on time, place, etc.
If you have a child who will turn age 5 on or prior to September 1, 2025, please scan the QR code on the included flyer to get your child's name on the list. You will need to attend a Jumpstart session at your child's home-based school. We will mail out information packets in February!
Caring Kernels & Attendance Awards
The Caring Kernel Award is given monthly to teacher nominated students who have shown to go above and beyond. Students are chosen for showing kindness to other at school or within the community, showing true Kernel spirit, having a positive attitude, demonstrating great sportsmanship at school activities, and overcoming hardships in school or at home.
The January 2025 student recipients are:
- K: Brea
- 1: Laken
- 2: Lawren
- 3: Quinn
- 4: Vivienne
- 5: Juleysha
Thank you to the Kiwanis Club of Mitchell for sponsoring this honor!
The Attendance Award is given to the class with the BEST attendance each and every month. The January 2025 recipient is 5E. They won dinner & a movie from Mrs. Kapfer!
Happy 100th Day!
2AB did a 100 seconds challenge. They did a number of different activities in 100 seconds.
How many hops (or arm circles, or write your name, or do sit ups, or jumping jacks)
can you do in 100 seconds?
It's Scholarship Time!
Attention Class of 2025 and Gertie Belle Rogers Alumni:
Be sure to apply for the GBR Scholarship! Applications are available in the Mitchell High School Counselor's office. To be eligible for the scholarship, a student must be a graduating senior of Mitchell High School, have attended Gertie Belle Rogers Elementary for 3 years, and be pursuing any higher level of education upon graduation.
The deadline to apply is Monday, April 1, 2025.
Mitchell Community Scholarship
The Mitchell Community Scholarship Fund is a 501(c)3 organization created in 2001 and maintained to provide scholarships for every graduating senior from MHS or MCHS who qualify. This fund assists Mitchell’s graduating seniors to attain their goals of continuing educational opportunities and to demonstrate Mitchell’s belief in their youth. The student must attend a postsecondary institution to receive the scholarship money and complete the necessary claim form. A board of directors oversees the efforts, and all monies raised are done through fundraising and special events. Community members and school representatives are members of the board that has no fiscal relationship with the Mitchell School District or Mitchell Christian School. Funds are held and managed by the Mitchell Area Charitable Foundation with 100% of money raised dedicated to scholarship awards.
Nurse's Corner
If you'd like to register your student(s) and were not able to fill the paperwork out at conferences, please reach out to our school nurse, Mrs. Snoozy, with questions.
Her email is: marlett.snoozy@k12.sd.us
The germs are rampant this season! Please encourage your child to wash his or her hands throughout the day to help stave off illness!
Another way to help keep the germs at bay is to get plenty of sleep each night!
GBR Student Council - Valentine's Fundraiser
The Student Council will be selling foil wrapped chocolate roses for $3.00 a piece in preparation for Valentines Day.
You can choose from 1 of 3 notes to go with your rose: I'm Grateful for You!, I Appreciate You!, or You're the Best!.
Student Council members will be taking orders starting Monday, February 3, 2025. They will be on the stage in the commons each morning that week before school, until they run out of roses. The roses will be delivered on Thursday, February 13, 2025 by end of day.
Lunch is Served 🍴
Student Gallery
Community Happenings
“‘How do you spell love?’ asked Piglet.
‘You don’t spell it, you feel it,’ said Pooh.” —A.A. Milne
Mrs. Rebecca Genzlinger - Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Jenny Egli - Administrative Assistant
Phone: 605-995-3091, Fax: 605-996-6610