OUUC Weekly Update
July 16, 2024

Worship Service July 21
"Grounded In Our Values" with Rylee Uhrich
In response to UU General Assembly earlier this summer, Rylee explores values, ideals, and change as part of our UU tradition.
Speaker bio: Rylee is a social worker at Community Youth Services. She is also a UU ministry student and remains curious about where her call to ministry will lead her next. Rylee lives in Olympia and is a member of OUUC.
The worship service starts at 10 am.
OUUC Sunday Morning Service
Meeting ID: 873 210 124
Password: 995142
Dial +1 253 215 8782
Please note: There will be no After-Service Forums held now through August.
Last Sunday's Worship Service
“Weaving Our Lives”
Recorded worship service from the 2024 General Assembly of the UUA
This past Sunday's service included a mix of live elements at OUUC and pre-recorded video from the GA Worship Service. Our Order of Service can be found here. The transcript and video of the original GA Worship Service can be found here.
Tiny Little News Show
Tiny Little News is off again this week.
Pastoral Care Team
Congregants, please remember that Rev. Mary’s absence does not mean that spiritual or emotional support is absent, too! The Pastoral Care Team (PCT) is a caring group of individuals who serve at the invitation of Reverend Mary and extend the care of the congregation to those who are in special need.
If you would like support from the Pastoral Care Team, you can identify members on Sunday mornings or at other church events by looking for the green Pastoral Care stoles they wear. If you are not physically at church, you can reach out via email, and a team member will get back to you shortly to see how they can be of service.
Your Pastoral Care Team members are as follows:
Ministry Programs
Latest From GRUB
GRUB welcomes drop-in volunteers on Wednesdays at 5:30 to help in the garden or with other chores. The GRUB market stand is open from 3:30-6:30 each Wednesday. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the volunteer application form.
GRUB appreciates volunteers with all kinds of skills, abilities, and schedules because diversity makes our programs stronger. If you are a carpenter, knowledgeable about databases, artistic, an introvert, people person, whatever– there’s a place for you in our work to make local communities more just and food secure.
GRUB is located at 2016 Elliot Circle NW near the church. Questions? Contact Gail Gosney Wrede.
You are all invited to summer events at GRUB!
- The annual GRUB summer carnival is back! July 18th from 4-8 pm at the GRUB Farm, 2016 Elliott Circle. This is a FUN event for the whole family! Suggested donations: $20 per family, $5 per individual.
- Saturday, September 7 Soiree Harvest Dinner
- Weekly Farm Stands, Wednesdays 3-6 pm through summer
- Weekly Wednesday evening drop in volunteer sessions 5:30 - 7:30 pm
- 3rd Weds Workshops, Farm Stands, Music, Tours
UU Pagan Lammas Potluck and Ritual
Friday, August 2, 6:30 PM.
All are welcome to join the UU Pagan group at OUUC to celebrate Lammas (also known as Lughnasadh). This is the first of the harvest sabbats, we will celebrate with a potluck and simple ritual.
Washington State LGBTQ Commission Survey!
This first-of-its-kind statewide survey aims to understand the characteristics and experiences of LGBTQ+ people in the state of WA. The research is funded by the WA LGBTQ Commission and is designed by and for LGBTQ+ Washingtonians. The LGBTQ Commission will use the findings to inform their policy recommendations to the Office of the Governor and the Washington State Legislature. Survey participants will be eligible for raffle drawings.
Survey is LIVE and available at this link. For questions email here.
Seeking Facilitators for Soul Matters Groups next church year
Would you be interested in leading a Soul Matters group next year? These are small groups that explore the theme of the month, meeting once a month (schedule to be set by facilitators).
Facilitators can work solo or with a co-faciliatator. Experience with Soul Matters is good but not required. Contact Rev. Sara if you are interested in leading a group!
For twenty years OUUC has hosted a giant in person book sale benefiting local charities. We have many worker bees ... but are looking for a person/team someone to lead the team.
Love books, raising money for good causes, and getting to know more people at OUUC? This is a great opportunity! Contact past co-leader Sally Alhadeff for more information now!
Quick Notes
A note from Teve:
Dearest friends,
This Sunday, July 21st, will be my last time at OUUC. I’m off to college soon, and will miss you all very much. To celebrate you, and to find closure with my time here, I’m hosting a potluck after the service at Burri Park, down the street from OUUC. Any and all are welcome. Bring food and/or games if you like, and please bring your own plate and silverware, as OUUC stuff can't leave the building.
Thank you everyone for welcoming me into your community. It was wonderful.
sincerely and gratefully yours,
Teve 🌳
(For anyone who can't attend this Sunday and would like to send Teve your well wishes another way, you can request contact info here.)
Office Assistant, Rosie Koppelman will be out of the office this week, starting on Tuesday 7/16, returning Tuesday 7/22. Business Manager, Isaac Jennings will be available during regular office hours and for urgent needs.
Safety Reminder: Please lock and remove valuables from your vehicles.
Download the flyer below if you would like a list of OUUC events for the summer. Great for posting on your refrigerator!
In the Larger Community
Learn more about the following events and others here.
Dances of Universal Peace
Sunday, July 21, 12:30 pm at Center for Spiritual Living 3437 Libby Rd. NE Olympia
The Dances are an embodied, transformative spiritual practice, invoking a sense of unity, presence and compassion, touching the spiritual essence within each person. Live music and singing! All are welcome, no experience necessary.
By donation, $5 - 10, no one turned away for lack of funds.
Funds support DUP and CSL and OUUC. Olympia Dances are held every third Sunday of the month at 12:30 - 2pm, at the Center for Spiritual Living, and on second Thursdays at various locations. Hosted at OUUC starting in September! Second Thursdays 6:30-8pm. Email here for more information.
The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice invites you to show your support for Palestine each Friday from 4:30-6 pm at the Fellowship of Reconciliation Vigil for Peace
Percival Landing in Downtown Olympia, 4th & Water Street.
About Us
Staff Contacts
Rev. Mary Gear, Minister (on sabbatical)
Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen, Sabbatical Minister
Rev. Sara Lewis, Director of Community and Faith Development
Isaac Ezra Jennings, Business Manager
Rosie Koppelman, Office Assistant
Teresa Madsen, Communications and Tech Coordinator
Marie Arensmeyer, Facilities Manager
Anissa Bentlemsani, Religious Education Assistant
Carbon Marshall, Tech Specialist
Office Hours
Tuesday - Thursday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm