The Mud Puddle

A Look Back At December
A Christmas Carol Field Trip
On Thursday, December 5, the seventh grade class from Gelinas Junior High School attended a special field trip to Theatre Three in Port Jefferson to enjoy a live musical performance of A Christmas Carol. This timeless classic by Charles Dickens is an integral part of the seventh grade curriculum, making this experience both educational and enriching for our students.
For many students, this was their first exposure to live theater, and it opened their eyes to the world of performing arts. The experience not only enriched their understanding of A Christmas Carol but also inspired their appreciation for the arts as a whole. It was a memorable day for the seventh graders, and a highlight of their educational journey at Gelinas Junior High School.
7th Grade Concert
The 7th Grade Chorus, under the direction of Ms. Christy Stark and accompanied on percussion by Mr. Michael Ayala, delivered a memorable and inspiring performance at their recent concert. The program opened with a Roger Emerson arrangement of "Danger Zone", originally from the motion picture Top Gun. Sung in balanced three-part harmony, the piece showcased the musical maturity and precision of the ensemble. Next, the chorus performed Lady Gaga’s "Million Reasons", arranged by Audrey Snyder and also presented in three-part harmony. The beauty of the rich harmonies was elevated by heartfelt solos from Amelia Theodorakis, Magnolia Lorber, Erik Bjorneby, Elise Ciardullo, Brianna Caputo, Bridget Menendez, and Isaac Allison. The choral portion of the program concluded with a fast-paced and electrifying Alan Billingsley arrangement of "Blinding Lights" by The Weeknd. Alongside the impressive three-part harmonies, the piece featured dynamic solos by Jude Drechsler, Kira Hendricks, Sofia Wilkins-Aponte, Abigail Louis, Jenny Zhang, Lilli Baker, Annabelle Field, Maleah Soman, and Adelyn Mills. Congratulations to the PJ Gelinas 7th Grade Chorus for their outstanding performance and for bringing energy, talent, and inspiration to the stage!
The 7th Grade Orchestra gave an excellent first performance as an orchestra at their Winter Concert. They opened with Lijiang River Landscape, a traditional Chinese Guangxi folk song which is a favorite among many in the orchestra. Their next piece was the Sweet Suite by Andrew Dabczynski, a four movement mini-symphony. The first movement, the Honeyed Hemiola Hornpipe, showed the ability of the orchestra to play in different groupings of time. The second movement, Piquant Pizza-Polka, had the orchestra playfully showing off their skills plucking the instrument. This included techniques such as left hand pizzicato and Bartok pizzicato. The third movement, Saccharine Suspension Sarabande, showed how the orchestra can play beautifully and lyrically. The last movement, Ripe Retrograde Reel, was a thrilling conclusion that demonstrated the speed the orchestra could play at. Their final piece was Rest Ye Merry, Rock Ye Very. This was a rock version of the holiday tune God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen with the multi-talented 7th Grader Aaron Jung playing drum set. It was a thrilling conclusion to an excellent first concert together as an orchestra.
The 7th grade band had a fantastic start to the year with an impressive performance for their first concert on the Gelinas stage!
The 7th Grade Band kicked off their performance with an energetic and lively arrangement of Hanukkah Dance (Sevivon) by Matt Conaway. The percussion section truly drove this piece home, bringing incredible energy and excitement to the stage. Next, the band performed The Planets, inspired by the famous classical work that portrays the "personalities" of the planets. They began with Mars, the Bringer of War, followed by the serene Venus, the Bringer of Peace, and concluded with the uplifting Jupiter, the Bringer of Joy. To close out the concert, the band delivered a festive and jazzy rendition of Here Comes Santa Claus, leaving the audience in the holiday spirit. The band is excited to start working on new music for their next concert in the spring, and we can’t wait to see what they’ll bring to the stage next!
8th Grade Winter Concert
The 8th Grade Chorus performed "Into the West," a moving ballad from the motion picture "Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King", along with a medley from "Little Shop of Horrors: The Broadway Musical" featuring solos from Milo Nicholson, Angie Munoz-Hernandez, Layla Carola, Jason Churgel, James Lindsay, Penny Boutcher & Olivia Mottola. Gelinas Choral Students are exposed to a variety of musical styles during this important time in their music education. The concert selections were eclectic for the students and the families alike.
The 8th Grade Orchestra gave an extremely polished performance at their Winter Concert. They opened with the fiery Danza Espanola, a Spanish Dance with exciting rhythms and the famous Andalusian chord progression used in the music of Spain, Central America, and South America. Their second piece, Land of Dragons, featured violin soloist Annelise Burgueno and cello soloist Emma Yu. Their performance brought music that is normally heard in a film score to the concert stage. The dark melodies and fierce rhythms evoked a sense of adventure as the orchestra performed their most difficult piece to date! Their final song was the orchestra's take on the OneRepublic song Counting Stars. This song had Brendan Miller on the bass guitar and Thea Turano joining the orchestra on drum set. The song itself was selected by the orchestra, so it was a favorite to rehearse and perform. It was a fantastic ending to a great first concert of the year.
The 8th Grade Band delivered a phenomenal winter concert that they can truly be proud of! Despite being presented with challenging music, the students rose to the occasion and put on a memorable performance. The concert opened with a powerful piece that told the story of Nathan Hale, the American patriot of the Revolutionary War. This piece was divided into three movements: the first depicted Nathan Hale receiving his lieutenant's commission from the Connecticut assembly; the second reflected the solemn monument marking the place of his capture and death; and the final, fast-paced movement honored the Rangers, the small fighting group to which he belonged.
The second selection, The Drums of Saamis, showcased the percussion section with its tribal and powerful sounds. This piece also featured beautiful flute solos performed by Amanda Tang and Hadleigh Pistell, adding a special touch to the performance. The concert concluded with the class favorite, Frosty's Caribbean Holiday, a fun and festive piece that left the audience smiling. After a wonderful performance, the 8th grade band is excited to dive into new music as they prepare for the second half of the year. We can’t wait to see what they’ll accomplish next!
Showcase Concert
The Vocal Vikings are a select ensemble of students from band, chorus and orchestra. Being a select ensemble, there is a higher level of difficulty of the music that we perform. Vocal Vikings began the concert with "The Star Spangled Banner" which was arranged vocally by Mr. Robert De Persio Jr. Other selections included: "The Pink Panther" a difficult jazz scatting piece that is usually performed with only instruments and "Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride" from Walt Disney's Lilo and Stitch with a solo from Charles Catania. Our final piece was a difficult medley of music from the Broadway Musical "Jekyll & Hyde" with solos performed by Madeleine Corsitto, Lilah Koltai, Karis Moody, Olivia Mottola, Akira Penkar & Magnolia Lorber.
The Gelinas Chamber Orchestra gave an outstanding performance at the Showcase Concert. They opened with Rossini's Overture to Semiramide. This is one of Rossini's most well known and popular opera overtures. The orchestra played with great intensity and precision. The clarinet solo from the original overture was performed superbly on the violin by concertmaster Victoria Chen. The next piece they played was Stamitz's Viola Concerto in D Major. This piece featured standout violist Annie Huang. Annie has proved herself as the best violist in Suffolk County at her grade level, earning the title of principal viola in the last three county wide festivals; SCMEA, LISFA, and SCMEA the year before that. Joined by Mr. Meier and several members of the Wind Ensemble, the orchestra played an extremely challenging piece of music as they accompanied Annie on the solo part. Annie gave a stellar performance on an extremely challenging piece as she played with style, polish and composure. The final piece was Argent Edge by Doug Spata, a piece with dramatic styles and complex melodies. The 7th Grade Chorus teacher, Ms. Stark, joined the orchestra as she played the harp part on the keyboard to add more dramatic flair to the music.
The Wind Ensemble delivered an impressive performance, playing three wonderful pieces. They began with From the Realms of Glory, a fanfare that gave the brass section a chance to shine. Next, the woodwinds were beautifully featured in the lyrical and expressive Winter Milky Way. The ensemble closed their portion of the concert with a fantastic arrangement of George Gershwin’s famous classical piece, Rhapsody in Blue, which was performed with great skill and enthusiasm. Looking ahead, the Wind Ensemble is eager to begin preparing for competition season and NYSSMA Majors.
The Jazz Band, true to tradition, prepared a fun and festive series of holiday tunes for both the concert and their annual performances around the school before the holiday break. Their program included Swingin’ Around the Menorah, Swing March from The Nutcracker, Santa Baby, and the always popular You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch. The Jazz Band is excited to shift focus to improvisation and learning traditional jazz pieces for the second half of the year.
Congratulations to all the musicians on a fantastic winter performance!
Embracing the Holiday Season: 2024 Gelinas Holiday Video ⛄
Class Corner
A Sweet Experiment in 8th Grade Science
8th-grade students in Ms. DeMartino's class got a “taste” of science as they explored heat energy transfer through a fun, hands-on activity: roasting marshmallows! They investigated which technique—conduction, convection, or radiation—would be the most effective.
After careful testing, radiation emerged as the clear winner. It was a fantastic way for students to connect theoretical concepts with real-world applications. We’re proud of their curiosity and engagement in this experiment!
Breakout Activity: The Odyssey
To synthesize their understanding of “The Odyssey,” students in Mrs. Palmer’s 9th Grade English classes participated in a Breakout Activity this holiday season. With the support and creativity of librarian Mrs. Connelly, students put their study of the Epic to the test by solving a series of complex puzzles, including text analysis to determine settings, deciphering epithets, mapping the route to Ithaca, and pinning the eye on The Cyclops! This engaging activity not only reinforced their understanding of the literary elements within the epic but also encouraged teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking. It was a fun and educational way for students to connect with the themes and adventures of Odysseus.
Bringing Dickens to Life: 7th Graders Perform A Christmas Carol
Some of Ms. Leidahl's 7th grade classes brought A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley to life by performing portions of the drama in class. Students had the opportunity to step into the shoes of Charles Dickens' iconic characters while developing a deeper understanding of the story. Through close reading of the stage directions, students explored the importance of tone, movement, and expression in shaping character development. The activity encouraged creativity and collaboration, all while making literature a fun and memorable experience.
Gelinas Students Spread Holiday Cheer!
Every year, thousands of service members are deployed around the world, separated from family, friends, and the comforts of home. The Family & Consumer Sciences (FACS) department had a class project designed to provide students with the opportunity to go a step beyond simply saying “Thank you for your service” through volunteerism and tangible acts of gratitude.
During the week of the 16th, all of the FACS classes wrote letters to active military members and veterans and baked cookies for the military. The FACS classes then assembled gifts by adding the letters to the bags of cookies. With the help of Mrs. Fink’s class, students also assembled care packages from the supplies collected. The packages were mailed out a few days before the holiday break, and the veteran letters were delivered to the VA in Stony Brook.
December Highlights from Student Government
December has been an exciting month for our student government! We kicked off the month by setting up collection boxes for the Brookhaven Toy Drive, spreading kindness and holiday cheer. We also began planning the much-anticipated Skate Night, which will take place in January and promises to bring students together for an evening of fun and community.
Adding to the festivities, we sold Candy Grams and hosted Spirit Week, filling the halls with energy and school pride. The highlight of the month, however, was the Door Decorating Contest. We want to extend a big thank you to everyone who participated! Your creativity and enthusiasm truly made this holiday season joyous, festive, and fun for all.
Food Drive
On Saturday, December 7th, 2024, members of the Gelinas JHS Red Cross Club held a Food Drive outside of Stop & Shop Grocery Store in Setauket. 60 bags of non-perishable food items and toiletries were collected and delivered to the Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry located at St. James RC Church. The Red Cross Club members were excited to meet so many generous people who enthusiastically supported this effort! Many in need will greatly benefit!
Staff Spotlight
Meet Our Main Office Dream Team: The Heart of Gelinas!
Every school has its unsung heroes, and at Gelinas, our main office clerical team is nothing short of extraordinary. These three amazing women keep our school running like a well-oiled machine every single day. From supporting students and staff to assisting administration, parents, and community members, their work is the glue that holds it all together.
Their ability to collaborate seamlessly ensures that every challenge is met with a solution, and their dedication to detail ensures that nothing slips through the cracks. Beyond their professionalism, their cheerful and festive spirit brightens everyone’s day, creating a welcoming atmosphere for all who walk through the main office doors.
Here is a little insight into the incredible people behind the desks in the main office:
Ms. McGarrity began working at Gelinas in July 2019. She loves the people of Gelinas and having the opportunity to help our students. When she isn’t dressing up for Halloween or helping with morning announcements, Ms. McGarrity loves spending time with her family. She enjoys hiking, skiing, and traveling, and she also looks after her two cats, Judy and Benny, and her dog, Lucy. This year, we are especially grateful for her hard work and support in training new staff members!
Ms. Kadioglu began working at Gelinas in July 2024. When asked what she loves most about Gelinas, she did not hesitate to say her amazing coworkers. She also really enjoys seeing the students when they come in to ask a question or need help with using the phone in the main office. Ms. Kadioglu loves to play tennis, ski, crochet, and thoroughly enjoys baking. She has two cats, Minnie and Ginger. Additionally, she is thrilled to be a grandmother to her grandson, Connor! We are so grateful for her attention to detail and the positive, calming energy that brightens the main office each day.
Ms. Minasian began working at Gelinas in July 2024. She has fully embraced our Gelinas community and loves working with both the students and her coworkers. She really enjoys the welcoming atmosphere at Gelinas. When she is not at work, she loves spending time with her twin children, Aiden and Lauren. In her spare time, she fills every second with fun activities! She loves nature, kayaking, hiking, and camping. She is also our go-to person for gardening expertise! Ms. Minasian looks after her five chickens (Penelope, Rosita, Evie, Lily, and Molly), her parakeet, Chubs, and her guinea pig, Mortimer. Ms. Minasian oversees so many different aspects of Gelinas. Her ability to think clearly on the fly and keep everyone lighthearted has helped make each day run smoothly.
Together, this dynamic trio embodies the heart and soul of Gelinas. Their tireless efforts behind the scenes ensure that students, staff, and families are supported in countless ways. From managing daily operations to spreading holiday cheer, they are truly the dream team we couldn’t do without.
Student Spotlight
Nora Twiss
Within minutes of meeting Nora Twiss, a 9th grader at Gelinas Junior High, it becomes crystal clear why her music teachers describe her as "amazing." Nora is a remarkably accomplished musician whose passion for music was nurtured at home. She fondly recalls her grandmother’s love for singing and her mother’s skill on the bassoon, which she played in college. Nora credits her family’s enthusiasm for music as the foundation of her own love for the art form.
At Minnesauke, Nora began her musical journey with the bass, which remains her favorite instrument. By 6th grade, she had added guitar to her repertoire, followed by the bassoon in 7th grade. Not one to stop there, she picked up the trombone, and now dabbles with the clarinet and flute. And let’s not forget the ukulele, which she played at the showcase concert! With such an impressive list of instruments, one can’t help but wonder, what will Nora master next?
Nora speaks highly of her music teachers at Gelinas, noting how supportive they have been throughout her time in band, orchestra, and as a singer with the Vocal Vikings. Beyond her regular music classes, Nora serves as the president of Tri-M, Gelinas’ music honor society, and is the pit director for the school’s upcoming musical production of Newsies. In addition to performing in various ensembles at Gelinas, she plays with the Stony Brook University Undergraduate Orchestra, an elite group where she is one of only six high school students and the sole non-senior. Her passion and skill continue to inspire her peers and enrich the musical community.
In addition to her musical achievements, Nora is an active participant in Model UN, a member of the National Junior Honor Society, and a student who excels academically. Outside of music, she notes that her biology class with Mr. Stiegelmaier, has been her favorite class this year. Nora noted that she has loved both the social and musical opportunities Gelinas has offered her.
Looking ahead, Nora is excited to attend Ward Melville High School next year, where she eagerly anticipates the new opportunities that await her. With her talent, drive, and passion, we can’t wait to see all that she accomplishes in the future. Gelinas has been fortunate to witness her remarkable journey, and we know there are even greater things on the horizon for Nora!
Coaches Corner
Boys Basketball
Girls Volleyball
Coming Up Next Month...
Gelinas Skate Night
Mid-Year Assessments
Second Quarter Ends
The portal opens on 2/5/25 at 3:00pm.
December Quote
Gelinas PTSA Corner
Your involvement supports various programs and initiatives that benefit our students. Don’t miss the next meeting on January 14th at 7:00pm —a great opportunity to connect, share ideas, and stay informed. We look forward to seeing you there!