Eight Corners School
May 3, 2024
ABC Countdown To The End Of School
Attached is our Eight Corners ABC Countdown that will run from May 9th until our last day of school. We hope that the daily activities provide fun and flexibility to all students and families who wish to participate. Please note that participation is voluntary and that activities may be modified by classroom teachers due to weather and/or other circumstances at their discretion.
Chief Meteorologist Charlie Lopresti Came & Shared Amazing Atmospheric Facts
More Twinning at Eight Corners
- May 15 ~ Next Early Release Day
- May 27 ~ Memorial Day (NO SCHOOL)
- June 4 ~ Field Day (Rain Date-June11th)
- June 5 ~ Final Early Release Day of the Year
- June 14 ~ LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (K-5 Dismissed at 11:45am)
Tuesday, JUNE 4TH
(Rain Date June 11th)
Field Day Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers must have completed a background check and been approved in order to help with field day.
Join us for our annual Eight Corners Field Day. Students will be involved in a variety of activities throughout the day. We need your help to help run the stations! Volunteers will be selected on a first come first served basis. We will try our best to select a few parents from each classroom. Please click here to sign up if you would like to be considered as a volunteer! Thank you!
Volunteering At Eight Corners
If you plan on volunteering with us this year, and have not completed the training yet, please join us at the upcoming Volunteer Training Sessions via Zoom!
When: Fri May 31, 2024 9:15am – 9:45am (EDT)
Where: https://scarboroughschools.zoom.us/j/9577613642?omn=99561928153
*If folks did the online training last year, they do not need to redo it. We ask people to complete the online training once per phase (K-2 and again in 3-5), but that they sign the volunteer/confidentiality form annually. If folks are unsure of their status, they can check in with their school office.
Kindergarten Registration for 2024-25
Kindergarten Registration for 2024-2025 is now open!
We are eager to welcome our newest students to Scarborough Public Schools for Kindergarten in 2024- 2025.
Kindergarten is open to any student who turns 5 on or before Oct. 15, 2024.
If your child meets this criteria, and you are sending them to school in the fall, please complete the form linked here: REGISTRATION FORM
If your child meets the age requirement, but you are undecided about sending them due to their age or developmental level, please complete the REGISTRATION FORM anyway. This will help us plan for all potential students.
Appointments will be scheduled later this spring in each of our schools to review paperwork, including notarization of residency.
If your child has specific health concerns, you can call or set up an appointment with one of our school nurses at any time.
More information will be provided throughout the spring!
If you would like help completing these forms, we are happy to meet with you and provide an interpreter. Please call any of the school offices listed below.
Blue Point- 207-730-5300 Eight Corners- 207-730-5200 Pleasant Hill- 207-730-5250
To order lunch and breakfast: go to School Menus Page and click on the purple school menus image. (Nutrislice). We have lots of healthy and delicious options in our cafeteria. Please take a moment to review the menu with your child to help them decide on orders. We appreciate your help in communicating what has been ordered with your child.
Absences and Schedule Changes
Please report student absences by 9:00 AM daily and any changes in your child's afternoon dismissal plans by 2:30 PM. Please also include their teacher in the email if it is regarding a change in dismissal plans.
If you are planning to be absent for a vacation or family event, please fill out our planned absence form. We will have this linked in every Friday's newsletter so it is easily accessible.MESSAGE FROM THE P.T.A.
Scarborough Primary PTA News:
Teacher Appreciation Week:
Check Facebook next week for daily updates on our celebration.
One last chance to donate if you'd like:
Venmo: @Scarborough-PrimaryPTA
Paypal: paypal.me/Scarbprimarypta
Also grab the cute printable attached and have your child fill it out and give it to their teacher that week!!
Restaurant Night:
Join us for Primary PTA night at Romeos Restaurant
Monday, May 6th 4:30-close
15% of take out and dine-in orders will be donated to our K-2 schools
Sea Dogs PTA Night:
Join us for a Sea Dogs game and % of each ticket will be donated back to K-2 PTA
Friday, June 7th 6:00PM Game
Pre-game parade around the field (arrive by 5PM)
JOIN PTA for 2024-2025:
Are you interested in learning more about what goes on behind the scenes?
Take a look at events & board positions:
Eight Corners Elementary School
Email: alovejoy@scarboroughschools.org
Website: https://eightcorners.scarboroughschools.org/
Location: 22 Mussey Road, Scarborough, ME
Phone: (207) 730-5200