Peak Prep Principal's Update
September 1, 2021
Labor Day-No School
Peak Prep Pleasant Valley will be closed on Monday, September 6th, in observance of Labor Day. Students are more than welcome to continue their curriculum, but our staff will be unavailable.
Monday, Sep 6, 2021, 08:00 AM
Dear Families,
Dear Parent/Guardian,
The school year is off to a great start! If you have not already done so, I encourage all parents/guardians to log into either Schoology (TK-5) or Edgenuity (6-12) using the access code provided by your homeroom teacher. This will give you insight into how your student(s) are performing. If you need your code to be sent to you, please reach out to your homeroom teacher.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me at any time if you have a question or concern. If you would like to request a virtual meeting, please click the link at the bottom of my signature line.
Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Sabrina Ciolino
Peak Prep Pleasant Valley
Mobile: 415-320-1401
Email: sabrina.ciolino@peak-prep.org
Website: peak-prep.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peakprep/
Address: 2150 Pickwick Drive #304 Camarillo, CA 93010
Would you like to request a virtual meeting with me? Click this link!
Reporting Absences
Every day a student is absent is a lost opportunity for learning. Too many absences not only can affect achievement for the absent student but also can disrupt learning.
If your student will be absent for any reason, please let your Homeroom teacher know ASAP! As a reminder, students are expected to log in daily (M-F) for at least 4-6 hours.
Academic Integrity, Plagiarism, and Cheating
All work submitted is to be completed ONLY by students. Students are responsible for observing the standards on plagiarism, cheating, and properly crediting all sources used during the composition of work. Failure to abide by these standards is reported to the appropriate administrative authorities and may result in a conference with the parent, loss of credit for high school courses, revoked access to course(s), and suspension or expulsion from the school.
Plagiarism is defined as the act(s) of copying another writer's words, ideas, images, sounds, signs/symbols, and thoughts and presenting them as your own.
Cheating involves the act(s) of using, accepting or distributing test answers, answer keys, or presenting another person’s work as your own. Any student found cheating is in violation of the school’s Academic Integrity policy.
The First Offense:
The student receives no credit for the assignment
The teacher fills out a “Notice of Cheating Offense” form, makes three copies, and keeps the original for their file. The teacher distributes the copies to:
Parent/Guardian (by mail)
If the assignment is deemed by the teacher to be a major assignment and the offense requires premeditation (e.g., submitting a major paper that has been plagiarized), the student forfeits double the value of the assignment.
At the teacher’s option, the student is given an additional assignment such as writing a statement about the incident, which the teacher keeps on file.
If the teacher, counselor, or principal deems the offense to be a major offense (e.g., stealing test or quiz materials, changing a grade in a teacher’s record), the student may be suspended on the first offense.
Second Offense
- The consequences listed above in the “First Offense” shall be applied.
- Student, teacher, and parent meet with the student’s counselor and/or principal to discuss causes and appropriate consequences.
- Since AP and Honors courses are more rigorous, if the student's second offense occurred in an AP or Honors course, the student may be removed from the course and placed in a regular college prep course.
Source Citation
Many courses require written work in which students need to cite sources. Any direct quotations from a textbook can simply be cited as (Author, Page Number). Any quotations from outside sources require full citations, including author, title, publisher, date of publication, and the page number. If a student cites information found on a website, he/she must provide the complete Web page or site title, URL, author if known, page number if applicable, the publication date of the site, if available, and the date of access.
Learning Logs
Please take a minute to initial, sign, and finalized your student's learning log every Friday afternoon.
21-22 School Calendar
Homeroom Teacher
Each student at Peak Prep has been assigned a homeroom teacher. Your homeroom teacher will be your primary point of communication for support.
Questions? We can help! Meet Our Faculty!
Dr. Bishop
Mrs. Ciolino
Ms. Hanson
Ms. Cordero
Allison Cordero
TK & Kindergarten Teacher
(415) 320-6202
Mrs. Paules
Peggy Paules
1st Grade Teacher
(714) 406-4276
Mrs. Nuckles
Rebecca Nuckles
2nd Grade Teacher
(626) 765-7878
Mrs. Williams
Brittany Williams
3rd Grade Teacher
(714) 485-5257
Mrs. McLean
Molly McLean
4th Grade Teacher &
Lead Elementary Teacher
(951) 465-5253
Mrs. Linehan
Karin Linehan
5th Grade Teacher
(562) 380-1249
Mr. Larsen
Brad Larsen
Lead Educational Specialist
(661) 483-8911
Mrs. Lee
Esther Lee
Educational Specialist
(805) 387-3766
Mrs. Audish
Counseling Dept.
Ms. Tannous
Mrs. Dinanno
English Dept.
Mr. Taylor
Ms. Hsieh
Math Dept
Mr. Hartley
Mr. Gomez
Science Dept.
Ms. Bos
Mrs. Kenzie
Social Studies Dept.
Mr. Tinkler
Ms. Altman
Health Dept.
Ms. Hartzler
Mr. Nguy
Mrs. VanHorn
Please make sure that you sign your student's weekly learning log!
Peak Prep Pleasant Valley
Email: info@peak-prep.org
Website: www.peak-prep.org
Location: 2150 Pickwick Drive #304 Camarillo, CA 93010
Phone: 855-900-7325
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peakprep/
Twitter: @peakpreppv