Community Corner
Roseburg School District news — Sept. 12, 2024
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Encouraging hard work, achievement
The start of a new school year is always such an exciting time for students, families and staff. Everyone is working together to learn new routines, new names and faces, and expectations. This is also a time when students get to hear about all of the experiences available to them through our school district. These opportunities are key to our efforts to ensure each child ends the school year happy and proud of everything they’ve accomplished.
At Roseburg School District, we are committed to increasing access, opportunities and rigor so that all students have the chance to work hard, play hard and achieve their goals. That’s how we make learning meaningful to students. When students put in their best effort and overcome challenges, they are more likely to appreciate what they’ve earned, from a gold star to a high school diploma.
To that end, we’ve increased access to athletics, clubs, electives and co-curricular activities by eliminating all participation fees. We’re growing the college and career pathways students can choose from by increasing the number of AP and dual credit courses available. We offer a wide range of Career and Technical Education programs and electives at our middle schools and high school, and opportunities for bonus lessons in robotics and STEM/STEAM education in our elementary schools.
We try to make sure there is something for every student — to find a sense of belonging, to motivate and engage, and to strive for. Those connections are necessary for students to successfully tackle the challenging journey toward graduation. With more student engagement comes higher test scores, more consistent attendance, and more happy and proud faces.
Student engagement is a part of the puzzle, but not the only piece. Family involvement is crucial for student success, and we encourage all parents and guardians to engage in their child's education. We deeply value this partnership. It’s why we invite families to review new curriculums, attend open houses, and participate in parent-teacher groups. It’s also why we’ve adopted a new communication platform, ParentSquare, to increase engagement with parents and guardians.
Education is a team activity — from our students, staff and families, to our School Board members, partner organizations, business supporters and more. It’s an activity that takes hard work by all involved and gives us pride in our entire community. I can’t wait to see what we can all accomplish together this school year.
Jared Cordon
Register your ParentSquare account today!
Our district is now using ParentSquare for school-to-home communication and district-wide notifications. This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with our schools.
Make sure you register to verify your contact information, update your notification preferences or designate your preferred language. Contact your school for questions. You can also learn more by visiting our website at https://www.roseburg.k12.or.us/families/parentsquare.
K-5 fully equipped
Thanks to Student Success Act funding our K-5 students are fully equipped with all their basic school supplies this year! Our amazing staff was busy sorting and packing totes before school started to ensure every classroom was ready to go!
New teachers join the team
We welcomed 35 new teachers to our school district this year! At our New Teacher Orientation, they had the chance to meet our principals and district administrators. School Board Director Ann Krimetz also stopped by to welcome the group.
Fun fact: Several of our new teachers are Roseburg High School graduates! It’s going to be a great year full of fun and achievement!
Students guide their younger peers
At our middle schools and high school, older students were on hand to welcome incoming sixth-graders and ninth-graders for the start of the school year.
Fremont Middle School's leadership class kicked off the year with an assembly to give the school’s newest students a warm welcome. Teachers, office staff, and counselors were introduced, helping put names to the important faces students will see around campus. The assembly also featured a friendly relay race between sixth-grade teachers and students, followed by a fun rap performance by the leadership team. To top it off, each student received a pencil as a small gift to start their middle school journey.
We love the way our students demonstrate leadership skills, kindness and school spirit!
Team engages students in STEAM lessons
Mr. Wing, Mrs. Giraudo and Mrs. Zeliff are kicking off a year full of lessons about science, technology, engineering, arts and math for our elementary school students. Stay tuned for their exciting adventures!
FBLA National Leadership Conference
Congratulations to our five Roseburg High School students who competed at the FBLA National Leadership Conference this summer in Orlando, Florida!
More than 17,000 people participated in the 2024 Future Business Leaders of America National Leadership Conference including middle school, high school, and collegiate members as well as advisers, volunteers and exhibitors over the four-day event. Students also engaged in learning workshops, and met with representatives from more than 100 colleges, universities, and employers.
Not only did our students have the opportunity to compete on a national level and attend workshops, but they also had the chance to explore Disney World and Universal Studios!
Congrats again to the qualifying students who competed and represented Roseburg High School: Ryne Wilson, Asher Brooks, Spencer Bingham, Hayden Wier, and Samantha Senajon
Enhancing safety at our schools
The final set of front-office security vestibules were added to our in-person schools this summer to enhance safety and create a more welcoming atmosphere for everyone. We used funding from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief fund to make these important security updates that allow us to better control access to our campuses.
Chair Andrea Miner
Vice Chair Rod Cotton
New board leadership
At its first meeting of the 2024-25 school year on July 10, our School Board members elected new board leadership.
The board unanimously selected Director Andrea Miner to serve as Chair and Director Rod Cotton to serve as Vice Chair. Chair Miner was elected to the board in 2023. Vice Chair Cotton, who served as Chair last school year, has been serving on the board since 1994.
We are so grateful for our School Board members and all they do to support our students, staff, families and community!
Phonics, fluency and comprehension, oh my!
We were excited to provide students with extra literacy support this summer thanks to funding from the Oregon Early Literacy Grant.
Using researched-based instructional materials like phonemic awareness, our staff have spent the past five weeks working with 220 students in kindergarten through fourth-grade. The goal of the program is to get more students reading at grade level.
We are so proud of everyone’s hard work!
RHS summer programs support students
Roseburg High School continued to operate during the summer with specific programs suited to fit the needs of our students.
A few of these programs include the Gateway Program for incoming freshmen, Extended School Year program for students in special education, and a Credit Retrieval program. While students were working on their education, the library was open for art projects and our Nutrition Services team prepared the cafeteria for free lunches open to all children.
A huge THANK YOU to our teachers and staff for their continuous support and dedication to all children in our community!
UCF2S helps gardens grow
Students in the Extended School Year program at Fir Grove Elementary had a fantastic time harvesting carrots, potatoes and other veggies from the school garden this summer. Students also planted a sunflower garden to bloom along the fence.
“Wiggling” with excitement as the school’s worm composting project continues to grow, teachers incorporated the garden into math and English language arts lessons. Lessons and crafts that focus on plant life cycles and worm habitat also helped teach social emotional learning skills.
A huge thank you to Clover Wier from Umpqua Valley Farm to School for guiding students through the harvesting process and teaching our students the benefits of the gardening cycle.
RHS CTE showcases skills at fair
Roseburg High School students in our Career and Technical Education programs had the chance to showcase their hard work at the Douglas County Fair!
Thanks to Lone Rock Resources for donating eight logs that were displayed on the trailer built by the RHS welding class. At the end of last school year, log bunks were added to the trailer so logs could be hauled safely to the high school’s sawmill, purchased in the spring.
Thanks also to Western Equipment & Supply Inc for donating four custom wraps and binders, allowing logs to be transported legally.
The trailer was on display outside the Exhibit Hall, with a custom wood sign reading “Roseburg High School CTE Champions at work.” We hope you got to see it!
Highlights of news and actions at School Board meetings and work sessions. Learn more on our Board Meetings web page.
Classified and licensed openings
We post new positions regularly! Apply online through Frontline Education.
- Assistant Football Coaches, multiple positions, Roseburg High School.
- JV Girls Basketball Coach, Roseburg High School.
- Middle School Track Coach, Joseph Lane Middle School.
- Instructional Assistant I (6 hours), Kindergarten, Green Elementary School.
- Instructional Assistant III (5 hours), Developmental Learning Center, Sunnyslope Elementary.
- Instructional Assistant III (7 hours), Developmental Learning Center, Green Elementary.
- Instructional Assistant III (5 hours), Melrose Elementary.
- Instructional Assistant III (7 hours), Developmental Learning Center, Melrose Elementary School.
- Food Service Assistant (3 hours), Roseburg High School.
- Food Service Assistant (4 hours), Roseburg High School.
- GED Teacher, Roseburg High School.
- Language Arts Teacher, Roseburg High School.
- Seventh/Eighth-Grade Math Teacher, Joseph Lane Middle School.
- Home Instruction Teacher, District-Wide.
- Student Services Coordinator, District Office.
For more information, call Human Resources at (541) 440-4008 or visit our HR page.
Roseburg School Board Meeting
Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024, 06:00 PM
Roseburg School District 4, Northwest Valley View Drive, Roseburg, OR, USA
UCC's 60th Anniversary Celebration
Join Umpqua Community College for a free community event featuring live entertainment, activities, food trucks and more. For more information, visit https://umpqua.edu/60th-event/.
Saturday, Sep 21, 2024, 12:00 PM
Umpqua Community College, Umpqua College Road, Roseburg, OR, USA
About us
Website: https://www.roseburg.k12.or.us
Location: 1419 Northwest Valley View Drive, Roseburg, OR, USA
Phone: (541) 440-4014
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoseburgPublicSchools