January 6, 2025

Greetings Brookwood Families,
Welcome to 2025!
As we begin this new year, we are excited to continue partnering with you to support your child's growth and success. This year holds countless opportunities for learning, exploration, and connection. Together, we can foster a positive environment where your children feel encouraged to dream big, embrace challenges, and celebrate their achievements.
Thank you for your dedication and collaboration as we work toward making 2025 a year filled with meaningful experiences and joyful memories for our students.
Here's to a wonderful year ahead!
Ms. Lang
Brookwood Interim Principal
Wednesday, January 15th from 6:30 to 7:30 PM
Please join us in welcoming our new principal, Mr. John Austenberry to our school and community.
An educator for over two decades, Mr. Austerberry brings extensive experience and a strong background in school leadership to the Bristol Township School District and Brookwood Elementary School. He has been the principal of Darby Township School in the Southeast Delco School District since 2022. Prior to that Mr. Austerberry was an administrator in the Philadelphia School District for nine years, serving in a variety of leadership and managerial positions. He began his career as a third-grade teacher in Maryland in 2001 and moved to Philadelphia in 2003, where he served as a middle school math teacher. Mr. Austerberry earned his Bachelor of Science in Education from Shippensburg University and a Master’s in Educational Administration from Holy Family University.
Mr. Austerberry brings a strong background in instructional leadership, professional development, and curriculum development and design to the Bristol Township School District. As a veteran principal, he has familiarity with many district initiatives currently in place, such as the SWPBIS program, a multi-tiered approach to interventions and recently implemented elementary curriculum revisions.
“I am honored to have been selected as the new principal of Brookwood Elementary School. I am excited to bring my administrative experience, teaching experience, desire to be an effective leader, and determination to succeed to a wonderful school district such as Bristol Township,” said Mr. Austerberry. “I look forward to working with the entire Brookwood community in supporting our students to grow and be successful in their future.”
🥨Every Tuesday🥨
Pretzels $1
Every Wednesday
Wear Brookwood Paw Shirt
Every Thursday
Smencils for Sale
January 2nd
Welcome Back to School!
January 15th
Early Dismissal- 1:15pm
Staff Professional Development
January 15th
Meet the Principal
6:30 to 7:30 PM
(In the cafeteria with desserts)
January 17th
Decade Day
Dress as your favorite decade!
January 20th
Martin Luther King Day- No School
Offices Closed
January 28th
Early Dismissal for Students- 1:15pm
January 30th
No School for Students
Professional Workshop Day for Staff
Learn BTSD's weather emergency procedures for potential closings, delays, and early dismissals.
Read the letter from the Superintendent here.
Bristol Township School District has received approval from the PA Department of Education to utilize Flexible Instruction Days (FID) as an alternate approach to delivering instruction if a circumstance arises that prevents instruction in customary manner. The District may utilize the FID program when schools cannot open due to inclement weather (i.e. "snow day") or any emergency, such as a power outage.
When the Superintendent determines to utilize a FID, students will complete learning activities and assignments remotely instead of in school.
A FID will count as an instructional day for students, and the District may utilize up to five (5) FIDs in a school year.
Criteria for a FID day
The District may utilize the FID program when schools cannot open due to inclement weather (i.e. "snow day") or any emergency, such as a power outage.
When a FID will be utilized, the Superintendent will communicate via the phone and email utilizing the all call alert system and specify if a flexible instruction day is being used. This decision will be made by 5:00 a.m.
Click the button below to see the schedule Brookwood will follow on Flexible Instructional Days.
Tiger Pride Parent Academy
Welcome to the Tiger Pride Parent Academy (TPPA), a dynamic series of educational programs and presentations created to empower Bristol Township School District parents and guardians. With the strength and spirit of the tiger, TPPA is dedicated to fostering school success and building strong home-school partnerships.
Every week Brookwood teachers nominate students who are making positive choices inside and outside of the classroom. They are recognized for their specific deeds and then get a chance to spin our positive wheel for a prize...but I believe the recognition is the best reward of all.
The Life Cycle of a Snowman
Winter Crafts
Family Traditions for the New Year
The focus of this month's Character Strong trait is EMPATHY..
Empathy is a vital skill for elementary students as it fosters understanding, kindness, and cooperation in their interactions with others. By learning to recognize and share the feelings of their peers, students develop stronger relationships and create a supportive classroom environment.
Empathy helps children resolve conflicts peacefully, appreciate diverse perspectives, and build a sense of community. It also nurtures emotional intelligence, which is critical for their social and academic success.
Teaching empathy at a young age equips students with the tools to navigate challenges with compassion and become considerate, responsible members of society.
Bristol Township District is looking to identify all our Military Connected Students in order to ensure they are getting all the support they need.
Military-connected students are children or young adults who are dependents of a member of the United States military, National Guard, or Reserves. In order to help identify the number of students that would fall under this category we are asking you to complete this quick survey. This survey is completely optional and would only apply if a parent or guardian is a member of the United States military, National Guard, or Reserves.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please check out some of the reasons why daily school attendance matters….today and for the future. These statistics really show how important it is not to miss a day. If your child is sick, don’t forget to send a sick note when they return! :) -Mrs. C (formally known as Ms. P) & Mrs. Ensig
Academic Achievement: Consistent attendance is strongly linked to better academic performance. Missing school means missing important lessons, and chronic absenteeism can lead to gaps in knowledge, making it harder for students to catch up.
Social Development: School is not just about academics—it's also where children develop their social skills. Regular attendance helps students build relationships with their peers and teachers, contributing to emotional and social growth.
Habits for Future Success: Good attendance sets a foundation for strong work habits and responsibility. This can influence future success in higher education and in the workforce, where regular attendance and punctuality are valued traits.
Behavioral Development: Students who attend school regularly are more likely to develop better behavior patterns. They have more opportunities for positive interactions with teachers and other students, which fosters better behavioral outcomes.
Increased Graduation Rates: Regular school attendance is one of the most significant factors in increasing high school graduation rates. Students who attend school regularly are more likely to finish their education and obtain a diploma.
Community and Economic Impact: Higher attendance rates contribute to stronger communities, as educated individuals are more likely to contribute positively to the economy. Reduced absenteeism leads to better educational outcomes, which in turn benefit society by producing a more skilled and productive workforce.
Impact on Elementary School Students: Even in elementary school, absenteeism can have long-term effects. According to a study from the National Attendance Center, chronic absenteeism in early grades is a key predictor of future school failure and dropouts.
6 Tips for Getting Your Kid to Put Their phone Away and Be Active
Technology is an enormous part of kids’ lives today and while it has many benefits, the negative effects include increased sedentary behavior and a decreased physical activity. In many schools, children are using laptops or other electronic devices for most of the day, and kids continue to get smartphones at a younger age. Obesity rates are rising as children spend more and more time looking at a screen. Recent studies show that technology — specifically smartphones — has had a negative impact on teens’ mental health as well, leading to greater isolation and anxiety.
Convincing kids to be active isn’t as easy as telling them to put their phones away and go outside. Here are a few tips for helping your not-so-active child engage in physical activities:
1. Give them a choice. Think about it: from a kid’s perspective, they are told what to do all day with very little opportunity for free choice. For example, I ask my four-year-old, “Do you want to go around the block with me on your scooter or bike?”
2. Give them a voice. Ask them about their interests that include physical activity. For older ones, are there activities they used to do when they were younger but no longer do? Would they like to try them again? Are there activities they’ve never tried but would like to try?
3. Make it fun. If your child is having fun and moving, they are more likely to stick with it and maybe even try new activities because of their new-found confidence and joy.
4. Make it social. Look for activities where your child can invite a friend or see if they can join a friend who is already engaged in something. After-school programs can be a great way to get your child active and incorporate activity as well as social-emotional skills like building friendships.
5. Make it non-competitive. If your child is not very active, throwing them into an ultra-competitive environment will only lower their confidence. Find activities that are collaborative or allow them to set and meet their own goals.
6. Make it family time. Make a weekly tradition such as a Sunday morning walk. Allow your kids to wear their pajamas and take a family walk around the block. Free from phones, TV and other distractions, we get to really connect in a meaningful way. Invite your children to join you on your exercise endeavours.
With the ever-present use of technology, we need to make sure our kids stay healthy and active. The positive effects of activity go way beyond improving physical health — exercise has been shown to support emotional health, improve academic performance, decrease anxiety and ward off depression. All and all, getting our kids moving is a great antidote to the effects of their smartphones and will help kids well beyond their teen years.
Brookwood's physical education teacher, Mr. Terry, will once again organizing a Pickle Ball league for our Brookwood Community. If you are interested in joining, please email Mr. Terry @ matthew.terry@bristoltwpsd.org
Character Strong- Success Skills Program
Character Strong provides research-based Pre-K through 12th grade social & emotional learning curricula and professional learning services that positively impact lives.
This curricula is grounded in research that focuses on fostering the Whole Child with lesson that teach SEL (social-emotional learning) and character side-by-side. Character education involves developing thoughtful, healthy, and kind humans. SEL abilities include self-awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision-making, and self-management
What do parents really need to know about bullying?
What can parents really do? What are the signs to watch for? How do you distinguish garden-variety personality conflicts between kids (which may include some mean behavior) from actual bullying? We contacted clinical psychologist John Mayer, author of Creating a Safe and Welcoming School and multiple memos on bullying and teasing, to clear up the the common misconceptions about bullying and give parents the facts.
Fun Friday Schedule for 2024-2025
January 17th: Decade Day
February 21st: Influencer Day
March 14th: Color Day (each grade level is a specific color)
April 11th: Superhero Day
May 2nd: Star Wars Day
June 6th: Hawaiian Shirt and Sunglasses Day
June 13: Flag Day (Wear red, white, and blue)
Attendency Policy
- For the first 10 absences the note may be from the parent.
- It can be in an email to the school secretary who handles attendance, at heather.saeger@bristoltwpsd.org
- If your child misses more than 10 days of school, then we only accept a medical note.
- Please email or send in the note within 10 days of their return to school, this is a PA State Law.
Outside Food Snack Policy
Per the district's Wellness Policy, " No outside foods may be brought in by students for classroom parties. Shared snacks are not permitted in District schools." If you would like to send something in to celebrate their child's birthday or a classroom party, you may send in non food items such as stickers, pencils, play dough etc.
Dismissal Changes Communication
In order to maintain the safety of all our learners, we are asking that families alert teachers, in writing, (written note) for any transportation/dismissal plan changes prior to 9:00am each morning.
We do understand that emergencies may arise throughout the day that requires a change to a child's dismissal plan for that particular day. For those situations, please make sure you are alerting the office staff as soon as possible, so they can communicate the change to the teachers as soon as possible.
We thank you for your support in helping us ensure the safety and wellbeing of each of our learners.
Bullying Prevention
Bristol Township School District is committed to providing a physically safe and emotionally secure environment for all students and staff. Local school policies assist school personnel in identifying bullying, intimidation, and harassment, and provide a framework for an appropriate response that reinforces positive conduct. The district defines positive behaviors as those which evoke non-violence, cooperation, teamwork, understanding, and acceptance toward all students and staff in the learning and teaching environment. It takes a community to prevent bullying of children--stopping bullying behavior needs a team of school people, students, and families. Together we can intervene to stop bullying behaviors.
In September 2023, Bristol Township School Board of Directors approved three new elementary Anti-Bullying/School Climate Specialists. These staff members focus on putting practices and approaches in place that prevent bullying and build positive relationships for the district’s youngest students.
The main role of the Anti-Bullying/School Culture Specialists is to lead the investigation of incidents of harassment, intimidation, and bullying in each school; and to act as the primary school staff member responsible for preventing, identifying, and addressing incidents of harassment, intimidation, and bullying in the school.
They are also responsible for coordinating and strengthening the school’s policies to prevent, identify, and address harassment, intimidation, and bullying of students, and help establish a positive school culture.
Reporting Procedures
Anyone who is the victim of or has witnessed bullying please submit the incident form to the Anti-Bullying/School Climate Specialist, Erin Krusen, (erin.krusen@bristoltwpsd.org ) and building administration. Students can also report bullying to guidance counselors, teachers, or any other adult in the building.
To access the bullying form please click on the attached form below.
Title 1 Family Engagement Policy- 2024-2025
Please read the letter below in regards to the Title 1 Family Engagement Policy for 2024-2025.
Bristol Township School District
Brookwood Elementary School
2200 Haines Road
Levittown, Pa 19055
Reviewed, Revised, and Updated: May 29, 2024
Date Reviewed with Staff: August 26, 2024
Date Reviewed with Families: 9/11/24, 9/12/24
Distribution Date: 10/7/24 (sent through School Messenger, S’MORE)
Date Uploaded to Brookwood Website: 9/23/24
Brookwood Elementary is dedicated to fostering Family Engagement.
1. Schedule parent/family meetings and activities
2. Survey both parents/students annually
3. Conduct conferences and parent/guardian contacts
Goal 1: Brookwood will invite families to annual Title I Family gatherings at convenient times to ensure parent/guardian involvement in the decision making for our Title 1 programs, the planning, review, and improvement of Brookwood’s Family Engagement Policy, and to provide guidance in how to support their Title I child’s academic progress.
1. Letters of invitation to Title I Family gatherings
*Invitations will be sent to Title I Family gatherings via/but not limited to: letters, emails, S’MORE newsletters, and Talking Points
2. Disseminate Title I parent/guardian information, share Title I Family Engagement Policy, School-Parent-Student Compact, and review contents annually for parent/guardian input
3. Inform families of Brookwood’s participation as a Title 1 School; and explain the requirements and rights of families to be involved
4. Ensure that parents/guardians of children with disabilities or limited English proficiency have the same access as other parents/guardians including information in a language and form that they can understand. Documents will be sent home with students and posted on the Brookwood Title 1 website. To the extent possible, documents and correspondence will be translated using the Talking Points app
5. District Family Engagement Policy will be sent via/but not limited to: letters, emails, S’MORE newsletters, and Talking Points
6. Provide parents/guardians with materials and training to support involvement in their child’s academic achievement, including inviting community resources to Title 1 Family Gatherings, for example, Bristol Cares, Kidtime, Levittown Library, PTO, Silver Lake Nature Center, Scouts
7. Enhance the awareness and continue to develop the skills of teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and staff in the value of communicating and working with families as equal partners in their child’s education
8. Encourage parent/guardian participation in the schools through volunteering
9. Encourage family participation by offering scheduled activities at a variety of times
10. Provide resources for building parent/guardian understanding of child development, and academic strategies which are designed to support parents as partners in their child’s education
11. Provide a transitional plan for incoming and current students in grades K-5
Goal 2: Brookwood will conduct evaluations on all aspects of our Title I Program to
ensure that we are meeting the needs of all families in supporting their child’s academic success.
1. Survey both parents and students to assess areas of strength and identify barriers
to parental involvement
2. Continue to collect family participation data through the use of sign-ins for workshops, meetings and/or conferences
Goal 3: In order to build a strong partnership with each child’s family, Brookwood
staff will ensure open lines of communication in sharing student progress through the use of the following:
1. Allot time for parent-teacher conferences
* Parents and teachers may conduct a conference at any time throughout the year upon request. Conferences will be held in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Options for conferences will be in person, via video meeting, and/or phone calls.
2. Training workshops for families of Title I students
*These workshops will describe and explain the curriculum, various academic assessments used to measure student progress, and the achievement levels of the challenging state academic standards.
3. Share information/access with parents/guardians for Infinite Campus so that
families can track their child’s grades and progress
4. Share our district website where parents/guardians can access the following information:
their child’s school, tips for helping meet the state standards, websites for reinforcement activities
5. Invite families to contribute to the development of the Schoolwide Program Plan every Spring
*Invitations will be sent via/but not limited to: letters, emails, S’MORE newsletters, and Talking Points
Understanding the MTSS Process: Supporting Our Students Together
As we continue our journey through this academic year, we wanted to take a moment to share some valuable information about our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) process. This approach is at the heart of our commitment to ensuring that every child in our community has the support they need to thrive. The MTSS process is designed to use a preponderance of data to assess and understand each student’s unique strengths and areas for growth. Here’s how it works and how it benefits your child:
1. **Comprehensive Data Collection**: We gather information from various sources, including assessments, classroom performance, and observations. This helps us get a complete picture of your child's academic progress and behavior.
2. **Informed Decision-Making**: Our dedicated team of educators analyzes this data to identify trends and patterns. By understanding where each student excels and where they may need additional support, we can make informed decisions that cater to their specific needs.
3. **Tailored Support and Enrichment**: Whether your child requires extra help in certain subjects or is ready for more advanced challenges, the MTSS process allows us to implement targeted interventions and enrichment opportunities. Our goal is to ensure that every student is engaged and making progress.
4. **Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustment**: We believe in the importance of continuous assessment. We regularly check in on each student’s progress and adjust our strategies as needed, ensuring that we are always meeting their evolving needs.
We are excited about the positive impact this process has on our students and are committed to partnering with you in this journey. Your involvement is crucial, and we encourage you to reach out with any questions or concerns regarding your child's educational experience.
Thank you for being an integral part of our Bristol Township community. Together, we can create a nurturing environment where every child can flourish!
Talking Points for Families-School/Home Communication Platform
Bristol Township School District TalkingPoints is a messenger tool that allows teachers to connect and communicate with parents and families across any language. Teachers can communicate with parents via text messaging or via a phone or internet-connected device in their native language.
The following video was created for our district as well; https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WFqE5ynppOz6PZa2-A7JTHoBKild3zid/view
Our "Talking Points" platform is an efficient way for teachers and parents/guardians to communicate about your students. Here is a quick presentation to help!
Copy of TalkingPoints for Families PPT - English
Handbook & Internet Use Agreement Acknowledgement & Signature Page
Handbook & Internet Use Agreement Acknowledgement & Signature Page
Students and parents are asked to review the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct (including the Internet Use Agreement) thoroughly and in its entirety for each student attending Bristol Township Schools. Knowledge of this information is essential to the student's overall success at Bristol Township Schools. After reviewing the Handbook and Code of Conduct (including Internet Use Agreement) on the Bristol Township School District website please complete this acknowledgement form. Failure to complete the electronic form will result in implied acknowledgement.
In order to assure the school staff that all concerned persons are familiar with the information in the Student Handbook, we ask each student and parent/guardian to review the Handbook and Code of Conduct on line. If you do not have access to the internet, there are a small number of printed copies available at your child's school. Parents and students are required to indicate with their name in the answer box that the Handbook has been reviewed.
Student Handbook and Code of Conduct (including Internet Use Agreement) Acknowledgement & Signature Page Student & Parent/Guardian. Please complete one for each student.
Please click on following link to sign; Handbook & Internet Use Agreement Acknowledgement
New for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Starting the 2024-2025 school year, The Bristol Township School District will be using School Café as the management system for school meal accounts.
If your student(s) had funds on their My School Account, the positive balance will be transferred to their School Café account!
School Café allows you to:
- Add funds to your student’s account. As a reminder – Meals are FREE this year but you can still add funds so that your student can purchase snacks, beverages or additional lunches.
- View student transaction history – View your students purchases
- Low Balance Notification – Receive a notification when your student’s balance is low
If you would like to create an account to add funds to your student’s meal account Click here
Click below for step-by-step instructions on
how to create an account, add students, make payments and set up low balance alerts
English Spanish
Other ways to add funds to your student’s account
- Check – Please make checks payable to the Bristol Township School District.
- Cash – Cash can be applied to your student’s account at one of our registers.
Exciting News: No-cost meals continue for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Dear Parent or Guardian:
We are pleased to inform you that the Bristol Township School District will be continuing the provision known as the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) in 2024-2025 school year.
This program is available to schools and districts that are participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.
All enrolled students of Bristol Township School District are eligible to receive a nutritious breakfast and lunch each school day at NO CHARGE to your household. A La Carte items will still be available to purchase.
No further action is required of you. Your child(ren) will be able to participate in this meal program without paying a fee or submitting an application.
If you have a student who attends Bucks County Technical High School or another school outside of our district, please reach out to that school for information on program benefits and eligibility.
If we can be of any further assistance, please contact us at the telephone number or e-mail address below.
Brandon Lang | Food Service Director | 267-599-2037 | Brandon.Lang@bristoltwpsd.org
Title 1 Teachers
Karen Madden
Megan Repko
What is Title I?
Title I is a project funded by the federal government under the Every Child Succeeds Act. The purpose of this Act is to provide all children with fair and equitable opportunity to succeed and close achievement gaps. Money is allocated by the federal government and distributed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to the Bristol Township School. District.
Title I funding is based on a complex formula. These funds are allocated to the states who in turn allocate a portion of that money to the individual school districts within each state. The school district’s share is based on the economic need within a school area, that is, by the number of low income families living there. In our district the number of free and reduced lunch students is used to determine the economic need of a particular school.
For more information please visit; https://www.bristoltwpsd.org/administration/state_and_federal_programs_/title_i .
School Counselors and Social Worker
Angela Ensig
(Grades 1,3,5)
Jenna Pederson
(Grades K,2,4)
Social Worker:
Stephanie Tobey
Katie Mayer
Certified School Nurse
(215) 599-2421
Barbara Hoon
Staff Nurse
(215) 599-2421
Sandy Lynch
Staff Nurse
(215) 599-2421
Christina Lang
Interim Principal
Ken Melton
Assistant Principal
Jennifer Connolly
Principal's Secretary
Nicole Matthias
Assistant Principal's Secretary