May 2024 Board Meeting Recap
Fremont School District 79
Regular Board Meeting
Gabriela Whipple, Board President, congratulated all of the Fremont Middle School 8th-grade students who will be graduating on May 28 in a ceremony at College of Lake County. The individuals who will be retiring from the District this year were thanked for their service. They will be formally recognized at the District's Retirement and Recognition event on May 23. Cathy Park was thanked for her 11 years of administrative service at Fremont Elementary and Intermediate Schools as she prepares to begin a new administrative opportunity at another school district.
Dr. Trisha Kocanda, Superintendent of Schools, expressed pride and gratitude for all of the end-of-year performances that are the result of so much hard work by the students and teachers. Teacher Appreciation Week recently was held, and the PTO was thanked for all that they did to recognize our teachers and staff. School principals were thanked for their recruiting efforts as the District is off to a great start in filling all its open positions for the 2024-2025 school year. The annual Lake County student recognition breakfast was held in collaboration with the Illinois Principals Association. Congratulations to this year's honorees:
- 2nd grade: Oliver F. & Adam K.
- 5th grade: Antonio D. & Mallory H.
- 8th grade: Shyanne S. & Jacob M.
Board of Education Recognition
This month's recognition featured two groups. The first recognition was for the Fremont Middle School student ambassador group, many of whom help new students to the District get acquainted, while the entire group assists with after-school care on Wednesdays for elementary and intermediate school students, contributing over 440 hours of volunteer service in the process. The next recognition honored seventh-grader Dom M., who qualified for the IESA state track and field meet in both the 800- and 1,600-meter runs, finishing third and ninth, respectively.
Educational Long-Range Facility Plan: Community Survey Results
Dr. Trisha Kocanda, along with Dave Fako, President of Fako Research & Strategies, presented the results of the District's community survey from April. The results of the survey will be utilized by the District's Steering Committee as it builds an Educational Long Range Facility Plan to address facility needs through a teaching and learning lens, while managing future student enrollment growth. The survey, which was completed by 570 community members, was divided into three sections:
- Satisfaction/Value
- Facility project priorities
- Feedback on managing enrollment growth
Informational Items
First Reading of Proposed Board Policies
The District's Policy Committee met on May 9 to review policies for the 2024-25 school year. A first reading of the committee's recommendations was held.
Dr. Brian Bullis, Assistant Superintendent of Learning, provided an annual report of where Fremont graduates matriculate following high school, including their areas of study. The District plans to utilize this data to continue to track trends, while also reaching out to graduates who intend to enter the education field or other areas that could provide insight to the District.
2024-25 Draft Board Development Plan
The Board presented a draft of its 2024-25 development plan, focused on the following two goals:
- Target strategic areas for the Board to grow in “best practice”: finance & facilities
- Continue to broaden a governance network
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
- 2024-25 Fremont School District Employee Work-Year Calendars
- Award of Bid: Fuel
- Award of Bid: Bus Purchase
To view the Board Packet materials from the May 20, 2024 Meeting, click here.
Fremont School District 79
Address: 28855 North Fremont Center Road, Mundelein, IL
Phone: (847) 566-0169
Website: fsd79.org
Twitter: @FSD79
Instagram: @FSD79
YouTube: youtube.com/FSD79