Anderson Weekly News 3/4/24
You are part of our TEAM!
Dates to Remember
Want these dates to automatically show up on your digital calendar? (Click here and Subscribe)
- Tues. Mar. 5th - PTO Meeting in LRC
- Wed. Mar. 6th - Report Cards Available
- Sat. Mar. 9th Chicago Steel PTO fundraiser event 6:05 pm
- Sun. March 10th Little Caesar's fundraiser ends (see info below)
- Thurs. March 14th Red Robin PTO Dine-out
- Fri. Mar. 15th St. Baldrick's Event At St. Charles East 6:00
- Tues. Mar 19th - Talent Show 7:00 pm
- Wed. Mar. 20th - EARLY RELEASE at 2:10
- Wed Mar 20th - Tekakwitha Woods Walk during PE
- Sat Mar 23 - March 31st - SPRING BREAK - NO SCHOOL
- Tues.. April 2nd - IAR testing starts
- Tues. April 2nd - PTO meeting at 7:00 in LRC
- Wed. April 17th - Tekakwitha Woods walk during PE
- Fri. April 19th - School Improvement Day - NO SCHOOL
- Wed. April 24th - EARLY RELEASE DAY
Anderson School Calendar
D303 Calendar
Anderson PTO Website
Info for 5th grade Parents about Middle School Explore Course Registration
Its already time to start preparing for 5th grade students middle school classes. Pink exploratory forms have gone home with students, and should be completed and returned MARCH 8TH
To watch a video about explore classes, you can click here.
D303 Wellness Committee - Volunteers Needed
We are looking for a Family that would like to volunteer for the CUSD 303 Wellness Committee. This is a committee that will be meeting to discuss the district's wellness policy. What does that mean? We will be looking at physical activity, breakfast and lunches, and other programs that the districts offer for students to engage in a healthy lifestyle.
The commitment that I am asking for is 3 meetings, Thursdays from 6 to 7 pm at the administration building at 201 S. 7th St. on the following dates: 3/14, 4/18, 5/16.
If this is something that you would like to help please contact me
PE - Teacher
AT Math/AT ELA placement
Information about requests for appeal
Placements for next year's incoming 4th grade students who qualified for AT Math/AT ELA and incoming 6th grade students who qualified for Accelerated Math, AT and Infinity Gifted Programming have been completed. Families of students who have been placed in these pathways have been contacted via email. Parents/Guardians whose student was not identified and feels their student should be considered for one of these placements is welcome to complete a Request for Appeal by March 15. The appeal process is outlined in the link along with contact information for our Gifted Coordinator if you have questions.
For information on the approved boundary maps for District 303, please click on theD303 boundary graphic. Parent notice from Superintendent Gordon can be found here.
Upcoming Spring Assessments for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade
Spring Assessments.
Students in grades 3 through 8 will be taking state tests in English/Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics between April 1 and April 18. This is the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR).
Students in grades 5, 8, and 11 are taking the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) between March 4 and March 22nd. The Illinois Science Standards are based on the NGSS standards, and the ISA is designed to measure against those standards.
PTO Open Board Positions Next year!
Interested in becoming more involved at Anderson? Want to partner with other families committed to our students and community? Consider running for the Treasurer or Budget Officer board positions! Each term serves 2 years beginning in the fall of the 24-25 school year. Elections will be held at our April PTO meeting. Anyone interested should reach out to President Megan Golden: (ptopresident.andersonfoxes@gmail.com)
St. Charles Education Foundation - Please read info below and consider donating:
Please help us gather items for the St. Charles Education Foundation fundraiser. We're putting together a FAMILY GAME NIGHT basket. All items can be sent to school and dropped off in the front office. Please submit items no later than March 22. Click link below to see donation options:
Sign up Genius. Thank you for your help!With Anderson's support in past years, the St. Charles Education Foundation has been able to provide multiple scholarships to high school seniors at North and East and many grants to D303 staff members. Last year the foundation was able to give back over $20,000 in support for our children's education. All proceeds go directly back to D303 students and staff.
Little Caesar's Fundraiser
It’s pizza time! Through March 10, we’re selling Little Caesars Pizza Kits and In-Store Meal Deals to raise money for Anderson Elementary School PTO! To reach our goal, we need everyone’s help. It’s easy to join the fun! To get started, follow this link
https://fundraising.littlecaesars.com/login/join-fundraiser/f7fe1629-c094-4164-810e-5221245094ec to create an account and set up your very own Seller page. You’ll get your own unique link to send to your friends & family so they can buy delicious Pizza Kits and In-Store Meal Deals and support our fundraiser. Pizza Kits will be delivered directly to your buyers via FedEx, so send your link to family & friends across the country, too. Every item we sell earns $6 profit.
Come see a Chicago Steel game with us!
Eat at Red Robin!
Help Anderson Now; Swim Later!
St. Charles Challenge in Connection with St. Baldrick's fundraiser to fight Childhood cancer
Come out for the St Baldrick's event on March 15, 2024, shave your head, or donate at St. Charles East High School. Click the graphic for more information.
From the District - New Start /End times announced for 2024/25 School Year:
District 303 is pleased to present its lineup of Parent Education sessions for the 2023-2024 school year.
The Parent Education series (formerly Parent University) includes informational meetings and workshops intended to empower parents and guardians to support their children’s academic, social and emotional needs. Become informed on specialized topics, engage in two-way dialogue with speakers and fellow parents, and become a support resource for others.
Sessions for this school year will focus on bullying prevention, addressing anxiety, and include film screenings and discussions about the impact of screen time and cultural awareness. The schedule also includes college preparation workshops hosted by our high schools. Sessions were selected based in part on feedback from District 303 parents.
Explore the full lineup of sessions here. Signup forms for each session will be made available closer to the session dates. New this year, you can also register for Parent Education notifications and receive alerts as new information and session recaps become available.
South Elgin Park District Summer Camp for 2024
South Elgin Park District Summer Camp
South Elgin Summer Camp Dates
South Elgin Summer Camp additional information
Anderson Elementary School
Email: nathan.jarot@d303.org
Website: https://anderson.d303.org/
Location: 35W071 Villa Maria Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3300