The Double Creek Courier
Welcome Back to School Edition
A letter from the Principal
We're ready for you!
Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 AM - 3:30 PM
(512) 746-4852
Welcome back to school, Cougars!
We are so excited to see all of our returning and new families in just a few short weeks! This newsletter below will explain some of the new routines and schedules and those that remain the same from last year. We have a few new faces for you to get to know as well. Please read all of the information below to get us off to a great start.
Please reach out to us if you have any questions that we can answer before school starts.
Together We Grow! ¡Juntos Crecemos!
Dr. Craig Wilson, Principal
Amie Von Stosch, Assistant Principal
Mahaley Walker, Assistant Principal
8: Self-Contained Special Education Meet the Teacher (5:00 PM)
12: Meet the Teacher (5:00 PM)
14: First Day of School
School Theme: Together We Grow! ¡Juntos crecemos!
This year's theme is "Together We Grow!" or "¡Juntos crecemos!" We can all grow in academic achievement, socio-emotional learning, personal development, community development, parent and family relationships, communication, and behavioral expectations. You will see this theme weaved throughout everything that we do this year. We hope you enjoy watching us all grow together!
Meet the Teacher night will be on Monday, August 12th from 5:00 - 6:30 PM. This is a come-and-go event. Your child's homeroom class will be posted on the cafeteria windows starting the evening of Friday, August 9th. Feel free to go straight to your teacher's classroom! You can:
- Drop off supplies
- Provide the teacher your contact information
- Meet partner teachers (if applicable)
- Sign up for class events
- Tell us how your child goes home
- Tour the building
- Speak to district departments such as Transportation and Food Services
- Sign up to be a substitute teacher
- Sign up for our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
We will wait to have our parent and family meeting and presentation for the Open House event.
Meet ParentSquare - our New Family Communication Tool
We have an exciting new tool for teachers and parents to connect! It's called ParentSquare. This will replace ClassTag that we used last year. By this point, you should have received an invitation to download the app onto your phone or connect on your computer. But don't worry if you haven't received it yet! Your homeroom teacher will be sending you an invitation to join his or her class as well.
ParentSquare allows you and the teacher to communicate effectively. You will receive newsletters, photos, and messages about your child. You can also use ParentSquare to send a direct message and attach files and photos to the teacher. Our teachers have been directed to use ParentSquare, not their Jarrell ISD email address, to communicate with you.
CLICK HERE to learn more about ParentSquare!
From the DCES PTO...
Our PTO is small but mighty! Please help us grow this important part of our school community. There is no cost to join. The PTO supports the school with fundraising, events planning, and advice for educational planning.
We meet once a month in the evenings for about an hour. More to come with specific dates and times!
Attendance Matters!
Our goal this year is to have at least a 96% Student Attendance Average. But this can only happen with your support!
Please read the following information regarding our attendance policy. More information is also available in the Jarrell Independent School District Parent and Student Handbook under Absences/Attendance.
Regular school attendance is essential for a student to make the most of his or her education to benefit from teacher led and school activities, to build each day's learning on the previous day's, and to grow as an individual.
When a student is absent, the student must bring a note to the attendance office within three days of the absence. After three days, parent notes may not be accepted and the absences will be considered unexcused. A maximum of three (3) parent notes per semester will be accepted as excused.
More info about attendance!
Attendance Works Informational Flyers - Click HERE
ENGLISH VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/101425388
SPANISH VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/130556839
Daily Deadlines
In order for our systems to run smoothly and safely, please observe the following daily deadlines times.
7:30 a.m. Tardy Bell. PLEASE DO NOT DROP-OFF STUDENTS AFTER 7:30. You will need walk your child into the building. They must be signed in by a parent or guardian.
1:00 p.m. ALL transportation changes must be made by 1:00 by emailing or calling Carina Rodriguez at (512)-746-4852 or carina.rodriguez@jarrellisd.org. No changes can be made after this time for the safety of all students and staff.
2:30 p.m. Any student checking out early for an appointment, must be picked up prior to 2:30.
From the Community...
We want to encourage ALL of our staff, students and families to utilize services made available through the Double Creek Elementary school counseling program. Throughout the year, school counselors facilitate a variety of activities to support students' personal, social, academic and career development and to provide easily accessible and up-to-date school counseling related information.
Please take a few moments to check out our DCES school counseling WEBSITE to learn more about the items listed below AND how we can serve you. We hope you find this information helpful, and we look forward to working with you and your child to help ensure their experience at DCES is a positive one. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out!
Laura Lake, School Counselor
Thomas Lane, Community in Schools Coordinator
Catch My Breath Vaping Prevention Program
Community Resources Directory
CLICK the image above to check out information from our DCES Specials teachers:
- PE
- Art
- Music
- Science Lab