July 21, 2024
Week of July 29, 2024
From the desk of Principal Lessard
Dear Dolphin families,
Thank you to everyone who attended the 9th grade and new student orientation on 7/22 - what a GREAT turnout!! Thanks to our band for TWO performances last week - entire band at the district instructional services day and the drum line at the annual Back-to-School Expo!
Tablet & parking pass fees can be paid on our school website under the parents tab - online payments!
**SCHOOL COUNSELING/AP CASELOAD UPDATE: Due to current enrollment, please see the update here and listed in the directory:
Last names A-G - Counselor Ms. Racquel Frazier: racquel.frazier@beaufort.k12.sc.us & AP Mrs. CaTia Gilbert catia.gilbert@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Last names H-N - Counselor Ms. Kirsten Nash: kirsten.nash@beaufort.k12.sc.us & AP Mr. Daniel VanWinkle daniel.vanwinkle@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Last names O-Z - NO CHANGE
Thank you for your support and we invite each of you to choose the best way to get involved at Creek this year. Please consider completing the volunteer application below to find your voice!
Leading with love, Mrs. Lessard
#weareCREEK #weareGOLDEN
Open House
Monday August 5th from 5-7PM; please enter at the front office. SIC Sign-ups will take place on this evening! Come and meet our Creek community!!
August 7th
First Day of School!! Doors Open at 8:15
Thank you to all who have completed 24-25 registration. This is required to get:
- a schedule
- a required ID
- a required tablet
PLEASE be sure to enter ACCURATE contact information so we can best support your child(ren) and reach you in the event of an emergency.
Contact: kimberly.fields@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Updates (after completion): jennifer.frazier@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Systems Updates - Cell Phones & ePASS
CELL PHONES: For proactive planning, please know that the SC Legislature has passed a law banning Cell Phones in schools. Specific details will follow in next week's newsletter; please begin planning now as we will implement starting August 7th.,
ePASS - We are excited to launch an electronic pass system this year. This will be used in all district middle & high schools. We will use this system to maximize instructional time and safely monitor the locations of all students. We will provide training to everyone during Leeadership the first week back to school.
Parking Passes
We are doing paperless applications this year!!
Application Link: https://forms.gle/t6AQHGj9FMhQMD1s8
Pay here: https://osp.osmsinc.com/beaufortsc/
Students MUST have a valid Driver's License
ANY vehicle parked without a permit is subject to towing.
Contact: catia.gilbert@beaufort.k12.sc.us
School Counseling
Please contact your counselor if you have questions and/or concerns.
Schedules will be distributed to all registered students at Open House on August 5th.
8/2 - Fall Sports Practice Begins All paperwork must be complete.
8/2 - Winter & Spring Sports Closed Season (Weightroom only)
8/5 - Open House 5 - 7 PM Fall Sports Parent & Athlete Meeting at 7 PM
8/8 - Home Football 4-Way Scrimmage 6 PM
8/9 - Fall Sports Media Day 4:30 PM
Volunteers are ALWAYS welcomed and needed! There are many behind the scenes positions available if you want to be involved!
Dolphin Life
Dolphin Pride Marching Band - this includes dance & flag performers!
Contact: Mr. Rod Williams roderick.williams@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Clubs - these organizations are the heartbeat of Creek. Club Rush Dates will be finalized (this takes place once school starts) so you can find the right club for you! If you have an idea for a club, please email AP Dan VanWinkle (listed below)
Key Contacts Directory 24-25
Principal Denise Lessard: denise.lessard@beaufort.k12.sc.us
AP Mr. Daniel VanWinkle - Last names H-N: daniel.vanwinkle@beaufort.k12.sc.us
AP Mrs. Kimberly Fields - Last names O-Z: kimberly.fields@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Athletic Director Terrance Ashe: terrance.ashe@beaufort.k12.sc.us
School Counseling:
Last names A-G - School Counselor Ms. Racquel Frazier: racquel.frazier@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Last names H-N - Lead School Counselor Ms. Kirsten Nash: kirsten.nash@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Last names O-Z - School Counselor Ms. Jessica Stone: jessica.stone@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Registration - School Counseling Associate Heather Bailey: heather.bailey@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Key Contacts:
Alumni: denise.lessard@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Attendance: april.lang@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Bookkeeper: barbara.layman@beaufort.k12.sc.us
JROTC: troy.james@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Nurse: jessica.lesesne@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Parking: catia.gilbert@beaufort.k12.sc.us
PowerSchool Updates: jennifer.frazier@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Senior Special Trips: ashley.smith@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Social Media Requests: gabrielle.heath@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Social Worker: samaiyah.white@beaufort.k12.sc.us
If you need help with a specific area not listed, please contact our Office Manager Ms. Latricia Brown at latricia.brown@beaufort.k12.sc.us