Rockport Middle/High School
Viking News - The Week of 8/26/2024
The Week of October 7, 2024
Happy Friday, RMHS Students & Families,
Today marks the mid-term for Q1. Please be sure to check Aspen for grades and be in communication with teachers if you have any questions about your progress thus far. This past week, we were honored to provide the middle school students with a music performance by professional musicians, Mike Block and Balla Kouyate. Mike Block is a grammy-winning cellist who has worked extensively with the Yo Yo Ma's Silk Road Ensemble and Balla Kouyate is a balafon player and djeli - oral historian - from Mali. Music students grades 6-12 had more intimate opportunities to learn from the musicians within music classes.
Beyond that, RMHS athletics is in full swing with home and away games throughout this past week. Our athletes are staying strong and competing with class so far this season; making us all very proud of their unique accomplishments. We look forward to honoring our seniors at the upcoming senior games over the coming weeks. We will be celebrating the senior girls soccer players tomorrow (Saturday), October 5th at 12:45 pm on the Ryan-Curley Field. We hope to see you there! ⚽🥳
Throughout the past week, we have been working with the 7th and 8th graders on the importance of kindness and developing the skills required to effectively address and report any issues or concerns that may arise as part of Advisory. The high school leaders helped by leading an 8th grade workshop today that will prepare our 8th grade leaders to run a middle school assembly next week. In addition, the high school classes participated in a school-wide class community event this past week as a way to foster class connections, build relationship and trust throughout the school. I am very proud of the collective efforts of our students and staff to come together to practice and work on these important life skills.
This coming week, we will focus on the monthly theme of social media and our online footprint through Advisory and Assemblies. We look forward to continuing to open up dialogue and opportunities for our students to learn and grow together. We encourage families to ask about this at home as a way to reinforce and engage the students in ongoing conversations about this important topic.
-Ms. Rose
Amy Rose, Principal
The Week Ahead...
Tuesday, October 8th - High School Assembly
Thursday, October 10th - Middle School Assembly
Looking Ahead...
Monday, October 14 & 15th: No School for Students
Friday, November 1st: End of Q1 - Grades Close
Friday, November 1st & Saturday, November 2nd @ 7:00 pm and November 3rd @ 2:00 pm - RHS Drama Presents Chicago
Friday, November 8th: Report cards available in Aspen
Monday, November 11th: No School (Veteran's Day)
Wednesday, November 27th: 1/2 Day before the Thanksgiving Holiday
Tuesday, December 3rd: 1/2 Day for Students
Friday, December 20th: 1/2 Day before the Winter Vacation!
Thursday, January 2nd: Welcome Back!
2024 MCAS Results
The 2024 MCAS results were released to schools this past week and were mailed home to families this past Friday, October 2nd. Please look for your child's score reports in the mail and reach out to Ms. Jylkka King, the MCAS Coordinator, if you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress.
District and school-specific scores will be analyzed by teachers and staff over the coming weeks. If your child requires additional assistance based on the results of their scores, students and families will be notified directly after the completion of the formal review.
Fall 2024 Half Day Schedules
School Safety Reminder:
The school campus is closed to the public when school is in session and after 10:00pm nightly. This includes the use of the tennis courts, track, playgrounds, athletic fields and all other parts of the campus. This does not include families and community members attending school events in our schools or on our school grounds. We appreciate the community's understanding and support as we continue to prioritize the safety of RPS students and staff.
RMS Extracurricular Offerings 2024-2025
We presented the wide variety of student extracurricular offerings at this past week's Assemblies. I've included the slideshow in case students have questions about who to talk to about each club. We encourage families to review the opportunities with their child/ren to encourage them to get involved with something!
Why Attendance Matters
Being in school and on time are extremely important to your child's success. When students attend school regularly and arrive on time, they stay engaged in their learning, build strong relationships, and develop solid study habits. Please help us by making sure your child gets to school on time each day. The cafeteria and library are open at 7:00 am and free breakfast is available in the cafeteria for all students. The main hallways and classrooms open at 7:25 am.
Important Phone Numbers & Contact Information
We understand that the transition to a middle/high school this coming year comes with a shift in contact information. To simplify the process for families, we have streamlined all communications to run through the RMHS Main Office. Please use the main number for routine inquiries: 978-546-1234. For a more detailed chart of counselors, and other support personnel, please use the chart below to help navigate our new team of people and systems.
Please see the chart below for a breakdown of counseling assignments at the high school level. The alphabet breakdown is based upon student last name:
The Rockport HS DECA chapter is planning Career Day for 11/19/25 from 8-10:30 AM
We are looking for some more presenters and could use any/all career types/Retirees welcome
If interested, please fill out this Google form
Contact Scott Larsen, DECA advisor with questions
Also, the DECA online store closes at the end of this weekend
Shop now before it closes! DECA gets a percentage of every sale
Rockport SEPAC
The Rockport SEPAC is in need of a revitalization and looking for new members. The SEPAC is a self-governing public body which creates its own by-laws and operational procedures. A SEPAC is different from other parent groups in a school district such as a PTO or School Council – a SEPAC does not represent families from one school, but represents all families of children with disabilities from the entire school district. If you are interested in holding a Board position: Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer or a Board Member at Large position, please send me an email. Just want to be included ? Reach out to be a building representative. Contact Ann-Marie Luster, Interim Director of Student Services to sign up or find out more at
Junior & Senior Form (Armed Services)
Please fiil out the Armed Services form if you would like to opt. out .
Student and Family District Handbook
In an effort to be more environmentally friendly and to cut down on the paperwork that families need to complete at the beginning of the school year, Rockport Public Schools has revised our school handbooks into one updated online Student and Family District Handbook. This new version is published on our website and allows for easy access to an organized list of procedures, practices, and important information.
Please read and review the handbook using this link: Rockport Public Schools Student and Family District Handbook.
Parents and guardians will need to acknowledge that they have read the handbook through this form: Acknowledgment of Receipt of RPS Student and Family Handbook. This form is also available on the Handbook page of our website. Please complete ONE FORM FOR EACH child you have attending Rockport Schools. For 6th through 12th grade students, you will also be prompted to have your child sign this acknowledgement form.
The Rockport PTO welcomes back all students, families & teachers and hope the year has gotten off to a great start. Please use the membership link below to sign up and pay annual dues. Funds raised by PTO are used for student field trips, teacher requests, PTO events for elementary and middle/high schools and scholarships for graduating seniors.
PTO is also running a Calendar Raffle fundraiser and we would love your support in purchasing raffle chances and selling them! Please see the links below to both the calendar which shows the prizes and instructions on how to purchase and enter the raffle. Thank you for your support!
Link to PTO Membership form:
Link to PTO Calendar Raffle Doc
Link to PTO Calendar Raffle instructions
Thank you,
Alyssa Teixeira
Treasurer, Rockport PTO
School Breakfast
Breakfast is an important way to start a productive day. We encourage all students to arrive early enough to get breakfast before school begins if possible. For those students not able to get to school early on any given day, we will provide a set time in the morning to be sure breakfast is accessible to all. Breakfast and lunch continue to be free for students this year.
RMHS Parent/Guardian Communication
In order to strengthen the home/school partnership at RMHS, we will be providing a number of resources for families to keep you informed of important information and events. Resources will be available on the website by late August and include:
The Principal’s page on the RMHS website.
The Parent Resource Guidebook that provides answers to the most commonly asked questions.
The “RMHS Viking News” emailed to all students and families beginning the first week of school.
Your child’s Aspen account and Google Classroom pages for the most up-to-date information within individual classes.
Routine email communication for parents to guide and inform important upcoming events, school-related expectations, and/or happenings.
Families of Seniors - Save the Dates!
Prom - Friday, May 16th
Senior Banquet - Wednesday, May 28, 2025 @ The Elks at Bass Rocks
RHS Graduation – Friday, May 30, 2025 at 5 pm