
February Calendar with all events, exams and themed days!
Updates for this Week
Happy Counselor's Week Ms. Lang
Monday, February 3
- Kinder Puppet Show-Assistance League
Tuesday, February 4
- Grades TK and K Vision and Hearing Screening
- 9:00-Grade 5 promotion picture day (Free Dress for Grade 5 students)
- 5pm-Achievement Reports on ParentVue
Wednesday, February 5
- Ms. Kao's Class Library Walking Field Trip
Thursday, February 6
- 10:00-Grade 4 & 5 @ LB Symphony Field Trip
- 2:30-Student Dismissal
Friday, February 7
- 100th Day of School!
American Heart Challenge
Team Los Cerritos!
Now that coming into our 2nd week of Kids Heart Challenge, we’re excited to see so many students sign up and start completing Finn’s Mission – the opportunity to learn the lifesaving skill of Hands-Only CPR! ❤
Los Cerritos currently has 24 students registered to take the Healthy Heart challenge, 4 families learning Hands-Only CPR, 2 students complete Finn’s Mission and together raising $1,112.60 in lifesaving donations! WAY TO GO!!
Kids Heart Challenge kicked off! Check out our VIRTUAL ENVELOPE to learn more. Thank you for being a Heart Hero!
- Sign up TODAY at http://www2.heart.org/goto/loscerritoslbusd or by downloading the free AHA Schools App for Apple or Android
- Give or Get a Donation! SEND 10 emails/texts to friends & family asking to help support friends with special hearts!
- Start Finn’s Mission in your HQ to learn Hands-Only CPR.
- When we raise $1,000 in donation, students will receive a free dress!--WE MET THIS CHALLENGE- Cultural Free Dress on Friday, February 21st!
- When we raise $2,000 in donation, students will receive extra recess!
- When we raise $5,000 in donation, students will receive a dance party!
- When we raise $10,000 in donation, students will get to throw water balloons at Principal Ramos!
Upcoming Dates and Information
2/10-Lincoln Holiday- NO SCHOOL
2/11, 12, 14- ELPAC Testing
2/13-9:15 Student Awards Assembly
2/13-3:30- Parent & Me Workshop
2/14-Wear Red, White, Pink, Purple Day
2/14- Gr. 5 @ CSULB Field Trip
2/17-Washington Holiday, NO SCHOOL
2/18 & 19- ELPAC Testing
2/19- 3:30 School Site Council in the library
2/21-Cultural Free Dress Day!
2/24-Gr. 2 & 3 Symphony Assembly
2/25- 6:30 PTA Meeting
2/27-Principal Coffee Chat for families 9:00 am (In Person) & 4:30pm (Zoom)
2/28-3:30- Parent & Me Workshop
2/28-Wear College T-Shirt Day
5th Grade Parent Informaiton Section
5th Grade Fundraiser!
5th Grade Information
Parent Resources
Connecting Math To Parent Occupations
Dear Parents,
Hi, my name is Cathy Haver, and I am the math lead at Los Cerritos. All grade levels spend a lot of time connecting math to the real world. Students use tasks that often show people and businesses in Long Beach using math in their work. For example, a fifth-grade task features Gusto Bread on 4th Street to review multiplication with 2-digit numbers.
This year, your child will be exploring and learning concepts related to number operations, spatial relationships, and, depending on the grade level, fractions, decimals, measurement, money, and time. We would love to feature YOU and your business in our math lessons if you use any of these concepts at your work. Not only will all students be excited to see someone they know, they will be able to connect math concepts to daily life.
Let’s get started! Please send a picture of yourself at work to me at chaver@lbschools.net. Let me know what math concepts you use at work (or I can use my best judgment), the name of your business/place of employment, and the name you would like to be referred by.
Thank you so much for helping to make math meaningful for the students at Los Cerritos.
Cathy Haver
Math Lead
Message from Ms. Alwood, Our Site Facilitator
Please join us for the upcoming parent and caregiver workshops! Click here to see workshop flyers and to sign up. Be on the lookout for flyers in your child's backpack. These flyers that will be coming home are about FREE after-school opportunities.
Clearing Absences and Late/Tardies
Absent notes need to be cleared within 5 days of the absences. Send a note to the office or email Mrs. Fernandez or Mrs. Mayra Salcedo at with the following information:
Student's Complete Legal Name
Teacher Name
Date(s) of absence(s)
If your child is absent for more than 3 consecutive days, a doctor note is required to excuse the additional days.
For Late and Tardies-a medical, dental or court appointment note will excuse a late or tardy for a student. Ensure you request a school note clearance before arriving to school.
New Student Registration Opened January 8th!-Spread the Word
Los Cerritos PTA
Did you know the PTA has their own website? Go to loscerritospta.org to stay up-to-date on all PTA events and programs. Register or re-register and you will be automatically enrolled to receive our emails.
Spirit Wear Sale in the Office
Construction Updates
Construction Updates for the 2025-2026 School Year
Updates as of January 18, 2025:
- Bungalows are still being worked on (roofing will take place in late Spring).
- Community meeting has been rescheduled for March 27th for families to attend in the auditorium
Updates as of January 10, 2025:
- Bungalows are still being worked on (roofing will take place in late Spring).
- Community meeting is scheduled for February 13th for families to attend in the auditorium
Updates as of December 20, 2024:
- All bungalows will begin to get exterior repairs throughout Winter break until end of January 2025.
Updates as of December 13, 2024:
- We have scheduled our Winter Parent Community Meeting for Thursday, February 13th at 5pm in the school auditorium.
- Construction Parent Meeting Slides are now located on our school website.
Updates as of December 6, 2024
- For the 2025-2026 school year our bell schedule will remain the same (9:00 a.m. start time and 3:05/3:10 pm dismissal)
- Free busing for all students in grades 3-5 will be offered to and from Birney daily. Drop off and pick up location will be in front of Los Cerritos Elementary by the Marque
- All enrichment (Garden, Library, Music, and Art) will remain the same.
- Recreation aides and office staff will be at both sites to ensure continuity and making sure familiar faces are with our scholars at all times.
- District will offer "Ride the Route" for all families during the summer of 2025 for all grades 3-5 families to ride the bus and visit the campus.
- Community meeting slides will be added to our school website for your reference.
- Second Community meeting for families will be scheduled some time February.
- Principal Coffee Chats will be offered every month to come together to discuss and plan events for our students for both campuses. We need your input, creativity and ideas for a fantastic renovation year!
Updates as of December 2, 2024
We are writing to keep you informed of important updates regarding the upcoming construction phases at our school. As we move forward with these plans, we want to ensure that all families are well-informed and have a chance to ask questions and share any concerns.
Interim Housing for Grades 3-5
Our district has indicated that, for the duration of this construction year, students in grades 3-5 will temporarily attend Birney Elementary. This will provide the space and resources necessary for their continued learning while we work on improvements to our campus.
TK - Grade 2
For our younger students in grades TK through 2, they will remain on campus throughout the construction phases. We are committed to maintaining a safe and productive learning environment for them, and will be taking extra precautions to minimize disruptions and ensure their daily routines are as smooth as possible.
Ongoing Updates in Our Parent Newsletter
To keep everyone up to date, we will be dedicating a section of our monthly parent newsletter to construction updates. This will include any changes to schedules, safety protocols, and other important information. We encourage you to review these updates regularly.
Click the following links to learn more about the project.
For any questions, please contact schoolbonds@lbschools.net
Los Cerritos Elementary Home of the Roadrunners
Email: liramos@lbschools.net
Address: 515 W. San Antonio Drive, Long Beach, California 90807
Phone: (562) 595-6337 l Fax: (562) 595-7994
Website: https://los-cerritos.lbschools.net/