Lesher Middle School
Community Communication: February 21, 2025
Principal's Message
Upcoming Events / Athletic Information
Saturday 2/22/25
Varsity Wrestling @ Timnath
JV Wrestling @ Windsor
Monday 2/24/25
3:00 Varsity & JV Girls Basketball vs. WMHS (@ Lesher)
4:15 C-Teams Girls Basketball @ WMHS
Wednesday 2/26/25
3:00 Varsity & JV Girls Basketball vs. CLP (@ Lesher)
3:15 C-Teams Girls Basketball @ CLP
Thursday 2/27/25
3:00 Wrestling vs. Webber @ Lesher
Girls Soccer Information
Boys & Girls Golf Information
Want to Sponsor Lesher Athletics?
2nd Annual Lesher Art Gala is TONIGHT!
Dear Lesher Community,
You are cordially invited to a special Art Gala event coming up on February 21st from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Future Ready Center in the FootHills Mall. This event will be a celebration of the 8th grade Visual Arts students' artwork.
There will be a silent auction of our 8th grade students’ artwork that will raise funds for the PTO teacher grants. There will also be a few performances by some of our band and orchestra students. This event is a wonderful way to support our students and our teachers. It is a collaborative effort, being put together by the PTO, the 8th grade art students and the 8th grade entrepreneur students. Please join us on the 21st to help celebrate these students.
ELO Q4 Course Offerings
Students will take a survey on Monday, selecting their top four choices for ELO quarter four. Below are the course offerings for each grade level. Please let us know if you have any questions.
6th Grade ELO Course Offerings
7th Grade ELO Course Offerings
PBIS Student Challenges
The student challenge for January and February has been to fill out TADs for every class, every day. Each week, we have had a bonus Planner Powerball drawing. This will continue until the end of February.
For March, the STUDENT challenge will be missing work. The grade level with the least amount of missing work at the end of March, will earn bonus outdoor time.
FCHS Cheer Team Tryouts
Do you have school spirit? Come join the FCHS Cheer team for the 2025-26 school year! We will be having our tryout practices in Gym 2 at Fort Collins High School Monday, April 14th through Wednesday, April 16th from 4:30-8:30pm with Tryout Day being Thursday, April 17th! Make sure to pick up a tryout packet from the front office after spring break and join us for a parent meeting on April 8th at 6:00pm in the FCHS cafeteria to learn more about the tryout process and our team. For more information, visit our website at https://fchscheer.wixsite.com/spirit
Weekly Prize Winners!
Spring SLC (Student Led Conferences) Dates!
Thursday, March 6th 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Monday, March 10th 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Donation Request for 6th Grade Interdisciplinary Sustainability Project
Our 6th graders are working hard on an interdisciplinary project that utilizes the UN Development Goals for an upcoming showcase night on Tuesday, March 11th from 3:00 – 4:00. We are in need of donations of 100 Trifold Presentation Boards (like the one shown below.) Color of the board does not matter. If you have a 6th grader at Lesher or access to extra trifold presentation boards and are able to send in one or more trifold presentation boards with your student or drop them off at the office, we would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you,
6th grade team
EdVenture Fundraiser!
Save the Date!
Join us for an exciting Lesher Night at Hoedown Hill on Tuesday, February 25, from 4–9 PM!
Enjoy tubing, great food, and community fun—all while supporting the Lesher International EdVenture Club! A portion of the proceeds will help fund student global travel experiences. The promo code to purchase tickets will come out next week!!
Don’t miss this chance to make memories and make a difference! Mark your calendar and spread the word!
CHAMP Girls Basketball Athletes of the Week!
Equine Education!
Cooking Competition!
Guest Speakers Needed for Entrepreneurship Class!
Share your expertise with our students! We're looking for volunteers to speak on topics such as career exploration, employability skills, entrepreneurship, or business management. Inspire the next generation by discussing your journey and insights. Thank you for supporting our students' future success!
Sign up here to present/speak: https://bit.ly/LesherBizSpring
PTO Position Opening!
Snack Shack Coordinator
This person would need to order inventory to be delivered or picked up from Sam's club (membership not required). Organize and put away inventory in snack shack. Make sign-up genius for parent volunteers and student volunteers. Work with Ms. Sutton and student managers (entrepreneur students)
*Requires Background check*
Ideally this position would start ASAP to be transitioned to a full takeover of the role for next year.
Please contact- Nicole Hirschfield (nhirschfield@psdschools.org)
Lambkin Film Fest Four!
Fort Collins High School will host the 4th Annual Lambkin Film Fest for all PSD secondary students on May 8, from 5-7 p.m. in McNeal Auditorium!
Who: Any PSD middle or high school student or team
When: Thursday, May 8 from 5-7 p.m.
Where: FCHS's McNeal Auditorium.
What: Original films no longer than five minutes and that adhere to an MPAA rating of PG for middle school submissions and PG-13 for high school films. This year's contest will be juried and prized by industry professionals; therefore, all submissions must also follow Fair Use guidelines in professional filmmaking, and no films with watermarks will be accepted.
Submission Deadline: Due Friday, April 11
Format: MP4
Submissions: https://forms.gle/adP1SytmzJfUd6ve6
Purchase Your Yearbook!
2-Hour Delay Bell Schedule
PSD Engagement Norms
In an effort to foster a culture of mutual respect, effective communication, and quality customer service, PSD has created a set of norms for staff, family/guardian, and community engagement. These norms aim to set a positive tone for interactions between staff and parents and community members, whether they happen in person, over the phone, or in writing.
The norms will be posted in all PSD schools and include expectations that:
- Calls or emails that are not emergencies will be acknowledged within three school days.
- Appointments between the parties involved will be established as a norm for addressing concerns or discussing important matters through direct communication.
- Appointments will take place as soon as reasonably possible. Adequate time is needed for preparation and research before an appointment.
- Communication will focus on collaboration and understanding – respectful language and non-confrontational behavior from all parties are expected.
- Boundaries between personal and professional life will be maintained, and sensitive matters will not be addressed in community settings.
It’s important for everyone in our schools and in our communities to feel welcome and engage in mutual respect to best serve students.
Morning Fresh Cash for Caps Fundraiser
If you are a Morning Fresh Dairy customer, please bring in your rinsed milk, juice, cream, or other caps to Mr. Mayer. For every cap that is returned, Lesher Middle School earns money. Please turn rinsed caps in to the box in the front office or to Mr. Mayer’s classroom (room 12). If you are interested in Morning Fresh Dairy, every new household sign up that mentions Lesher raises $25. Click here or ask Mr. Mayer (bmayer@psdschools.org) for more information.
Lesher Pre-Arranged Absence Form
If you know that your child will be missing school a full day or more please have them visit their teachers to fill out this form. When completed please return it to the main office. We will make a copy and return it to the student.
Tardy Flowchart
Lesher Bell Schedule
2024-25 District Calendar
2024-25 Application for Free and Reduced Status
Please Click Here to apply for Free and Reduced status
Lesher's Academic Honesty Policy
Bag Policy
Please Visit us on Social Media
Lesher Middle School
Website: https://les.psdschools.org/
Location: Lesher Middle School, Stover Street, Fort Collins, CO, USA
Phone: 970-472-3800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LesherMiddleSchool
Twitter: @Lesher_MS