LHS News
September 2023
Upcoming Events
September 1st - Early Release at 1:45pm
September 4th - No School, Labor Day Holiday
September 5th - School Board Meeting @ 10:00am
September 22nd - Trio with FAFSA for Seniors @ 10:00 AM
September 27th - 40th Day of School
September 29th - Homecoming Parade @ 4:30 PM
September 29th - Homecoming Game @ 7:00 PM
September 30th - LHS Band at Denver City Tumbleweed Marching Classic
October 3rd - NMCAC College Fair on campus
Lunch Times
Just a reminder that the students have two lunches this year: The students 4th period teacher determines which lunch they have.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Lunch
* Lunch A - 10:54 -11:40
* Lunch B - 11:45 - 12:31
Wednesday Lunch
* Lunch A - 10:20 - 10:57
* Lunch B - 11:02 - 11:39
Early dismissals we will follow Wednesday lunch and class schedules.
Cecilia Sanchez-Martinez - 2023 Maddox Scholar Finalist!!
Congratulations Cecilia we are so proud of you!
August Rotary Scholars
Freshman: Ada Gonzalez, Johan Mendoza
Sophomore: Mia Acosta, Daniel Morales
Junior: Scout Lynn, Aaliyah Turnacliff
Senior: Elizabeth Buendia, Cecilia Sanchez
Way to go Lovington Wildcats!
Lovington High School has partnered with the Career and Technical Education Center (CTECH) in Hobbs, which offers hands-on career pathways, combining rigorous coursework with project learning in a collaborative setting for students who want to gain a deep understanding of and actively participate in high demand professions. Currently there are 20 Lovington High School students who are taking part in this program.
Texas Tech Admission Counselor, David Reyes, came and talked with Seniors regarding applications and scholarship opportunities at lunch. Seniors, way to show up!