Lions Den News
June 9th, 2024

Schmitt Yearbook on Sale! We have a few left, buy yours now!
Yearbooks are On Sale for $20. Yearbooks are on a first come, first serve basis, we have a limited supply. Scan the QR code below or call the office, 714-894-7264, if you need help ordering a yearbook. 5th graders will be given a yearbook and do not need to purchase one.
Last Week of School- Modified Days for TK-5th grade
This is the last week of school. We are proud of all we have accomplished this year. Our Lion's have worked hard and grown in many ways! This week is modified days Monday thru Thursday, TK/K dismissal is 12:30 and 1st-5th is 12:35. Friday is minimum day, Tk-5th grade dismissal is 11am. Have a great summer!
Last Day of School Spirit Day, Aloha to Summer
Aloha spirit day is Friday, June 14th, time to say Hello to Summer and wear your best Hawaiian wear on the last day of school. We will also be having a clap out for our 5th graders as we see them off the middle school, Aloha!
Schmitt Olympics Day, June 11th for 2nd-5th grade
Schmitt Olympics Day is Tuesday, June 11th. Our 2nd-5th grade students will team up to compete in fun events together.
ST/AR Party Celebration
Students who have met their letter, or sight word, or AR reading, or ST math goals will get to celebrate with Mrs. Rendon on June 11th. Great Job to all of our hard working students!
Construction at Schmitt
Phase 1 of modernization at Schmitt is complete. Rooms 11-18 were relocated from the portables and the second stage has begun. Rooms 3-10 have now been relocated, call the office if you need any info about room locations. Phase 3 is set to start on June 17th. We are looking forward to seeing the changes to our campus.
Our 24-25 TK & K Classes are almost Full, Register As Soon As Possible
Our 24-25 TK and Kinder classes are almost Full, Register as soon as possible to have a spot for next year. Start online at the WSD website or come into the office and we can get you started, call 714-894-7264 if you have any questions.
Attendance Challenge
Everyday your child comes to school their attendance helps their class earn a letter to spell out SCHMITT. When all the letters are earned the class gets an Otter Pop party!! Remember Attendance Matters for School Success!
Attendance Matters
Be sure to schedule all appointments and vacations when students are not expected to be in school. Plan on morning traffic and establish a night and morning routine to make sure that you arrive on time for school. Attendance Matters in ensuring the success of all students.
Spirit Days
Monday wear a positive message shirt or a shirt that makes you feel happy!
Wednesday wear Blue or a Schmitt shirt.
Friday wear a college shirt or a shirt that shows a career you would like to have.
Reminder about Medications
Reminder if your child/ren require any medication, even over the counter medications, to be given at school; the medicine must come to the front office and be given to our health aide. It is not safe to have students keep medications in their backpacks. Please call the front office if you have any questions.
Arrival & Dismissal Info
TK - 5th grade enter through the parking lot entrance gate, except for Ms. Kagy, Ms. Ord, and Mrs. Rivers student's who will enter through the MPR.
- 7:30-7:45 Breakfast
- 8:00 School Begin
Dismissal/Pick Up
- TK will be dismissed outside the TK/K playground gate at 2:00pm
- Kinder will be dismissed through the front school gate at 2:00pm
- 1st-3rd will be dismissed through the parking lot gate at 2:15pm
- 4th-5th will be dismissed through the parking lot gate at 2:30pm.
Parking Lot Reminders
- Please Drop your child off at the white curb, for Safety- Do Not let your child out at the barriers.
- Remember to drive slowly and be mindful of pedestrians crossing in the crosswalk and parking lot.
- For safety, your child must get out on the passenger side of the car.
- When you are dropping off in the drive-thru lane, pull all the way forward and the driver needs to stay in the car.
- If you want to walk your child to the gate, you Must Park in the Parking Lot, the drive thru drop off lane is only for Drop Off Only.
- In the drive thru lane -Do not wait in the car while 1 adult walks your child to the gate, if an adult is walking your child to the gate you must pull all the way forward and park in the parking lot.