Reeceville Raptor's MMM
November 25, 2024
Dates to Remember
- November 25: 1/2 Day for Students due to Conferences
- November 26: No school for Students due to Conferences
- November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break
- December 4: Photos With Santa-CASH Auditorium
- December 2-6: Holiday Shop
- December 6: Drum Assembly and Celebration of Cultures Day!
MVP Parade!
Ref leads the parade!
Look at all of our MVP Winners!
MVP Parade!
Thanksgiving Lunch
We would like to thank the Coatesville Food Service Team for providing our Students and Staff with a delicious Thanksgiving Lunch and Ice Cream Sandwich!
Sooo Good!
Reece loves the Ice Cream Sandwich!
Max is loving his lunch!
Kindness Assembly
Mr. Bennick balances a chair on his chin!
Mr. Bennick juggles while eating an apple!
Charlie became his assistant!
Mr. Bennick balances a yard stick on his nose!
Mr. Bennick balances a hockey stick on his nose!
Mr. Bennick balances a yard stick on his finger!
Science Fair Time!
Project Snowflake!
Please consider signing up to purchase a gift for a child in the Reeceville community this holiday season for Project Snowflake! This year I have added some signups for various gift cards. I am hoping the gift cards help fill in any gaps for families that may ask after the deadline.
The directions are below as well as in the Signup Genius:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4EA4AF28A4FCCF8-53354202-project
Thank you all for considering purchasing a gift for one of our families! (If you would prefer to purchase from our Amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/L668YWS1MHT4?ref=cm_sw_em_r_un_un_xDWPM4Gbd5XsE You will notice a (SF#) for each item. When you buy your gift, please add a tag with the SF# on it. This number is a reference for me that I will need to know what gift goes with which child. 1. Choose a snowflake/item. 2. Once the indicated item has been purchased, please return the item in a GIFT BAG. 3. Please attach a tag with your SF# to the gift bag so that we can determine the recipient of the gift. 4. Please return the item to the SCHOOL COUNSELOR or FRONT OFFICE no later than Monday, December 9th! If you have any questions or you would like more information for your gift, please reach out (mayese@casdschools.org). Gift cards are always appreciated! **When you sign up, others will NOT be able to see your name next to each item.**
Choose a snowflake/item
Once the indicated item has been purchased, please return the item in a GIFT BAG.
Please attach a tag with your SF# to the gift bag so that we can determine the recipient of the gift.
Please return the item to the SCHOOL COUNSELOR or FRONT OFFICE no later than Monday, December 9th!
**When you sign up, others will not be able to see your name next to each item**
I also created an Amazon Wishlist with highly requested gifts and supplies we will need to give to families. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/L668YWS1MHT4?ref_=wl_share
If you would like to purchase a gift on the Signup Genius from Amazon, please have it shipped to the following:
Erieana Mayes
248 Reeceville Rd
Coatesville, Pa 19320
Feel free to send it the wishlist links to friends, family, and other members of the community.
If you have any questions or you would like more information for your gift, please reach out (mayese@casdschools.org/ X27530).
Buddy Classroom Activities-Balloons Over Broadway
Art Goes to School!
PTA Information
Highland Orchards Pie Fundraiser
Order pickup is today: Monday, November 25 from 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Holiday Shop!! December 2nd - December 6th
Students may bring in cash or Venmo the PTA.
PTA Meeting - Tuesday, December 3 @ 7:00 p.m.
The Student Directory is back!
Register online at (tinyurl.com/RVStudentDirectory) or return the registration form
You must register to be included in the student directory
PTA Text Alerts - text "@reeceville" to 81010 to sign up
Questions? Contact president@reecevillepta.org