High School Weekly Update
Principal Thoughts
This Wednesday will mark the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. This was a defining moment for those of us who were old enough to comprehend the significance of this event. Our country was forever changed on that beautiful September morning, and we should always remember the loved ones who were lost on that day. Unfortunately, I have not been able to visit "Ground Zero" in New York, but several people I know who have had this opportunity have described what a powerful and moving experience it is. I get chills when I think of the fire fighters and police officers who entered the World Trade Center buildings to help save as many people as they could before the towers came down. Many of them made the ultimate sacrifice to help others, and I can't think of any greater embodiment of a service mindset than this. Luckily, our society is full of individuals who are willing to put others above themselves, and, even though 9/11 was a tragic event, I am also inspired when I think about the brave men and women who answered the call on that day. Never forget.
Gray Stone Band and Chorus
We are excited to begin band at both middle and high school.
Band Rehearsals are scheduled for (Room 903 in the MS):
Monday 3:00 to 4:00
Tuesday 3:00 to 4:00
Wednesday 3:00 to 4:00
Thursday during Knight/Squire Time (8:15 am)
Chorus Rehearsal for high school (Room 102 in the HS):
Friday 8:15 am
If your student is interested in band and needs an instrument, you can rent/buy from these or any music store. Used/borrowed instruments are also fine.
Albemarle Music Store- Albemarle, NC 704-982-3815
Band Attic- Spencer, NC 877-230-4282
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. We will be starting on Monday, September 9. I’m looking forward to expanding the arts at Gray Stone Day!!
Dr. Frank Poolos - fpoolos@graystoneday.org
Junior Trip to DC
Today is the last day to sign up for the Junior trip. Deposits can be paid here. Please reach out to Mr. Honeycutt at choneycutt@graystoneday.org if you have any questions.
Knight of the Week
We are proud of you, Vinny!
Upcoming Athletic Events
I'm a parent, and I need to come to school to check out my child. Where should I go?
Please use the marked visitors spaces located in front of the high school. Please keep in mind that early check-outs are not permitted for any reason after 2:25 p.m. Please plan accordingly.
Lunch Menu
Monday Pasta (Meat or Alfredo Sauce), Garlic Bread, Salad Bar
Tuesday Hamburgers, Mac & Cheese, Salad Bar
Wednesday Beef Taco Bar, Salad Bar
Thursday Chicken Pie, Fruit, Salad Bar
Friday Pizza (Cheese or Pepperoni)
Previously Shared Information
ACT/SAT Prep Course
Gray Stone would like to announce a test preparation opportunity that is available to students. On Saturdays during the coming weeks, one of the school’s English teachers, Andrew Hodges, will lead a class in ACT and SAT preparation. Please see the attached letter or contact him for more information at ahodges@graystoneday.org.
The Lance General Meeting
The LANCE is a parent led organization that supports and enhances the existing programs of Gray Stone Day School. We work with the school, parents, teachers and community to support academics, athletics and social programs for the students and staff.
If you are interested in joining, please visit the Lance page on the GSDS website by clicking here.
General Meeting Schedule
Sep 3, 2024 6:30 PM
Nov 5, 2024 6:30 PM
Jan 7, 2025 6:30 PM
Mar 4, 2025 6:30 PM
May 6, 2025 6:30 PM
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86941536323
Picture Day
Picture day will be on Monday, September 16 with a makeup day on Monday, October 7. Please do not wear green, as it will interfere with the image background.
Help Needed with Concessions
Hey Knight Families! We need your help to support our athletic programs by volunteering for concessions for our 2024 fall season. Please review the available slots on Sign Up Genius. Thank you!
Morning/Afternoon Drop-off/Pick-up Reminders
Thank you for your patience and flexibility this past Wednesday during AM/PM Car Rider line. I wanted to remind you of a few things that will help our line run as safely and efficiently as possible:
- Be patient. This is not the time to be in a hurry, and the first couple of weeks are usually the slowest as it takes time for folks to settle into the routine.
- Only drop-off/pick-up in the area between the Middle School and High School. Please do not drop-off/pick-up in front of the High School or in a staff or student parking lot.
- Once you enter the designated drop-off/pick-up zone and come to a complete stop, your child should exit the vehicle on the side of your car closest to the nearest sidewalk and proceed to the crosswalk.
- Do not stop to drop-off/pick-up in a crosswalk.
- Your child should only cross at the crosswalk, and they should wait to be motioned across by the staff member on duty. They should never cross in the middle of the drop-off/pick-up zone.
- After 8:00 a.m., use either lane for drop-off (high school side only prior to 8:00 a.m.). If your child is on the Middle School side, they should exit your car on the side facing the Middle School, proceed to the sidewalk, and come to the crosswalk if they need to cross. Your child should wait to be motioned across by the staff member on duty.
- If you are picking up a High School student (also includes those who are picking up a High School and Middle School student), please do not arrive on campus until after Middle School dismissal at 2:40.
- Once you arrive on campus and it is safe to do so, make contact with your child to let them know they need to come outside. Your child should be outside and ready to go once you pull into the drop-off/pick-up zone.
- After 3:00 p.m., use either lane for pick-up. If you have a high school student, and you are on the Middle School side, please inform your child as soon as it is safe to do so. Your child should then proceed to the crosswalk and wait to be motioned across by the staff member on duty. This process should be followed if you are picking up a High School student and a Middle School student and you are on the High School side. Your Middle School student should wait at the crosswalk until they are motioned to cross by the staff member on duty.
- Students who have not been picked up by 3:30 p.m. and are not attending an athletic/club event or waiting on a sibling/rides with someone who is at an athletic/club practice will be asked to wait under the Outdoor Pavilion.
Parking Pass Payment Link Ready
If your student will be parking on campus, they will need to purchase a parking pass for $35. You may make payment by clicking here.
Driver's Ed
About Us
Email: slisk@graystoneday.org
Website: graystoneday.org
Location: 49464 Merner Terrace, Misenheimer, NC, USA
Phone: 704-463-0567
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrayStoneDay/
Twitter: @graystoneday