WDMCS Staff Newsletter
Dec. 6, 2023

In This Edition: Dec. 6, 2023
- Dr. Adams' Video Message to Staff
- Important Communication/Technology Updates
- Human Resources Updates: COVID Protocol, Mandatory Reporting Training, Religious Neutrality
- Strategic Plan Update: Community Forums and Strategic Planning Team
- Winter Assistance Resources
- WDMCS Partnership with Special Olympics
- New Board of Education Members and Upcoming Board Meeting
- Staff Safety/Security Newsletter Reminder/Link
Update Personal Contact info for Alerts
Watch the how to video or follow the instructions below:
- Log into Infinite Campus from Quick Links on our website homepage. All WDMCS employees should use the Staff Sign In with Google button.
- Once you’re logged in, look at the top navigation for My Account.
- Then look for the column labeled My Data. Under it you'll find My Demographics.
- At the top of your profile, you will see a button labeled Request Demographic Update. Scroll down until you find Personal Contact Information. The Personal Contact section is where you’ll type in your mobile and/or home phone number to receive emergency notifications from the district including school delays and/or cancellations due to extreme weather conditions. You may also choose to add a personal email address.
- The last step is very important in order for your update to be approved and saved into the system. At the top of your profile you will see a button labeled Save Request. Be sure to click that button to send your request for approval.
TalkingPoints Updates
Check out the latest tips to leverage TalkingPoints with your families.
- If you learn a family's preferred language for communication is DIFFERENT than their primary home language, fill out this form so we can update Infinite Campus.
- If you receive a reply in TalkingPoints in a language other than English, that means we need to update their preferred language in communication to the language they are texting to you.
- If a family says they aren't getting texts, check to see if they have the app downloaded. It will say "app" in purple by their name. A family cannot receive texts when they have the app. They can delete the app to receive texts again.
- If no contact information is showing up for a family, it may mean they do not have a valid cellphone number. It may say "Invalid" in red next to a name.
- Questions? Contact School/Community Relations for support.
COVID Protocol Update
Mandatory Reporter Training
- If you have completed the training and are still getting reminders from SafeSchools, go into SafeSchools and mark it as 'complete.'
- The training should be complete by Dec. 31. If you need additional time, please email Emily Schultz.
Religious Neutrality Reminder
As we prepare for winter break, we want to remind WDMCS employees to keep in mind the diversity of our students, staff, and families.
This holiday season is a time for many to celebrate and connect. At the heart of this topic is a desire for all of us to be cognizant of the rich diversity of our community, so we want to share some reminders.
Holiday decorations should not be placed in district buildings, classrooms, or offices. As a public school district, we must remain neutral when it comes to religion. We are committed to protecting the best interests of all students, staff, and families by responding to concerns and adjusting any past practice as needed, so that we can provide the best learning environment possible.
If you have additional questions regarding religious neutrality, please reference Board Policy 603.06.
Strategic Planning Team and Community Forums
West Des Moines Community Schools (WDMCS) is pleased to announce we are starting a strategic planning process. This process will allow us to develop an up-to-date operational plan and provide clarity and focus to our work for the next several years. The process will take place through August 2024.
Approximately 30 WDMCS employees make up the Strategic Planning Team. This group will meet several times throughout the school year and will help guide the direction of a new plan. Over a dozen student, staff, and parent/guardian focus groups are also scheduled to hold meetings. The feedback collected from the meetings will be shared with the Strategic Planning Team.
View Strategic Planning Team Member List >
In addition to focus groups, the district is hosting two Community Forums this month. These meetings are open to the public and are an opportunity for all stakeholders to learn more about the process and provide feedback. Please share this information with others.
Monday, Dec. 18, and Tuesday, Dec. 19
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Learning Resource Center
RISE Culturally Responsive Food Drive
Valley High School's Refugee and Immigrant Student Embassy (RISE) will collect culturally responsive food items Jan. 3-Feb. 14, 2024, to donate to four local refugee resettlement agencies: USCRI, LSI, IRC, and Catholic Charities. All food items will be equally distributed to the agencies, and food will be given directly to newly resettled families in our community.
More Community Resources
Additional community resources, winter and year-round, are available on the district website. See information from Clive Community Services, West Des Moines Human Services, EveryStep, and more.
WDMCS Partners with Special Olympics as Unified Champion Schools®
WDMCS is excited to announce we are partnering with Special Olympics Iowa for the 2023-24 school year as Unified Champion Schools®. This partnership will provide our students receiving special education services with additional opportunities and promote school environments where everyone feels welcome, valued, and included at school and in the community. We will also celebrate Inclusion Week districtwide March 4-8, 2024. Watch for reminders and more information about how WDMCS will celebrate Inclusion Week in early 2024.
Board of Education Updates
New Members and Leadership
Newly elected WDMCS Board of Education members Michael Andreski, Ph.D., and Elizabeth Larson were sworn in during the Board’s organizational meeting on Monday, Nov. 27. The Board then voted on its leadership, selecting Lila P. Montoya Starr as president and Anadelia Morgan as vice president. They will each serve one year in their role. Morgan is anticipated to transition to president in November 2024.
Jill Caton Johnson, Ph.D., and Jeff Hicks were reelected. Hicks served as president from November 2022 through November 2023.
Liz Cox and Lonnie Dafney, who did not seek reelection, have completed their service to the Board. We are grateful for their years of service and the positive impact they both made for our district.
The WDMCS Board of Education represents the families and citizens of our community. WDMCS Board members are elected at-large, which means they represent the entire school district. Each school board member is elected for a term of four years. Terms are staggered to ensure continuity of leadership. Board members do not receive any compensation for their service.