Conroe High School Tiger Tracks
September 15, 2024
Message from Dr. Smith and Mr. Meyer
Hello Conroe Tiger Families,
We had another great week at Conroe High School! Our 1st Pep-Rally of the school year was held on Friday and it was a great one! We're so proud of our Seniors and their leadership!
We would like to remind you that September 20th is this Friday! This is an important UIL Eligibility Date which is the last Friday of the first 6-weeks of school. Your student must be passing all of their classes on their September 26th Progress Report to participate in UIL Events. If they are not passing, they will lose eligibility. If your students needs additional support, have them speak to teachers about tutorials opportunities. Here are a few updates and reminders:
Our current attendance rate is: 93.5%. It is important that your child is in class each day unless they are ill. In the event your child does miss school, please be sure to email our attendance office. Also, please remind your child to get with their teacher about any work they missed.
CHS Main Attendance: CHSAttendance@conroeisd.net
CHS9 Attendance: CHS9Attendance@conroeisd.net
Our campus is very large and we have a lot of students, but we have put measures in place to ensure students arrive to their next class work. Outside of car rider traffic and late buses, there is no reason any student should be tardy. If your student is not in car rider traffic or on a late bus, they should arrive to class on time. If your child is caught in a tardy sweep, they will receive a consequence. More information to come regarding our tardy sweeps.
Don’t forget about our upcoming Parent Information Nights! You will have a chance to have a grade level meet and greet with your students’ teachers between 5:15 and 6:15. It is not a time for a parent conference, but an opportunity to hear about class expectations for grades, assignments, projects, etc. We look forward to seeing you there! Let us know what questions you have.
Juniors- September 16, 2024
Sophomores September 23, 2024
Thank you to those who have joined PTO! You can still join if you haven't already done do. The membership fee is only $10 and funds raised from membership fees and fundraisers are used for staff incentives and student scholarships. The link to sign-up is below! We hope you can join today!
Follow Conroe High School PTO on Facebook
We are incredibly proud of the success many of our teams are having and we love the way our students show up to support! I want to remind you that if your child is struggling with truancy, tardies or behavior they may be at risk of not being able to attend extracurricular activities. An Assistant Principals will contact you if your child is on the Do Not Admit list for extracurricular activities.
If you need to apply for the free and reduced lunch program please visit the Conroe ISD Child Nutrition website. If you are in need of information regarding the program please see the attached flyers for information. All applications must be received by September 25.
Free and Reduced Information - English
Free and Reduced Information - Spanish
Per CISD Board of Trustees Policy CO (Local), students are allowed 15 days (breakfast and lunch) to charge their meals. This time period is allowing for families to navigate any financial challenges or apply for the school lunch program (free/reduced meals). Once the 15-day charges have expired, the policy dictates that administrative procedures be developed to address students that exhaust the 15-day limit on insufficient balances. Please see this document for more information.
2024-2025 yearbooks: Yearbooks are now on sale for this school year! Pre-sales will start at $70. Order yours today at yearbookforever.com. Prices will go up to $85 on Sept. 8.
School Pictures See below for information about school pictures. The subject listed indicates the class your student will take their pictures through!
Monday - Sept. 23
Grades 10th & 11th - English
Tuesday - Sept. 24
Grades 10th & 11th - English
Wednesday - Sept. 25
Grade - 12th* - English
Thursday - Sept. 26
Grade - 12th* - English
Grade 9th - Social Studies
Friday - Sept. 27
Grade 9th - Social studies
If a senior has already taken their cap and gown picture at the studio, they do not have to take it again on picture day.
Call imaginLIGHT Photography at 936-756-4443 to book your studio appointment before November 8, or have your picture taken on campus on Sept. 25/26.
**Retake day will be scheduled after picture week.**
Photos in yearbook: Students and parents can submit photos to be used in the yearbook, but it is not a guarantee. Submit online through Yearbook Snap, using the code: flare.
Students are currently enrolling in AP classroom to support their advanced academic learning in their advanced placement courses for the 2024-2025 school year. Students in AP classes are expected to take the end of course exams in May for potential college credit.
Advanced Placement tests costs the following:
Free/Reduced fee - $25 per test
Regular fee - $75 per test
Registration must be completed by November 8th and fees will be assigned to students/families in SchoolCash Online.
If you have any questions regarding Advanced Placement testing, feel free to email Kim Sprayberry, Associate Principal of Student Services (ksprayberry@conroeisd.net)
The SAT School Day will be available to Seniors on Oct. 22nd Priority will be on first time testers and seating is limited. Tell your student they can sign up using the QR codes on the TVs and flyers around the school. If your student has any questions please contact Mr. McCune in office 119.
Please join us in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. The Spanish Club is hosting a Hispanic Heritage Festival on Friday, September 20th after school from 5pm-8pm in the Cafeteria. Live Music, Vendor Market, Performances and More! If you are interested in being a vendor, please contact CHS Spanish Teacher, Andrea Salinas: asalinas@conroeisd.net.
We love seeing our Tigers participate in our Spirit Days! This week we wear PURPLE as we recognize September as Suicide Prevention Month!
PLEASE HELP US PASS THIS INFORMATION ALONG TO YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS WHO DON'T HAVE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS! To increase safety at our Varsity Football Games, students in grades K-8 must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian to enter the football game. Please be sure to read the Conroe ISD Stadium Policies.
- Outside food and drinks are not allowed in the stadium.
No spectators are allowed on the field before or after the game.
Fans are not allowed to congregate under the stands.
Stadiums open 1 hour prior to kickoff.
Only CLEAR backpacks and handbags are allowed to be brought into the stadium.
For a full list of Conroe ISD stadium policies and more information surrounding the clear bag policy follow this link Conroe ISD Stadium Policies.
As a reminder all students must wear their ID at all times: visible, chest level and above, on their person (not attached to a backpack or held in their hands). Students who do not have their ID will be required to purchase a temporary ID for $1. This charge will be applied to their school-cash account. You can see if your student has had to purchase any temporary IDs or any other fees by checking their school-cash account. Fees and fines must be cleared as part of the requirements for students to exempt final exams in the spring.
Cell phones and their use is not allowed during instructional time. Instructional time is the time in which a student is in class. This means that if a student leaves class to go to the restroom, see the nurse, or report to the AP/Counselor office (for example) they may not take their phone from class. All teachers will have a designated storage spot in their classrooms where students are to put their phones. Cell phone use is only allowed before school, after school, during class transitions, and at lunch. Cell phones and smartwatches should not be used to capture video, audio, or images at school or on the bus unless given permission by campus staff.
In an effort to help our parents, we are moving to a Parent Portal for parents to access information about their child. You will login similar to the way your child does for school (similar to the SSO) to access school information. All parents/guardians will need to enroll to create an account. You will need the email address that is in your child’s record. Once you enter the email, you will be prompted to create a password. Please make sure to use this tool throughout the year to check your student’s grades, schedule, attendance and more. Teachers send notifications about grades through this portal as well.
Click Parent Portal Directions to for instructions or go to Conroe ISD Webpage then Parents/Students to access the link to the Parent Portal.
Only students in Grades 11 & 12 are allowed to purchase a Parking Permit to park on campus. We have many students who are parking on campus and they do not have a parking permit. See the link below for information regarding Student Parking Permits.
If your child will be riding the bus it is extremely important that you register for transportation. Please visit : https://www.conroeisd.net/transportation/ If your child will be utilizing the Late Bus any time this year, you must Register: https://apps.conroeisd.net/AlternativeTransportation/
We only allow deliveries from parents or family members who are on your child’s records. Food deliveries from food delivery companies such as Uber Eats, Grubhub, etc. are not allowed. Please be sure to communicate this to your child and know if food gets delivered by anyone other than a parent/guardian, they will be able to pick it up at the end of the school day.
If your child is interested in developing their creative side, learning new skills, planning, building and presenting a STEAM challenge, they should join our Destination Imagination Team at CHS! Please contact Mrs. Salinas for more information or stop by office 119 to pick up your application.
Please help our Conroe High Clubs and Organizations by attending a CHS Spirit Night Fundraiser or supporting a fundraiser. Details are below! See the flyers under CHS Events below!
On Monday, September 16, CHS Cheer is having a fundraiser at Canes!
On Tuesday, September 17, CHS Orchestra and Mariachi will behaving a Spirit Nigh as Cold Stone.
On Tuesday, September 17, CHS Band is having a fundraiser at Russo's!
On Wednesday, September 18th, the Golden Girls are having a fundraiser at Russo's!
The Golden Girls and Goldies are having a Fundraider with Little Cesars. Anyone who buys Little Caesars Fundraising Meal Deal Codes using this link contributes to the Golden Girl and Goldie Fundraiser. Plus, you save money on pizza, too. Click HERE for details.
Conroe Tiger Tennis has a fundraiser called RaiseRight. You can sign up to order physical gift cards, eGift cards and reloadable cards from RaiseRight, and a percentage of the sales goes directly to the Conroe Tiger Tennis Booster Club! Click HERE for details.
CTB is raffling 2 Homecoming mums. 1 entry, 2 chances to win a mum donated by Pretty Please Spirit Wear and Mums! Online entries only - $5 each or 3/$10. Entries close Friday, September 20th, winners to be drawn Monday, September 23rd.
If you are the Spirit Night Organizer of one our Conroe Tiger Organizations, please send your information to our PTO President, Lisa Neal! She has set up a calendar so we can be sure to share all Conroe Tiger Spirit Nights!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Please join me in congratulating the following Conroe Tigers:
Girls Water Polo - Our Girls Water Polo is still undefeated in district play at they beat Caney Creek!
Water Polo - Our Boys Water Polo team had a great win over Caney Creek
Varsity Football - Our football team opened up district play with a win against College Park!
Conroe Tiger Band - Way to go Cody Zuvich on your Jazz Region Band Placement!!!
- Cross - Country - Great effort by our boys’ team at the Texas A&M Invitational. Varsity was led by Josh Upshaw who finished 47th out of 550 competitors. JV was led by Carson Goswick who finished 40th out of 317 competitors. Great job guys! Way to represent Conroe High School!!!
We have included the Alpha Breakdown for our Assistant Principals and Counselors. Click Here to view it as well!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us:
Conroe High School: 936-709-5700 or contactchs@conroeisd.net.
Conroe High School 9th Grade Campus: 936-709-4000 or contactchs9@conroeisd.net
We greatly appreciate your continued support!
Sic ‘em Tigers,
Tasha Smith
Principal, Conroe High School
Kevin Meyer
Principal, Conroe High School 9th Grade Campus
MISSION - Conroe High School is a safe and supportive environment that promotes diverse programs with rigorous expectations by instilling Tiger PRIDE!
VISION - All Tigers Achieve
Be sure to CLICK HERE to view important updates and reminders from our CHS Counseling Team!
Conroe High School PTO
Please join our CHS PTO!!! Joining is easy, please click the link below to join! To stay current on all things PTO, please join the CHS PTO Facebook Group. If you have any questions, please contact our PTO President Lisa Neal: ptoconroehighschool@gmail.com
CLASS INFORMATION - Grades 10 - 12
Important Information for Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
Car Riders - Parents please be sure to look at the Student Drop-Off Map! Please plan for delays with the car rider line. Our doors will open at 6:45 and First Period begins at 7:15.
Parking Passes - Parking passes are only available for Juniors and Seniors who are eligible. If your child is driving to school please be sure they take care of everything they need to in order to purchase a parking pass. For information about parking passes, please click on the Parking Pass Info. If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to Debra Gray-Baca: dlgraybaca@conroeisd.net
CHS Car Rider Map
Important Information For Freshmen
CHS9 Car Riders:
If you bring your student to school by vehicle, then please remember that the traffic loop in front of the Ninth Grade Campus contains two lanes. Vehicles can utilize the inside lane (left lane) to help alleviate traffic. When our duty personnel see students getting out of the vehicle from the left lane, we will stop traffic in the right lane allowing your student to cross safely. Please remind your student to check traffic before getting out of the vehicle. Parents, please continue to drive slowly and safely in the student drop-off area. We appreciate your attention to safety and patience every day.
PTO has limited supplies of their Class of 2028 shirts and hoodies. If you would like to purchase, you may do so here - https://my.cheddarup.com/c/class-of-2028-35572
CHS9 Car Rider Map
Mobile App
Stay in touch with CISD by downloading our new mobile app!
Download the app on your mobile device today and select ‘yes’ to receive push notifications with the latest news and updates from the District.
Key Features:
• Push Notifications - Select ‘yes’ when you download the app to receive the latest push notifications from the District.
• Calendar Events - Add events to the calendar on your personal mobile device directly from the calendar section on the app.
• News - Check out the latest District-wide and school news all in one place!
Conroe High School
Email: resmith@conroeisd.net
Website: chs.conroeisd.net
Phone: 936.709.5700
Twitter: @ConroeHigh