Mrs. Trout's Weekly News
September 19th - 23rd
What an amazing week in Kindergarten!
Here is what we learned this week:
Language Arts: We completed an integrated unit learning all about apples and Johnny Appleseed. We read a variety of books about Johnny Appleseed. Students helped complete a chart about facts from his life. We learned his real name is John Chapman. Students illustrated and dictated or wrote facts they learned about this great pioneer. The Students sequenced the events of Johnny Appleseed's life in sequential order and dictated what events happened and why.
Phonics / Handwriting: We learned the letters E and F. Students had the opportunity to brainstorm words that begin with these letters. Students completed a variety of activities where they had to identify, write and illustrate words that begin with these letters. Students were taught the proper way to hand write the uppercase and lowercase letters.
Math: We explored the apples the Students brought in from home. We compared and contrasted the apples. We discussed the size, shape, weight, and height of our apples. Students weighed their apples on a scale and saw how many snap cubes each apple weighed. We charted and graphed the results. We measured our apples using snap cubes to see which Student had the longest or tallest apple.
Social Studies/ Science : We learned all about apples and how they grow. We read a variety of Non-fiction books about apples. We learned how they grow, where they grow and about the different varieties of apples. We used our five senses to explore how apples, taste, smell, feel and look. We did a taste test and charted how the different apples tasted and smelled. We made homemade applesauce and measured out the ingredients for our recipe!
Pictures of the week:
Football day!
Apple Fun!!!
Graphing apples by color
Sorting apples by size
We love Apples!
We measure how long our friends were in apples!
Apple measurement is fun!
Hudson was 7 apples tall!
Gianna's Apple equaled 55 snap cubes!
How many snap cubes does Nathan's Apple weigh?
Jack had 63 snap cubes weigh as much as his Apple!
Kindergarten loves Johnny Appleseed!
- PLEASE remember to have your child bring back their reading homework from Thursday night in the reading bag.
- PLEASE bring in an old big shirt smock for art class. Please label it with your child's name.
- PLEASE sign up for a first quarter conference below:)