Hilhi Happenings
Boletín informativo para familias de la Preparatoria: Hilhi.

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May 28, 2024
28 de mayo de 2024
Message from the Principal
Dear Hilhi Families,
Congratulations to members of the Class of 2024 who presented their Senior Projects last week. Our seniors have a lot of knowledge and ideas about how they will make a difference in the future! Congrats also go to all of our May Fete students of the year and senior May Fete Court. And, felicidades to all our Bilingual Graduates and Multilingual students. You are all amazing representatives of our school!
This week students get to share their talents during our Talent Show assemblies and Thursday night we celebrate the individual accomplishments of the class of 2024 at our Senior Awards Night. We'll start at 6:00pm in the auditorium. All are welcome to attend, and those receiving honors are notified (or check the list on the Commons wall outside the CCC). And, Graduation is just 9 days away!
We are almost to the finish line! This Thursday is our last after school tutoring session and we are wrapping up Summer School registration. Please support your Spartan in a strong finish by helping them get enough sleep, get to school on time, and prioritize their school work. Every day counts, especially these last few weeks of school.
Finish Strong, Sparts!
Cary Meier
Grade 12 Announcements
Graduation is June 6th at 7pm at the Hillsboro Stadium, Graduates need to arrive by 5:45 in their Cap & Gown
Gates open at 6:00 for ticket holders- no balloons, umbrellas, or noisemakers in the stadium.
Each graduating 12th grader will get 10 tickets with assigned seats.
Graduating 12th graders with extra tickets may give tickets to other graduates, Hilhi does not have extra tickets to give families wanting more than 10 tickets.
Spectators must sit in the seat matching their ticket number
Graduating 12th graders will have the opportunity to win extra tickets during Credit Crunch on May 16
If a family member has a physical disability and needs handicapped seating please have 12th graders complete this form LINK indicating the number of handicapped seats they need and if they have any family members in wheelchairs.
12th graders will get their graduation tickets on June 4th during SpartQuake
Wearing Items of Cultural Significance in Graduation Exercises (policy IKFB-AR)
Examples of items of cultural significance include, but are not limited to eagle feathers worn by students who identify as Native American, flower lei or maile lei worn by students who identify as Asian Pacific Islander, and stoles made of culturally significant fabric/cloths.
In determining whether to wear items of cultural significance during graduation exercises, students and families should consider cultural appreciation versus cultural appropriation. Cultural appreciation is the celebration of one’s own culture or connecting cross-culturally while seeking to understand and learn. Cultural appropriation entails exploiting or taking an aspect of a culture that is not your own and using it for your own personal interest.
Reminders about behavior and attendance:
Graduating 12th graders’ last day of school is June 4th, all 12th graders are required to attend all classes until their last day.
12th graders who do not complete all graduation requirements by June 4th should continue to attend classes until the last day of school for all students on June 15.
If a 12th grader is suspended during the 4th quarter may forfeit their opportunity to walk in the Hilhi graduation ceremony on June 6th.
Summer School
Hilhi will be offering summer school for students who need to make credits that are needed to graduate. Summer school will be twelve days and begin on June 17th and run until July 3 (July 19th is holiday), and it will be from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM each day. Students can sign up for the entire day (8:30-4:00), or they can choose to attend just the morning session (8:30-12:00) or just the afternoon session (12:30-4:00). Transportation will be provided for any student who needs it and signs up before May 20th, and breakfast and lunch will be provided for all students.
Information about student’s current grades and previous incompletes can be found on ParentVue and Studentvue. Parents/guardians should reach out to a Hilhi counselor with any questions about summer school
HSD Family Engagement
2023-2024 Family Engagement Calendar: Please see the upcoming PAC and Family Engagement Dates.
Greeting Hilhi families,
I would love to give a BIG thanks to our Pac parents who provided lunch and desserts for our teachers/staff for Teacher appreciation week. These parents work extra hard to be present in their students' academic life. I've attached my family outreach newsletter that I send out every MONDAY with several flyers and information that condense into one announcement. Reducing the number of emails you receive per week. Thank you for your endless support! Please remember to keep yourself educated on the events/resources available to you on my weekly newsletter!
Nancy Medel Mota
Family Outreach / Enlace Familiar
IB Exams
Congratulations to all the brilliant scholars who took IB Exams this May! 127 students sat for exams in at least one course, and with each course having at least two exams, our testing students wrote more than 550 exams total! That’s a whole lot of work and we are so proud of them.
Exam results are released on July 6, and students received an email from Mrs. Clemens in March with their PIN Code and other information needed to access their results.
For graduates wanting their IB scores sent to their colleges, this form must be completed by June 1st.
What is Spartquake?
Spartquake is our end of the year traditional fun and games. On Tuesday, June 4 (last school day for seniors), we'll end classes at 12:30 and all students will be able to enjoy a carnival like atmosphere with games, inflatable slides, and even a mechanical bull!
There will be food galore and time to celebrate an amazing year. While there are free items, food and games do require cash and tickets (proceeds support our clubs). Students will want to come prepared with comfy weather-dependent clothes (raincoats, hats, sunblock?) and money to spend. Regular free lunch will be available from 12:30-1:00. Since this is during school time, students may not leave campus without parent permission unless they have a regular early release schedule.
College & Career News
Noticias Universitarias y Profesionales
PCC Next Steps
Are you going to PCC or is it still an option you are considering? Meet with PCC representatives in May in the Hilhi College and Career Center to confirm your application, find out about placement testing, when to register for fall classes, etc. - Fill out this Google Form to make sure you are invited to a session in May.
Important Dates
Senior Awards Night | May 30, 2024 6-8 PM in the Hilhi Auditorium
Awards include College and Career Pathways, National and Academic Organization Awards, Chancellor’s Diploma, Valedictorian, Salutatorian, IB Diploma Candidates, Honors Graduates, Athletic Awards, Local Scholarships, First Generation High School Graduates and More. Students will be notified a few days before if they are receiving awards.
Grad Night 2024
Recaudación de fondos para la noche de graduación
2024 Grad Party
The 2024 Graduation Party Committee is busy planning fundraisers to throw an epic all-night grad party! We could use your help to make this year a success.
Contact us at:
Facebook: Hilhi Class of 2024
Dates to Know
Fechas para Saber
Thursday, May 30 | Senior Awards Night
Thursday, May 30 | Talent Show Assemblies in the morning
Tuesday, June 4 | SpartQuake & Seniors Last Day
Wednesday, June 5 | Senior Breakfast & Graduation rehearsal
Thursday, June 6 at Hillsboro Stadium | GRADUATION!
Thursday, June 13 | Last Day, grades 9-11, 12:30 early release, end Semester 2
June 17-July 3 (no school June 19) | Summer School
- August 19 & 20 | Spartan Days - Fall Registration
See the Hilhi Calendar for updated events.
Congratulations to Track & Field State Placers :
- Cole Lambing - 6th Place 300m Hurdles
- Ryan LeClair - 4th Place 400m
- Elizabeth Keen - 4th Place Para-400m & 6th Place Para-100m
Also competing were:
Preston Echeverria finished 9th in the Javelin.
Natasha Freimuth in the 100M and 300M hurdles.
Rebecca McGee and Larkin Nielsen in the Pole Vault
Benito Flores, Luke Hancock, Skylar Richard and Ryan LeClair in the 4x400 Relay
Visit hsd.k12.or.us/HilhiSnap to register.
In the fall we offer:
- Cheer (Coed) (Tryouts are June 3rd through 7th)
- Cross Country (B&G)
- Football (B)
- Soccer (B&G)
- Volleyball (G)
- Water Polo (B&G)
Starting in Fall 2024 season there is a fee for sports. Each sport costs $200. There will be a form you can fill out based on family income and household size that can reduce the fee to $100 or free per sport. The maximum fee for a single athlete will be $400 or $800 for a family for the year.
As mentioned earlier, the high academic performance of our spring sports and activities. Official results are in and the following teams made academic All State compared to all other 5A schools in the state:
Band 10th with a 3.49 GPA
Choir 10th with a 3.26 GPA
Softball 7th with a 3.59 GPA
Girls’ Tennis 7th with a 3.80 GPA
Boys’ Track 5th with a 3.55 GPA
Congratulations to Jazz Band for their qualification for the State Championships
Congratulations to our Seniors! Graduation will be Thursday, June 6th, 7pm at the Hillsboro Stadium (Tickets required)