COVID Return to Learn Plan
Hillsdale Area Career Center
Phase 1-3
If Michigan reverts to Phases 1-3, all learning will be conducted online or via distance learning. Currently, we are in Phase 4.
Learning in Phases 1-3
- HACC will work with local school districts to ensure students have devices and access to the internet.
- Students with devices and access, will be required to log into the online platform used by their instructor, daily, during their regularly scheduled CTE course.
- Students without devices and/or access will work with instructor to determine the best delivery method for materials.
- Participation, work completion, group work, individual work, discussions and assessments are all part of the course regardless of online or face to face instruction.
- Students are expected to attend HACC class, via Zoom, during their regularly scheduled class time. Attendance will be taken and reported to local school districts, daily.
- Students will still be required to fill out their employability sheet daily.
- Special education accommodations will be provided by HACC staff. Contact logs will be will be used to document what services were provided and when students received services.
Building/Teaching in Phases 1-3
- Lesson plans for the week will be communicated to families via the student messaging system. (Please provide an updated email address and phone number to ensure delivery)
- The building will be closed to students and all student involved in person meetings, assemblies, Work Based Learning/Internships will be suspended.
- Teachers will report to HACC, daily and deliver instruction via online platforms.
- Teachers will take attendance daily as well as assign grades to required work and assessments.
- Teachers will communicate with families/students regarding progress, needs and accommodations.
- Special Education staff will work with students and teachers to ensure there is regular contact and accommodations are administered.
Phase 4
Currently, Michigan is in Phase 4 which means that face to face learning is allowed. Hillsdale Area Career Center has opted to provide F2F learning, 5 days a week to families.
Instruction Phase 4
- Due to the hands on nature of Career and Technical Education, we are unable to offer online instruction during Phase 4. We do understand that there may be some exceptions and we will work with local school districts to identify those unique needs.
- If your student has opted for online instruction during Phase 4, CTE instruction will not be available online. Face to Face instruction, with safety protocols in place, will be offered at HACC 5 days a week.
- If a student must quarantine for 14 days due to exposure. It is recommended that the student work with their instructor to zoom into class during the regularly scheduled time.
- HACC will follow all required and highly recommended protocols listed in the MI Safe Schools: Michigan’s 2020- 21 Return to School Roadmap. See the "What you need to know, Phase 4 F2F instruction" section for an overview.
- The full plan will be available upon Board approval. The full plan will be available to families on the HCISD website and will also be shared via our school messaging system.
What you need to know: Student Safety (Phase 4)
Face Masks/Facial Coverings
- Facial coverings are required by all students, at all times and in all areas.
- If a student is unable to wear a face mask due to medical reasons, medical documentation will be required prior to a student being allowed in the building. Please make every effort to obtain documentation prior to the first day of school. *Facial Covering Exempt Form
- Students will obtain face masks from their home school prior to being transported to HACC. *For varying reasons, students may not have the opportunity to get a mask from their home district. HACC will provide facial coverings to students that do not have one upon arrival.
- To qualify as an approved mask, the facial covering must cover the nose and mouth while being secured around the ears or the back of the head.
- Shields alone are not considered an appropriate face covering.
- A focus will be placed on teaching hygiene protocols in each program at HACC.
- Teachers will model appropriate protocols in their classroom and allow time to practice.
- Hand washing and sanitizing procedures will be established and communicated to students and families.
- Students will be instructed on proper coughing and sneezing techniques.
- Students will be required to sanitize hands prior to entering classrooms.
- Students coming in close proximity to other students will sanitize their hands. This may come in to play during hands on activities, group activities, etc.
- Hygiene protocols will be posted for reference.
- Cloth and homemade face masks should be washed daily.
- Students will limit the sharing of classroom supplies when appropriate. At HACC, we often share tools and instruments. Proper sanitizing of items is required between uses.
- Students will sanitize/disinfect their area prior to leaving for the day.
- Students should bring from home: Water Bottles. All drinking fountains will be closed.
Space and Movement
- Students will enter the building through the double doors on the North side of the building. (Where the buses pick kids up). This is a change from last year where we had students enter the building through the main office.
- Students will remain in their classrooms until dismissal times.
- Tables/desks will be placed 6ft apart when possible.
- Teachers will maintain a 6ft distance from students as space allows.
- Routes for movement into and around the classroom will be posted and practiced.
- Family members and guests are not allowed in the building except under extenuating circumstances.
- Restrooms and changing areas are limited to 2 persons at one time.
- All seating will be faced the same direction
- Student breaks in the common area will not be permitted.
- Students will not be dismissed in the common area until their bus has arrived. 6ft distancing between students will be followed as students board the bus.
Student Screening
- Students should be screened at home prior to attending HACC/school. *If student has a temperature of 100.4 or higher, the student should not come to school. *If symptoms of COVID-19 are present, families should consider coronavirus testing. *Symptomatic students missing school, must be kept home until they have tested negative or have completely recovered according to CDC guidelines.
- Students will have their temperature taken as they exit the bus. Students that register a fever of 100.4 or higher will be considered symptomatic. The administration will contact the parents and local school district for further guidance.
- If a student comes to HACC late, they must enter through the main office door and the health screening will occur in the front office.
- Students that develop symptoms while at HACC will be placed in a designated quarantine area and parents, local districts and the Health Department will be contacted. *Health department will initiate contact tracing protocols *See Health Department Infographics for guidance (below)
- Students that have symptoms will need to quarantine for 14 days.
- If notified by the Health Department that your child has had a documented exposure, the student must quarantine for 14 days and be symptom free for 3 days without fever reducers.
- Please contact HACC immediately if your child has had a documented exposure recognized by the Health Department. The Health Department has defined a documented exposure as: A person that has come in contact with someone that has tested positive for Coronavirus. This contact must be closer than 6ft and for a duration of at least 15 minutes.