The Royals Report
October 2024

We are the Royals!
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society welcomed 20 new members on the evening of October 10th in the Community Auditorium. The induction ceremony was led by returning senior members, who conducted a traditional candlelight ceremony. Amy (Stark) Arnold, 2008 Mascoma graduate and NHS alumnus, was the guest speaker. In keeping with a long-standing tradition here at MVRHS, each new inductee was introduced and presented their official NHS pins and membership cards by a Mascoma faculty member. Currently, the NHS consists of 27 junior and senior students who have maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.33 or higher and have demonstrated their commitment to scholarship, service, leadership, and character through both their words and actions. Congratulations to all!
National Honor Society Elementary Schools Visit
The National Honor Society visited the 4 year old preschool classrooms at both the Enfield Village School and Canaan Elementary School during October. They spent time reading and discussing the stories and pictures with the preschoolers. After story time, each preschooler picked out a brand new book to take home and add to their personal library. This is a favorite service project of both the preschoolers and the NHS students. Our NHS members are great role models and hope to encourage a love of reading among young learners in our district. They plan to visit the preschool classrooms once a month throughout the remainder of the school year.
Artist in Residence
MVRHS’s art department recently hosted a week-long artist-in-residence - internationally acclaimed mosaic artist Cindy Fisher of Big Bang Mosaics. Students collaborated with Fisher to create a stunning 6x4-foot glass mosaic mural of Mt. Cardigan featuring local wildlife. Known for her vibrant, intricate mosaics and leading annual glass mosaic trips to Guatemala, Fisher guided students through every step of the process, from initial design to grouting. This residency offered students a unique, hands-on experience with glass mosaic art, allowing them to learn new skills, contribute to a lasting piece of art, and express their connection to the local landscape in a permanent, public artwork. The completed glass mural will be installed at the entrance to Mascoma High School. Thanks to Experiencing the Arts for funding this residency.
The Boys Cross Country Team are State Champions
The Bass Fishing Team are State Champions
ELO Student Spotlight
Taylor Mansfield has been working with Cardigan Veterinary Clinic as a Veterinary Technician during her school days. She leaves each day to get hands-on learning experience exploring a career path that has interested her for a long time. Taylor is also a proud member of Student Council, National Honors Society, Student Athlete Leadership Team, Interact Club, Mascoma Business Club, 4H, New England Hereford Association, and competes in cattle shows across New England. We are extremely proud of her hard work and excited to learn more of her experiences at Cardigan Veterinary Clinic.
If your business is interested in supporting a student's experiential learning opportunity, please complete the volunteer survey below.
Interact Club News
Mascoma Interact is keeping busy with fall volunteer opportunities. Most recently, they helped staff the Barbershop Harmony Society Hanover Chapter Concert that was held in the MVRHS auditorium a few weeks ago. Students ushered, sold tickets, ran concessions, served as a guide for visiting performance groups, and more. Additionally, Interact had their annual fall Rail Trail & Route 4 clean up on 10/26, participated in the Trunk or Treat at CES on 10/31, and will be ushering for the high school's production of Arsenic and Old Lace this November. They are also beginning collaboration with Lebanon Rotary & Interact Clubs, Windsor Rotary & Interact Clubs, and Ledyard on a spring Rise Against Hunger meal packing international service project. They will host a meet and greet with these clubs next month.
Math Team News
The Intermediate Math Team came in second place at their first meet. The next meet is at home on Dec 11th.
Club Update - Mascoma Writers Guild
The Mascoma Writers Guild, MVRHS’s creative writing club, has been setting new goals with the start of the new year. As they continue refining their craft, the Guild is currently drafting pieces to submit to the Scholastic Art and Writing competition and seeking more avenues for publication. Each month, this newsletter will feature a sample of student work from the Guild so we can showcase the amazing projects these students are taking on.
Additionally, be on the lookout for the Royal Review, Mascoma’s Literary and Arts Magazine which will see its first issue published in November of this year.
The Guild meets every other Tuesday, and their next meeting will be 10/29. All high school students are welcome to come and share a Halloween themed story, and vote on which story will be published in the next newsletter.
"This is Worth Protecting" photo contest winner
Congratulations to Silas Jukosky for winning the Teen Contest for the New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions.
MWG Presents: Featured Fiction of the Month
Mother's Bench - by Cheyenne Grace
People thought that sitting on the same bench everyday, year round got old. But it didn’t. At least, not for me. My whole life I had sat here everyday at four p.m. It was a habit I would never break, one I couldn’t break. And it would tie me to this town for the rest of my life. Sometimes I read aloud, and other times I just watched the seasons glide by, enjoying what they offered. Fall gave me leaves of vibrant colors, and the crunch of pinecones. It was the time of year I could wear my favorite red sweater, the red sweater that once did not belong to me.
Winter gave me a foot of snow to clean off the bench, and cold feet. It was the saddest time of year, the darkest too. Spring gave the gift of budding flowers and chirping birds. I sat here in rain or shine, enjoying the fresh spring air. Summer gave me sunburns and t-shirts. I still sat on the bench, no matter the weather, no matter the season, at the same time everyday. I sat on this bench from four to four thirty, and that would never change.
Sometimes I watched other people carry in flowers, and leave empty handed with tear streaked cheeks. There was an old dried up bouquet of roses from when my dad visited, over a month ago. He didn’t visit often, it hurt him too much. All I felt was numbness. Sometimes it didn’t even feel like she was gone. Sometimes I talked to her, tracing the letters of her name engraved into the granite. Little wild flowers were peppered around her stone, sometimes I would collect four and lay them on top of it. Her favorite number was four. There were four seasons, and she loved each one. I learned to love them too, I learned to see the beauty in each season, and what each offered. That was what my mother had taught me. And because I could never thank her when she was here, I sat on this granite bench to thank her for everything she had ever taught me. To thank her for all of the times she put my happiness before her own. To thank her for loving me with all her heart no matter how many times I yelled at her, or flunked a class, or messed up big time. To thank her for being my mother. I would sit here every evening for the rest of my life just to make sure she knew that I loved her, and I would never forget her.
Upcoming Drama Production
Science News
The physics class has been busy learning about how motion, specifically displacement and velocity, can be represented as graphs. Students are practicing translating graphs to movement and vice versa using motion detectors and graphing calculators. The calculator presents a graph and students work in small groups to translate how far they need to stand from the wall, how fast they need to move, and in what direction. The motion sensors allow students to see their motion graphed in real time on the calculator screen. Students take turns going first for each graph and then challenging each other to see who can match the graph the most accurately.
Guidance News
Volunteer Information
Volunteers are important to MVRHS. Here is the link for the volunteer forms. They can be returned to the MVRHS office. https://www.mascomaschools.org/career/volunteer_information
Upcoming Events
November 6 NH Apply Day
November 6 Future Opportunities Fair 1-3 p.m.
November 7 Senior Planning Night 6:00 p.m.
November 8 ASVAB Testing
November 8 and 9 Arsenic and Old Lace Production
November 11 Veterans Day - No School
November 13 Early Dismissal
November 15 Guidance Trip- Bring Back the Trades
November 27-29 Thanksgiving Break
Check out this video created by MVRHS students.
How to reach us:
Email: tfleming@mvrsd.org
Website: https://mvrhs.mascomaschools.org/home
Location: 27 Royal Road, Canaan, NH, USA
Phone: 603-632-4308
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MascomaSAU62/?ti=as
Twitter: @MascomaRoyalsAD