January WonderWatch
January 19th, 2024
Welcome Back 2024!!!
World of Wonder staff was excited to welcome families and students back after Winter Break! The last two weeks have been filled with relearning routines and revisiting expectations.
We are currently running our school fundraiser at Hungry Howie's. Information was sent home at the beginning of the month. For this fundraiser, we are selling coupon sheets. For every sheet sold at $25, World of Wonder will receive $18. We will be collecting the fundraiser form and money until January 31st. The money will be used to purchase materials for our shared spaces such as the library, gross motor room, and gym.
Thank you for all your support at WoW!!
Ann Majchrowski, Early Childhood Acting Director
World of Wonder Big Rules/and Conscious Discipline
WoW's, Expectations or Big Rules:
Be Safe!
Be Respectful!
Be Responsible!
Be Kind!
- WoW utilizes Conscious Discipline as a Trauma Informed, brain based social emotional model to support students learning with self-regulation and problem solving skills.
Free Books for Birth-5 in Genesee County
Flint & Genesee Literacy Network Brings Free Books to Genesee Kids Age 0-5 through Genesee Reads/Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Partnership!
Parents at WoW Meeting:
Inclement Weather
Looking into the new year and potential inclement weather days - World of Wonder will close if Fenton Area Public Schools closes due to inclement weather. No programming will run including all childcare. If you are signed up to receive notifications through the Instant Alert System and Mobile App, you will be notified with a phone call, text, and email. It will also be posted on the FAPS website, WoW Facebook page, and local news stations.
WoW Family/Community Events:
Important Dates:
- Wednesday, January 31st - Next PAW Meeting
- Wednesday, January 31st - End of Hungry Howie's Fundraiser
- Friday, February 2nd - Daddy Daughter permission slips due
- Saturday, February 3rd -Family Sledding Event from 10:00 AM- 11:30 AM.
- Thursday, February 8th - Mobile Dentist
- Friday, February 16th - Light Up the Night Event- 6:00 PM-8:00 PM
- Friday February 16th & Monday February 19th - No School
- Wednesday February 28th - PAW Meeting