Week 17! Welcome Back!!
Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible, Build Community
January 10, 2025
Breakfast and Lunch Menu Next Week
Black History Month is coming..
Are you interested in helping coordinate Black History month celebration(s) for our school in February? Please reach out to Principal Collins (dcollins@pps.net) and we can brainstorm how we might want to celebrate as a school community. I'd love to collaborate with you on this.
Quarter Two Report Cards are Coming!
Quarter 2 is coming to an end. Report cards are coming the first week in February. They will not be sent home by paper unless you choose for this to happen.
PPS as a district made the decision to not send paper copies of grading reports home. EVERYONE is automatically enrolled in this option. It is up to the individual parent to choose to opt out if they would prefer to receive a paper copy of their child’s progress/grading report.
We want to make sure that all families know and understand that unless you go into ParentVue and UNCHECK the box to only receive your student's report card on-line, you will NOT receive a paper report card for your student going forward. We are not trying to sway families into either decision, paper or paperless, we just want to make sure all families are aware of this new change.
Please see the link below for more information on how to receive your child's report card online or how to opt out of receiving paperless report cards.
Llewellyn Playground Update
Our playground update has turned into a much larger endeavor to create an inclusive, accessible, and climate-resilient natural space for both learning and play. The process is quite involved, so we're creating this space to provide you regular updates. Here's a quick update of what we've been up to and what we need your help with.
Here is what we are working on now:
- Juncus Studio Architecture Firm, PPS Faciilities, PTA preseident, a parent volunteer, and Llewellyn staff met to review data collected from surveys and community input on the playground vision. We also discussed how Llewellyn's school community partakes in a number of environmental science education opportunities and how we are working to nurture our partnerships with our community partners through the playground project. One area many of us noted at our meeting was the need to improve drainage on the field. In addition, we want to make sure the play area has a variety of activities for every student to participate in play during recess. Juncus Studio Architecture firm reported they will provide us with a draft vision for our playground in February.
- Approaching community partners to enhance our grant applications
- Finding and applying for funding (this will be a $1 million+ project when it's all done)
- Identifying landscape designers to create the designs once the site plan is complete
- Meetings scheduled with Friends of Oaks Bottom and SMILE
What we need right now:
- Anyone with grant writing experience willing to pitch in to help us put our best foot forward
Winter TAG Referrals
The Family and Teacher TAG referral window is now open and will remain open until January 10th, 2025. The goal of this second referral round is to identify students who may not have been referred during the Fall data-driven referral window. This includes but is not limited to, those students in K-2 who do not participate in MAP and OSAS testing, as well as those in 3-5 for whom computer-based assessments present a roadblock in demonstrating their academic level and need. Families of 2nd grade students who have scored at or above the 95th percentile on the screening assessment for intellectual giftedness (called NNAT) will be notified in January 2025 that their student will be evaluated for TAG identification based on that assessment.
The referral process this year has changed from previous years. Families interested in referring their student for TAG should contact their classroom teacher after the Winter break to discuss their student’s needs. Teachers submitting a referral will complete a reflection about their experience with the student in the classroom and consider several things, including:
How quickly does this student master new concepts and skills?
Is the student providing insights and thinking about topics in a way that is different from most students?
In what ways (if any) does the teacher already need to differentiate for this student to support their success?
Once this reflection is completed, additional work samples and assessment data will be collected before the Llewellyn TAG team meets to make a final decision. Once a decision is reached, parents will be informed via email, prior to April 24, 2025.
The TAG website has more information on evaluation and identification.
Oregon Budget Forum Opportunity
Did you know that Portland Public Schools are facing a $40M budget deficit in 2025-2026 on the heels of a $30M deficit in 2024-2025?
Do you want to do something about it, but don't know where to start? JOIN US for an Oregon Education Funding Forum for SE PPS Community
Monday, February 10th from 6 -7:30p
Duniway Elementary School Auditorium (7700 SE Reed College Place)
Your presence is powerful. The act of showing up alone moves the needle by demonstrating to our elected officials and district leaders that they cannot ignore the future of their youngest constituents. Bring friends, neighbors, and grandparents.
📚Learn directly about the current state and future of Oregon education funding from your legislators and district leaders – the people sitting at the table in key decisions.
📣 Hear our community speak up on the issues lack of funding is causing our children and schools – such as large class sizes, Special Education Services failing to meet federally mandated obligations, student learning deficits, drops in enrollment leading to reduced resources, and other impacts.
💪🏽Walk away with simple, meaningful actions you can take on your own time, to advocate to fund Oregon schools year-round.
We’re bringing together influential leaders who have a direct opportunity to impact funding for our schools, including:
Superintendent Dr. Kimberlee Armstrong
Director Eddie Wang (Zone 7 School Board)
Senator Kathleen Taylor (21st district)
Representative Mark Gamba (41st district)
Representative Rob Nosse (42nd District)
Our PPS communities are one of our strongest assets. Yet we remain limited in giving our kids the education they deserve with our current state funding. Coming together is a powerful way to leverage our community to influence change. Simply put, this is an opportunity to show up for all Oregon families in a concrete, meaningful way.
We hope to see all of you there!
The Duniway Elementary School Advocacy Committee
Statewide Assessment Opt-out Form
All 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will participate in a Statewide Assessment when we return. As required by the Oregon Department of Education, we are providing you with the 30 Day Notice and Opt Out Form for Statewide Assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics. The notice is available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Russian and Somali on the PPS Research, Assessment, and Accountability website.
Statewide testing is part of our balanced assessment system that offers all students, especially historically underserved students, opportunities to demonstrate their progress. Information provided by student assessments is critical in helping us determine district and school priorities for improving student learning.
If you have questions, please contact the office or your student's teacher.
From the Office
Parents - When you email us with attendance, call the attendance line (503-916-6256), or sign in your student late, please use the proper first and last names of your students. We are unable to look up students in the Attendance module using preferred names and trying to figure out who the student actually is can be time consuming. Thank you for your help!
Website news! The district is in the process of switching website providers, please be patient as the website changes daily. We essentially have no control over the website until the process is complete! Please reach out to the office if you have any questions that need clarification.
If you have a last-minute change to your student's end of day plans, please call the office by 2:00PM. After that, it becomes much harder to get a note to teachers before the day ends. PLEASE CALL! We cannot guarantee that emails to the office or teachers will be seen after noon. Thank you for your help in making sure your student gets where they belong after school!
Please feel free to reach out to the office with questions. The office is open between 7:00AM and 3:00PM on school days.
Volunteering at Llewellyn
We LOVE volunteers! If you plan to volunteer at Llewellyn at any time, a background check must be completed. This is done at the district level at no cost to you and is good for three years. Please keep in mind that it can take up to 2-3 weeks for the application to be processed, especially at the beginning of the year. Look here for more information, to apply, or to see if your current application is still valid.
PTA Happenings
Happy New Year to our Llewellyn community!! We have some exciting events coming up and one of our biggest fundraisers this month, Readathon and Reading Night with some very exciting guest readers!
Readathon will start January 21 and go through February 4. Our school goal is 100,000 minutes! We will have prizes for top readers at each grade level, top three classes, and most money raised. When we meet our goal as a school, we will have a school wide celebration!!!! Look for an announcement on Konstella next Monday, January 13 for how to get registered and ask for support from all your family, friends, and neighbors. Readers who register by Friday, January 17 will be entered into a raffle for a prize!!!
Monthly PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting will be January 21 in the Llewellyn Library at 7 pm. Our topics will be Readathon, Reading Night and Small Tall Ball. Principal Collins will be giving an update about our playground and school site design plan. We look forward to seeing you there!
Reading Night
Reading Night is January 30 and will be chock full of special guest readers, raffles and opportunities to add to your reading goals! We don’t want to spoil the surprise so we will keep our readers a secret for now :) We will need several volunteers for this event so please watch Konstella for the sign up!
Save the Dates
1/21 Readathon begins
1/21 PTA meeting in Llewellyn Library 7pm
1/30 Reading Night 6-7:30 pm
2/4 Readathon ends
2/7 Small Tall Ball 6-8 pm
Class offerings at Sellwood Community House
Sellwood Community House has new classes this winter for grades K-5!
Join us on Wednesdays from 5-6:30 pm for a beginning level sewing class that will incorporate both hand-sewing techniques and basic machine operation. Class participants will create an adorable stuffed bunny! This 5-week class is designed for 3rd through 5th graders. Session 1 begins on January 15th, so sign up now!
Is your child looking for a weekend activity? On Saturdays from 10 am-12 pm, starting February 15th, we are offering a 5-week art series for K-5 students, with long-time art educator Serene Greene. You can learn more about Serene and see the beautiful work created in the Art Literacy Academy here.
Register for both of these classes on the Sellwood Community House website!
Is your child interested in gymnastics classes right here in the neighborhood? Our classes are full for this term, but please fill out this interest form so we can plan for spring and beyond!
Info for 5th Grade Families Transitioning to 6-8
6-8 educators will be transitioning to a Standards-Based Grading Report Card. More information is available here: Link to more information.
Know Your Rights: Immigration Rights. A Message from PPS
We understand that the upcoming federal leadership transition may bring feelings of uncertainty for people in our community. This is especially true for many immigrants and people in marginalized communities. We also know that many of our students and families are experiencing similar feelings of fear and unease.
At Portland Public Schools, our commitment to equity and the inherent dignity of every individual remains steadfast. Our top priority is ensuring the safety and well-being of all students and staff, and we will continue to work tirelessly to uphold that responsibility. We are committed to upholding Oregon law prohibiting state and local law enforcement from arresting or detaining people based only on immigration status.
For additional resources please see the following: Know Your Rights: Immigrants' Rights | ACLU of Oregon
PPS Recruitment Day
The Recruitment Day will take place on Saturday, February 1st, 2025 at PPS Prophet Center (501 N Dixon Street, Portland, OR 97227) from 9am - 3pm. This event will be a great chance to directly speak with the SPED Department, School Administrators, and Human Resources about career opportunities. Scheduled and walk-in interviews will be available. More information can be found HERE.
Important Dates
1/14 2nd Grade Swim Lessons Begin
1/20 NO SCHOOL - MLK Jr. Day
1/21 PTA Meeting - 7:00 in the Library
Readathon Begins
1/24 End of Second Quarter
1/27 NO SCHOOL – Grading Day
1/28 NO SCHOOL – Teacher Planning Day
1/30 Reading Night 6:00-7:30PM
2/4 Readathon Ends
2/7 Small-Tall Ball 6:00-8:00PM
2/17 NO SCHOOL – President’s Day (possible snow make-up day)
2/18 PTA Meeting - 7:00 in the Library
2/19 Immunization Exclusion Day
2/20 2nd Grade Swim Lessons End
2/26 EARLY RELEASE DAY – School ends at 11:50AM
3/18 PTA Meeting - 7:00 in the Library
3/19 EARLY RELEASE DAY – School ends at 11:50AM
3/22-30 NO SCHOOL – Spring Break
3/29 Plant Sales Begin
4/3 End of Third Quarter
4/4 NO SCHOOL – Grading Day
4/7 NO SCHOOL – Teacher Planning Day
4/8-11 Book Fair
4/15 Plant Sales End
PTA Meeting - 7:00 in the Library
4/16 Class Picture Day