Weekly Update
RESPECT - November Character Trait
LIBRARY NIGHT UPDATE - Volunteers Needed!
VOLUNTEERS - we have 3 shifts for the BOOK WALK and 3 shifts for CRAFT AND STORY TIME. At story time, volunteers will support and be present to manage the crowd. At book walk, volunteers will press play and stop and call out names of the winners. Please email Mrs. Taylor or Ms. Underhill if you can take a 30 minute shift. Those that volunteer will get $10 credit to purchase Goliad gear!
- Send flyers home ASAP.
- November 14, 4-5:30.
- Each teacher in attendance will get a jeans pass.
- The class with the highest participation will receive a pizza party AND the teacher will get a one-hour lunch!
- A school bus will transport to and from Goliad one time.
- From all of us at Goliad, we gave Ms. Mary Wilcox a plant. Her father passed away on October 10th.
- From all of us at Goliad, we gave Mr. Ramirez and Dr. Knight a gift for Boss Day! They each received a gift card to their favorite stores, some of their favorite goodies, and Sonic drinks.
-From all of us at Goliad, we gave Mrs. Young a bouquet of pink roses.
Mondays in November are for Mrs. Young!
Donate $5 to wear jeans with a pink shirt on Mondays in November. This is optional but a fun way to show our support for Mrs. Young. All $$$ will be donated to help with expenses! Give money to Erika! We love you Mrs. Young!
Check out the order forms for the card boxes in the lounge. The cost is $30. Out of that, $13 goes to Mrs. Young! The other $17 goes towards the cost of the cards. There is also a 2.48 added for taxes.
Bracelets are still available in Mrs. Everett's classroom!
Feel free to host your own mini fundraiser in your grade level/classroom!
Come socialize for an hour with our community at Fall Festival. If you cannot make it, please talk to Zach ASAP.
Miracle Jeans Day
15 SCHOOL DAYS left until we get a glorious week off!
Everyone needs 12 hours of professional development before Thanksgiving break. Please talk to Mr. Ramirez or Dr. Knight if you have any questions about your hours.
Kindergarten Guidance
RED Day!
Tell Drugs to Take a HIKE!
Just a friendly rivalry...
Mr. Ramirez - Interactive Read Aloud in Mrs. Laqua's class.
Team Up Against Drugs
3rd Grade at Safety City
Welcome Haley Mata she will be our full time SPED aide
Lesson Plans due every Friday by 12Am Weekly Overview/GR lesson plans/Math focus plans(in the works)
Important Dates
Nov. 2 - Fall Festival 12:00 - 3:00
!NEW -- Nov 5 - PLC
Nov. 4 - 8 - 5th STAR base (Wilkey/Gibson/Trujillo) - Get lunch Counts to Gina
Nov. 6 - Process champs meeting 3:30 library
Nov. 6 - Curriculum and Instruction Walks on campus
Nov. 7 - 2nd Grade Field trip Pecan Creek Farm
Nov. 7 - Safety team meeting - Conference Room
!NEW - Nov 8 PLC bi weekly
Nov. 11 - Faculty Meeting 3:30 Library
Nov. 13 - Picture Re-takes
Nov. 13 - Miracle jeans day
Nov. 14 - Library Night TGCL - 4:00-5:30
Nov. 15 - Main Event - Schedule will be emailed out
Nov. 18 - Virtual LLI meeting
Nov. 21 - Safety Meeting
Nov. 22 - Assemblies
Nov. 18 - 22 - Scholastic Coaching- Molly
Nov. 25-29 - Thanksgiving Holiday