Greetings from Groveport Elementary
May 3, 2024
Principal Message
Dear Groveport Elementary Staff,
I wish the very best for our staff all year long, but Staff Appreciation Week is extra special and with it coming up next week I just wanted to send a note of gratitude. I am so thankful for the teachers and staff I currently work with and for the ones I had growing up as a student at Groveport Madison Schools. Thank you so much for making this a great place for our students to learn and grow. Please know I appreciate and understand how hard you work and how much energy and passion you put into Every Student, Every Lesson, Every Day! THANK YOU!
Much Love and Respect,
April :)
Focus on Learning
Ms. Wolf played Jeopardy with each of her math classes on Friday, April 26th. Each class was put into teams of 5 to 6 students to solve math problems in order to review for the upcoming math OST test. The categories were: Geometry, Multiplication & Division, Fractions, Volume, and Place Value. Each group of students had to work together to solve the problems in order to win points for each category. Ms. Wolf used a fun microphone to "host" the game and even included the Jeopardy music as the groups solved the problems. The kids loved it and it was a great practice review session for the math OST!
April Students of the Month
We are so proud of our April Students of the Month. Congratulations to the following students: Brantlee Abercrombie, Zariyah Edwards, Logan Brush, Hailey Myers, Lola Campbell, Sutton Tincher, Madeline Blei, Jed Adjei Kumi, Annaliese Evanichko, A'Miyah Edwards, Mikey Baxter, Sophie Tincher, Derek Nieto, Daryl Payne, Kendall Howard, Monroe Hill, Chris Dawkins, Blane Graham, Amil Dokes, Jojo Golden, and Jacob Ellinger! The Focus for April was Positive Leadership. The students enjoyed lunch with Mrs. Bray and the other students of the month. They were very appreciative of the pizza, cupcakes, and Student of the Month shirt. The character trait for May is Perseverance!
Arbor Day Celebration 2024
Thank you to the city of Groveport, Townhall, and Mayor Westcamp for making this celebration possible each year. We love this tradition and it is cool to watch the trees grow and mature over the years. The kids think it is so special that they will be able to come back and visit the tree they planted in 3rd grade.
Happy Birthday To You!
Mark Your Calendar
3rd = 2nd Grade Heritage Society Field Trip
6th = Talent Show Auditions Start
9th = Nationwide Children's Puberty Lesson for 5th graders - only send the letter back if you DO NOT want your child to attend.
10th = 5th Grade Discovery Day at ECC
17th = 4th Grade Historical Field Trip / 5th Grade DARE Graduation 2:15 (parents are invited to attend)
Scholastic BOGO Book Fair - 5/7 to 5/9. Create an eWallet and view details here - https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/groveportelementary
Sign-up to Volunteer during the fair - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4AAEA72CA4FEC70-49179807-maybogo#/
Tuesday, 5/7 from 4-6pm - Family/Open Shopping for BOGO Fair plus free crafts to make for teacher and staff appreciation week!
17th = Family Fun Night starting at 5pm - food trucks, play activities, information tables with prizes and give-aways, raffle baskets, sand art, blankets and t-shirts for sale, movie outside at dusk. Free admission!
Sign-up to Volunteer for this event here -
Super soft, high quality spirit blankets on sale now! Deadline for pre-orders is MAY 8th, for pickup at our event on 5/17. We will have a limited supply of 3 patterns for sale but pre-order to choose your favorite from 7 different designs! https://www.etsy.com/shop/CHPLocal?ref=shop_sections_largest&listing_id=1697751076§ion_id=48623121
Lunch Choices
Monday = Chicken Nuggets
Tuesday = Sloppy Joes
Wednesday = Salisbury Steak
Thursday = Chicken Tenders
Friday = Cheese Pizza
Thank You Pledge of Allegiance Helpers
Tuesday = Ella Meredith
Wednesday = Annaliese Evanichko
Thursday = Sophia Scott
Friday = Sir Phillips
About Us
Email: april.bray@gocruisers.org
Website: gocruisers.org/groveportelementary
Location: 715 Main Street, Groveport, OH 43125
Phone: 614.836.4975
Facebook: facebook.com/GroveportES
Twitter: @april_bray