Washington Newsletter
Washington News #Eagle Pride
October 18, 2024
Washington Upcoming Events
- 10/21 ALICE Drill, details sent from District 75 on 10/16
- 10/22 Board of Education Meeting - WA School presents on Math Instruction, 6:30pm
- 10/22 Book Fair, Shop after school 2:30-3:30
- 10/23 Conchas, Cookies, and Conversations with Principal, 6-6:45 pm
- 10/23 Parent Teacher Conferences 5-8pm, and shop the Book Fair
- 10/24 NO SCHOOL & Parent Teacher Conferences 12-8pm, and shop the Book Fair
- 10/25 Community Action Day, Paint the Playground 10-2pm
- 10/25 NO SCHOOL
- 10/31 Eagle Pride Assembly
- 10/31 Fall Celebration, DETAILS, Parade at 1:30pm
- 11/1 Picture Retake Day
- 11/5 NO SCHOOL
- 11/15 Early Release, 10:50am
- 11/15 GLOW DANCE, 5:30-8pm
10/31 Fall Celebration: Parades and Parties!
Celebrating Autumn is a favorite tradition for Washington students. We are excited to continue the tradition of a costume parade and party this year. Should we encounter inclement weather the parade will be canceled by 8:00 AM that morning with communication through Seesaw.
Here are all the DETAILS for the parade and parties.
To keep our students safe on that day:
- No treats
- Communicate any Dismissal changes with the teacher and office by 12:00pm
Morning Drop-off Reminders
With the change in weather and more families choosing care drop off, we have a few quick reminders.
Car drop off students:
Cars will be directed to the front circle where staff members will greet students.
Parents will be asked not to leave their cars.
Students will be directed towards doors 2 and 3 to enter the building between 7:40-7:50. Between 7:50-7:55 students through door 1.
Any student that arrives at 7:55 or later will need to be accompanied into the building through door 1 to be signed in by a parent or guardian.
The car drop off line forms along Orchard in front of the school to Greenview Ave.
There is no left turn from S. Prairie Ave onto Orchard.
There is no left turn from Orchard into the school parking lot during arrival and dismissal.
Book Fair Volunteers Needed 10/17 - 10/24
Community Action Day, Volunteers Needed 10/25/2024
WA is sponsoring a Community Action Day, October 25th. On this day, WA family and friends are invited to help us paint the recess blacktop with fun and engaging activities to support our students. Here is an example of what we will paint. Details:
- WA Recess Blacktop
- 10/25
- 10am-2pm
- All ages (we will provide supervision for students)
- All skill level (we are using stencils!)
Upcoming Parent Teacher Conferences & Conchas and Cookies with the Principal
- Please be sure to reserve a conference time with your student's teachers. Contact the teacher for scheduling details.
- You can also stop by for conchas upstairs in our PD room on 10/23, 6-6:45.
Box Tops Fundraiser
Thank you to everyone who participates in the Box Tops program. We have earned $279. Please check HERE to learn more and sign up.
Find Information HERE
- RevTrack: this document has details. For help with payment and balances, please contact Patty DeLozier, pdelozier@d75.org or 847-949-2700 ext. 2014.
- PowerSchool: directions for parent accounts is HERE If you have any questions, contact Diana Solis via email dsolis@d75.org.
- Teacher contact info: our staff list is on our website.
🍎 Mundelein District 75 Menus
Access the RevTrak website to pay for school meals for your child.